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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Malin

  1. I am scheduled for December 10th! I need some buddies to get thru the holiday season with food pressure..my family pushes food and gets offended if you don't eat their home cookin'. :/

    All the darn parties--the neighborhood has one, the office has one, then my company has one...then my husband's company. And they are AMAZING parties, food-wise. Luckily I 'll be in recovery during the party time. Besides, I didn't wan to buy another 'fat outfit' to wear to a party. I'll wait until next year and nibble on a couple of things in a cute outfit.

  2. HA! WE are HARDCORE! "normal" people might settle for January to start a major life change, but not us....nope! The cool kids start in December. ;)

    I am doing this now because my work get slow around December. And I'm afraid my husband is going to need surgery soon. So, if I don't do this now it's going to be harder to schedule. And honestly, WHEN is a good time to start this? I bet you could find any reason to put it off, right?

  3. ^^^^ Yes this was me! In the beginning I was gung ho so for about 3 weeks before I went to my 1st appointment, continued on for another 2 months and 25lbs later then I said HOLD UPPPP!!!!! Ok I'm having surgery in a bit... I understand that I need to grasp all these weight loss principles and all but I won't be at all eating like I've been accustomed to. I think I will enjoy myself for now... My Therapist says I was in last supper mode. I was! I went to Vegas and enjoyed the seafood buffets like no other, gave in to my cravings guilt free many times I left the weight mgmt. center and stopped by Mcdonald's on my way back to work just because!!! By the time I was ready for surgery... I was tired of it all. I was ready to embrace a healthier lifestyle. I would not miss a thing. I embraced my 2 week pre op diet as best I could... I was especially adherent 3 days pre op after... I didn't miss all those unhealthy foods. In no way am I encouraging this. Actually it was a horrible idea... but this was my experience and yes I can relate.

    OH YEAH. My surgery is scheduled for 5 December. I can completely relate. When I started this process it was like..ok! Let's start eating! Gonna have surgery soon anyway! I was like a deranged squirrel getting ready to hibernate--except my acorns were junk food! pizza Hut! Krispy Kreme! Dairy Queen! I could go on. But you know, it hasn't made me really happy though. Sure, it tastes good at the moment, but the way it's made me feel afterwards has only confirmed how dysfunctional my relationship with food has been. I feel like CRAP. And It's not helping me prepare for the life to come. I'm self-paying, and I have to tell myself that if I'm going to get a decent return on this investment I'm making in myself...I need to knock it off. I've cut out alcohol this week (a BIG one for me). Next week it's soda. But yeah, I can completely relate to what you are saying. I'm motivating myself by reminding myself this is a 9800 investment that I don't need to waste.

    How many of us have had food funerals? My pre op diet starts December 2nd so I have about 2 weeks left and mentally I'm like oh no I need to eat all my favorite foods! Chinese, Chipotle, pizza etc.... but my gut is telling me don't do it! So I'm curious how many people felt that way before that they needed to get all their favorites in before pre op and before this life change, and how many people actually gave in and ate those foods? Like yesterday I wasn't even hungry but I passed a chipotle and was like should I go in and get some?! I might never be able to again! and then I was like that is pathetic Marina don't think like that, your not even hungry, so don't eat! so I didn't go but it made me realize my relationship with food and that I'm literally almost scared of that fact that I won't be able to eat this stuff anymore, so I decided that instead of spending money on food, every time I wanna go buy and eat food I shouldn't instead of doing so I'm gonna stand my ground and put that money I would of spent on that food to the side and I'm gonna save up that money and set goals for myself of none relation food items I want and when I save enough money for that item I'm gonna reward myself for not giving into my head hunger, I know to some that might sound dumb but I personally know that will help this food addict over here, anyone else have tips on what helped them? Thanks everyone!

    LAST SUPPER MODE! Yep! that's been me! (and oh! Those Vegas buffets!!! ) But I am tired of it. The novelty has worn off. I'm ready to get into gear. Thanks for sharing/relating. Glad I'm not the only one. My last hurrah in FattyLand is over.

