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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Malin

  1. I've dabbled in derby myself. I've seen some pretty ample girls on skates, there's got to be a pair out there. My Riedell Darts are a good, durable starter skate. If you are near a skate shop, they can recommend which wheels to put on them (I replaced my wheels not long after getting my skates). They may also be able to recommend a good plate that would accommodate weight. I'm a firm believer in not letting weight stop you from derby--we need ladies of all sizes on the track! Strap on skates sound like a good idea, but as a skater myself, I'd be scared to death those things would fly off. You want reliable footing and control and a good skate with a good plate and wheels can give you that. Hope it helps.

    AND ....as you lose weight, you can change out plates and wheels. :)

  2. I think my only moment of weakness was when I saw the GIANT Ferrero Rocher candy ball at Walmart. I didn't buy it but omg....I just wanted to sniff it....I love Ferrero Rocher. So much...*sniff* but no way am I going to eat anything with a big ol' hazelnut in the middle right now. I had one treat at xmas--crème brulee. I still have some in the fridge since there was no way I could have possibly finished it that night.

  3. Heya! I'm a lucky 13 (December 13) too! For Xmas we went to Ruth's Chris so I wouldn't have to cook. I sipped on some lobster bisque (picking out the lobster!) and hot tea. We went with friends so we had lots of conversation to keep me occupied at the table. My incisions look pretty good too. They're ITCHY. OMG, ITCHY. I had very little nausea. I'm already back to work too. I don't have any desire to eat crazy foods either. I'm pretty satisfied with the Protein shakes, but I have used Protein Shakes for years. I suppose if you are not accustomed to them it could be hard to feel satisfied with them. I'm down 10 pounds from the morning of my surgery. I try to stay busy at the house too. I sew, so I can always find something to do. I'm seldom bored!

  4. Can a special forum for Millennials be created so they don't get their feelings hurt here?

    DS surgery 12/14/2016

    With all the other sub forums here, it should not be hard. It could be called Gastric Sleeve for Millennials who need a Safe Space. :P

    ...with coloring books and puppies. There are some wonderful, smart and fun millennials out there. And then there are those people. Those people need either Spartan Man Camp or Big Girl Panties Seminar.

  5. @SleevedByChristmas I had mine 13 December. I felt pretty good! I have my moments, I get worn out easily, but despite all that I was able to get Christmas together for the family, work my 9 to 5 job AND even get in a couple of sewing jobs too (I own a sewing business on the side!). I think the GAS PAINS are the worst. I had hardly any nausea. The closest I got to vomiting was after I took my Cymbalta (broken open in applesauce). I almost felt 'too good' too! We're some of the lucky ones!

  6. We will see if you still feel like this next December.

    I'm glad you posted this but it is an absolute waste.

    It is like walking into a heroine den and talking to people about being clean. The people that are food addicts are lost causes, nothing is going to stop them from self harm.

    I like to think there are people who just read and absorb, and don't get into the fray. I'm writing mostly for them. And from now on when this kind of post gets made, I'll link back to this one as my only comment and move along. LOL.

    sent from mobile device

    LOL. Yes, we'll see. I get frustrated like everyone else, especially when vets are getting attacked for simply trying to offer common sense. But I'm pretty stubborn. And very used to repeating myself, as I'm a parent and a RN. LOL.

    HAHAHAHA! Right? After I taught public school, I found myself repeating EVERYTHING I SAID. REPEATEDLY. I am also a parent. We repeat things/talk to ourselves a lot, don't we? ;)

  7. My moment was when I had to cut the largest size of a pattern out for a costume I wanted to wear to ComiCon. (I'm a part time seamstress as well as a full-time gov analyst). And that pattern was the largest size set pattern. I was shocked. AND I had to make narrow seams to make that fit. YEAH...I had to do something instead of popping diet pills. THAT was an expensive, fruitless endeavor.

