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Everything posted by Tx_Sleeve_Girl

  1. Tx_Sleeve_Girl

    October Surgery Buddies

    Yeah I've been on my stomach since about 1 week post op. Have reverted back to propped up on my back due to acid reflux though. oh wow ok! and it didn't hurt or anything???
  2. Tx_Sleeve_Girl

    October Surgery Buddies

    October Sleevers -HELP!!! has anybody been able to sleep on their stomachs yet??? I'm two weeks post-op and this whole sleeping on my back thing is killing me! I'm up half the night tossing around... my butt is sore... my face misses my pillow!! any suggestions??? I'm afraid to hurt myself if i turn over too soon... Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. Tx_Sleeve_Girl

    October Surgery Buddies

    how are you doing with pain in your incisions??? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. Tx_Sleeve_Girl

    October Surgery Buddies

    I just had mine October 11th! Officially one week post-op TODAY! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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