  4. How many of us have had food funerals? My pre op diet starts December 2nd so I have about 2 weeks left and mentally I'm like oh no I need to eat all my favorite foods! Chinese, Chipotle, pizza etc.... but my gut is telling me don't do it! So I'm curious how many people felt that way before that they needed to get all their favorites in before pre op and before this life change, and how many people actually gave in and ate those foods? Like yesterday I wasn't even hungry but I passed a chipotle and was like should I go in and get some?! I might never be able to again! and then I was like that is pathetic Marina don't think like that, your not even hungry, so don't eat! so I didn't go but it made me realize my relationship with food and that I'm literally almost scared of that fact that I won't be able to eat this stuff anymore, so I decided that instead of spending money on food, every time I wanna go buy and eat food I shouldn't instead of doing so I'm gonna stand my ground and put that money I would of spent on that food to the side and I'm gonna save up that money and set goals for myself of none relation food items I want and when I save enough money for that item I'm gonna reward myself for not giving into my head hunger, I know to some that might sound dumb but I personally know that will help this food addict over here, anyone else have tips on what helped them? Thanks everyone!

    and funny you bring "food funerals" up. I was just chatting with a friend this morning that was sleeved last month. She said she truly mourned the loss of food the first week. Then the second week that feeling passed. Doesn't that speak volumes of how we use food --not as a fuel but as a drug? WLS is like that intervention and that first week in Rehab. You're given the tools of how to cope in the real world without drugs. For us food addicts it's harder...we HAVE to eat to live. I appreciated her honestly in admitting she mourned food.

  5. How many of us have had food funerals? My pre op diet starts December 2nd so I have about 2 weeks left and mentally I'm like oh no I need to eat all my favorite foods! Chinese, Chipotle, pizza etc.... but my gut is telling me don't do it! So I'm curious how many people felt that way before that they needed to get all their favorites in before pre op and before this life change, and how many people actually gave in and ate those foods? Like yesterday I wasn't even hungry but I passed a chipotle and was like should I go in and get some?! I might never be able to again! and then I was like that is pathetic Marina don't think like that, your not even hungry, so don't eat! so I didn't go but it made me realize my relationship with food and that I'm literally almost scared of that fact that I won't be able to eat this stuff anymore, so I decided that instead of spending money on food, every time I wanna go buy and eat food I shouldn't instead of doing so I'm gonna stand my ground and put that money I would of spent on that food to the side and I'm gonna save up that money and set goals for myself of none relation food items I want and when I save enough money for that item I'm gonna reward myself for not giving into my head hunger, I know to some that might sound dumb but I personally know that will help this food addict over here, anyone else have tips on what helped them? Thanks everyone!

    OH YEAH. My surgery is scheduled for 5 December. I can completely relate. When I started this process it was like..ok! Let's start eating! Gonna have surgery soon anyway! I was like a deranged squirrel getting ready to hibernate--except my acorns were junk food! pizza Hut! Krispy Kreme! Dairy Queen! I could go on. But you know, it hasn't made me really happy though. Sure, it tastes good at the moment, but the way it's made me feel afterwards has only confirmed how dysfunctional my relationship with food has been. I feel like CRAP. And It's not helping me prepare for the life to come. I'm self-paying, and I have to tell myself that if I'm going to get a decent return on this investment I'm making in myself...I need to knock it off. I've cut out alcohol this week (a BIG one for me). Next week it's soda. But yeah, I can completely relate to what you are saying. I'm motivating myself by reminding myself this is a 9800 investment that I don't need to waste.

  6. My great aunt is a diabetic nurse. She had gastric bypass 30 years ago. She ended up with every known side effect and major issues that included having medically procribed liquid diet fed directly into her stomach thru a port in her side.... but she still recommends the surgery.

    She lost almost all of ber excess weight and kept more than 60% of the weight off over these 3 decades and aknowledges that she is a "one off" and most people dont have the same issues.

    HW 385 SW 359 CW 335 (50lbs down!) Sleeved 10/5/16

    She was brave to try that back in the day. I am fairly certain that the surgeon who did my father's surgery wasn't an expert at it. I know my mom pursued malpractice case against the surgeon. The procedures have come a long way since then. And it's a testimony to the positive affect the surgery can be that she still recommends it after all she went through. In a way, I feel I have an advantage going into this surgery because I have a healthy respect/fear of the importance of following the diet and what can go wrong. Thanks for sharing your aunt's story.

  7. @Malin: I did not have the same dramatic experience you did, but I have a sister, a cousin, an aunt, an uncle and a few coworkers who all had some form of weight loss surgery, most gaining at least a significant portion of their weight back. I was THAT nay sayer. "oh, you don't want to do that! The weight comes back! It is just a temporary and unrealistically drastic measure to do to yourself." etc...