  8. Hi all, I was sleeved on 12/13 and have lost about 12 pounds so far. I feel like everyone around me, on this board, on my Facebook group, has been losing way faster than I am.. I just am scared I am going to be that person who only loses like 40 pounds despite doing everything right.. Any words of advice to calm my nerves and stop worrying about the weight loss timeline? Thank you..

    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

    I was sleeved the same day, and i'm only down 10. I know I wasn't as high a BMI as some, but I don't let the relatively slower weight loss get to me down. I just keep on doing what I need to do.

  9. @theantichick My mom is an RN. Registered Nurses are some of the smartest, in-tune medical professionals. Maybe I'm a bit biased. ;) thank you for saying this. Yes, our incisions are tiny. we can't see what's on the inside. I think your analogy of a baby's stomach is spot-on. All us recent sleevers, let's work hard to keep this investment in ourselves intact.

    And I've said this before here on the forum...my dad died after a gastric bypass in 1982. THIS IS A SERIOUS SURGERY, Y'ALL. And sure, it was a different time, the tech is much better...but the danger is still there. My daddy never left the hospital. Everyday I succeed with this, I dedicate to him and his struggle with weight.

  10. Thank you for this! I definitely needed to read this point of view. I was sleeved on 12/20. I had a few rough days with trying to get my liquids in. I also think I am "mourning" food. I had a meltdown and am slowing picking myself back up. I know with each passing day, it will get better.

    Sent from my SM-G920V using the BariatricPal App

    A friend of mine recently used those same words to describe her experience after her recent sleeve. It WILL get better. it's like basic training in the army. ;) It's hell the first couple of weeks, it's a head game, but each day gets better .

  11. I've found sipping SMALLER and nibbling has been good (I was sleeved 12/13) For me, I know my version of a bite or a sip pre-surgery was GULP and INHALE. I've had to train myself to sip insanely small. But it's becoming my new norm. Hang in there.I'm right there with 'ya.

  12. I think this person is fake guys! No info on the profile? Look im 6 days post opp & if anyone is having a hard time withe the 2 wk liquid post opp diet (followed by 2 wk soft foods) its me!!! But bcuz my dr. Is im Mexico, i cant play with this, at times i feel like im going insane ive been so hungery!T his person seems to hv given up before he or she left the operating table! Im a social media celebrity & i know all about fake profiles, some one could be play with us while we are taking time to type our heartfelt concerns.... think about it, you cant even physically sip the liquids b4 a few days , but this person says they been eating everything in less than a week? Dont sound right but, ok ... as you can see im hangry & have no sympathy

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    I look at it this way. Either this person is a troll, or she is not. If she is for real, then she really needs to get some good advice here, advice which sends her to more good advice and help locally. Nobody here is diminished by offering to help.

    If she IS a troll, then who loses? How pathetic does someone's life have to be to troll a weight loss forum? Maybe it is some pre-adolescent kid, or some neckbeard living in Mommy's basement, but the only person who loses is the troll.

    People who do good things to help other people are never diminished when they help, even when they are taken in. And if you are the kind of person to help others in time of need, you will be taken in at some point or another. That should not harden you to the needs of those you encounter.

    I'm nominating Little Bill for BP Forum Dad. :)

  13. I'd probably rip a fart and kill the mood. Was that TMI? I doubt it, I think we lost our TMI filter a long time ago on this forum. ;) seriously, so gassy and gross feeling at this point (13 days out) I can wait a bit.

  14. Every time I read a BM thread on here it's about Constipation post op. I am 4 days post op and have had diarrhea for every BM. I also just started my period today so I don't know if these two things are linked. Anyone else experience diarrhea for their initial BMs?

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    YEP! that's been me. That's all I've had. not related to period either, had period week before surgery. I'm just glad everything's working!

  15. Congratulations. I had mine 3 days ago. Still having pain where my drain tube is. I got it caught on something and ripped the stitches out. Also still having some nausea but other than that it is going well

    Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

    OWWWWWWWW..I hope you're doing alright now. I'm here at my office for a few hours, feeling kinda run down already but I've felt pretty good overall! Hang in there!

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