    Well after having a hysterectomy at 38 and shortly there after turning 40. I gained 10 pounds a year and started losing interest in the things I previously enjoyed: travel, biking, the beach, swimming. I was embarrased of my lack of self control and I no longer felt remotely attractive. I felt like a spectacle and eating out became very uncomfortable. I started researching the sleeve almost 3 years ago. For a short time considered Lap Band. It took me 2 1/2 years to make up my mind. And when I did, I was all in. I had my surgery 6 weeks ago. I am down 38 pounds. And feel better in my own skin already. I am more confident and comfortable and looking forward to an upcoming family vacation- like I haven't in years. And that is after only SIX WEEKS! I feel like I have been given a second chance to live my life as an active, healthy adult. I have genetically high cholesterol, fatty liver disease, back pain, GERD, and have struggled with Plantar Fasciitis. My PF is gone, no more heartburn, back and hip pain diminished, and I look forward to my next blood test to see where my cholesterol and liver enzymes are. The procedures have come a long way. I am so happy for you. December is right around the corner. The holiday happenings will be tough, but it is so do able and you will not be hungry so it will be easier than you think. Good luck!

    I can relate to everything you're saying here @mrssoupmix my cholesterol issues are also genetic (not to mention the obesity). I developed Plantar Fascitis in the Army, and with the weight gain I've become queen of the frumpy shoes. And I completely agree--the procedures have come a long way. That's the first thing the surgeon told me after I shared the story of my father. I feel like this surgery isn't just about the weight, it's about EVERYTHING--the apnea, cholesterol, arthritis, PF, you name it. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I can't say this is my 'surgery story' as I have not had my surgery yet, however this is my story.

    Whenever someone told me they were having weight loss surgery done, I felt compelled to talk them out of it. I felt it was my duty to do so. See, my father died after having a gastric bypass in 1982. He was only 31. He had broken his arm after a fall at work, and he was told he needed to lose weight to prevent another accident. Given the devastating impact his death had on our lives, I felt I had a righteous mandate to preach the dangers of weight loss surgery. DOOM. DISASTER. DEATH. Yeah, needless to say I was judgmental and unsupportive to people I knew who sought this treatment.

    As an interesting turn of events, my mother--the woman who lost her husband in 1982, underwent a gastric sleeve a few years ago. The night before her surgery I let her have it. Blamed this on her trying to impress her boyfriend. Gave her a guilt trip--heck, I gave her the guilt all-inclusive grand tour.

    But, oh, how I was wrong!

    The first time my children saw her after the surgery (a few months later), they did not recognize their own grandmother. I hardly did. Her sleep apnea (her snoring was the stuff of legend) is practically gone. She more active in her 60s than she ever was when we were growing up.

    Now that my cholesterol, apnea, higher blood pressure and my weight are worsening, I have done more research, seen friends have remarkable success with this option and have decided this is an option for me.

    And when I read some of the stories on this forum of family not being supportive, I wince. That was me.

    Now I'm looking at the world with new eyes. I'm seeing how food regulates our lives, the worst of it is everywhere. Just this weekend it really hit home how long we have to sit through too many commercials for coke, popcorn and M & Ms at the movies. I'm seeing that obesity IS a disease, and I need a better weapon to fight it.

    My surgery is in early December. I'm ready to get started. Here's to optimism, strength and tenacity to all!

  9. oh HEY! I'm relatively close to you. ;) My doctor is Dr. Suggs. Hope all is going well with you and looking forward to chatting with you!

    Hey guys and gals! I have my last appointment for insurance approval on the 29th of this month. So, I'm hoping for a December 9th, 12th, or 14th date which is between semesters for me. I'll be having my surgery in Birmingham, AL with Dr. Pennington at Grandview. I'd love to meet folks in or around Alabama or people that have a surgery date close to mine so we can motivate each other! Can't wait to chat!!

  10. I completely understand. I'm self-pay--I don't have a 6mth waiting period. I'm not self-pay for that reason tho--I don't have 'bad enough' co-morbidities and I haven't been this big for over 3 years. That said--I don't want to wait any longer..but the holidays are coming up. I don't want to impede family holiday and travel plans just for my surgery. But I don't want to live another minute like THIS. I should wait longer to build up some leave and comp time I suppose. I don't know if I'm going to miss the mountains of food...namely b/c I'm the one who has to COOK all those mountains of food...and dang it, I'm tired. ;)

  11. I am a self-pay too. I'm not waiting another two years at this weight for insurance! I'm in Alabama. One surgeon in town was 14500. I did a little more digging and found another surgeon across town for 9800--that covers gastric sleeve surgery, anesthesia, and 1.5 days in hospital. Not bad!

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