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Chelsea Laurent

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Chelsea Laurent

  1. Hey y'all I was sleeved on 3/14. If anyone is looking for someone to share experiences/ideas, etc. with, send me a message! I'm in a great Facebook support group, too. They'd love to have you!
  2. I have a tentative date of March 14th!! So anxious. Good luck on your journey!! Sent from my SM-G930V using the BariatricPal App
  3. Hey y'all! So, the doctor who I was sent to for medical clearance did not like the results of my EKG, so I was scheduled for another one due to the abnormal activity. After the second one, I received a letter stating that I needed to undergo a nuclear stress test prior to getting cleared for surgery. The results are in, but I've been scheduled to see the same doctor once more for clearance and to "discuss the results." I guess my question is, what can prevent a person from receiving the surgery? I am 24, my highest weight was 276 and I am currently at 262 after completing the Options Program through Kaiser (final class was last night, yay! Just have a make up class and I am completely through). I just want to see if anyone has any feedback regarding a setback or deterrence before receiving WLS regarding cardio. This paranoid girl appreciates your input!
  4. Chelsea Laurent

    Nuclear Stress Test Takers?

    Thank you so much for your response. It put me at ease! Turns out I was freaking out for nothing, as my stress test came back normal. Have a great day
  5. Hello! I am so very new to all of this! Although I've been researching and preparing for my own WLS for almost 5 months, I am just now getting the ball rolling on paper with my PCP. I just got off the phone with a rep who gave me information regarding my orientation for the Kaiser Options Program. The orientation is on November 1, 2016. I have been researching and researching this program and it seems there isn't much information via the internet, but she informed me that I could request a direct referral for surgery. The sad part is that she said those requests are almost always denied. My one concern is that I have lost almost 10% of my body weight in four months while working with a specific diet plan and workout routine, as instructed by a friend who is a registered dietitian and wellness specialist. I'm an active person and I have been doing pretty well losing the weight I assumed would be needed prior to getting a referral for surgery. My issue is that this wasn't documented by a physician or even a program like weight watchers, etc. I have progress photos and meal plans I have been on, but I am unsure this will be sufficient enough to get a direct referral for surgery. Any advice? Either way, I'm anxious about this journey!! Thank y'all for the help.
  6. Hello, friends! I hope y'all had a great Thanksgiving with family and friends. I'm back with another question. I'm enrolled in Options, as I discussed earlier, and it's going really well!! I'm going to be entering class 4 on Tuesday and I am down 7 pounds, so far. My question is this: I am doing my behavioral assessment this upcoming Thursday. What should I expect? I'm not looking for ideal answers to all of the questions, as I'm sure that is impossible and I would like the freedom to answer myself, but I am the kind of person who worries a lot, and I get white coat syndrome every time I go to the doctor, so that should tell you something about my nervousness. I would appreciate any help! Just want to be prepared. Hope y'all have a happy holiday season! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. Chelsea Laurent

    Odds of being denied through Kaiser

    My words may not help, simply because I have yet to attend my orientation for Options, but I read something that may lead you in the direction you're hoping to go. In my search for information about Kaiser's Options Program, I came across a thread discussing the chances of getting denied once an individual was already in the program. From what I gathered, if you enter the program with a BMI under 40, they may not refer you for surgery, but if you enter the program with a BMI over 40 and are able to lose the weight (that would possibly lower your BMI to under 40), they will not deny you even if you're under. In my journey for answers, I've found out that every single Kaiser facility is different. Best of luck to you! Congrats on the early weight loss!
  8. Oh wow, you're not that far from me! I just passed through there a few weeks ago. Small world! Thank you so much for sharing your experience with me. I really hope your process moves along quickly and you're able to get that phone call before the end of this week! I'm actually looking forward to my classes now!
  9. Thank you so much for the input!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. Chelsea Laurent

    I HAVE NO FRIENDS! (Sad face!)

    I'm brand new to this site and feel the same way. I would love some guidance! And you can't have too many friends! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. Hi! No, I haven't started yet. My orientation is on November 1st. How about you? I'm pretty nervous! I don't know what to expect. I live in Bakersfield, CA.
  12. I have Kaiser in Southern California. I'll call again to see if there are other options. I've already emailed my physician with the same question. I appreciate your help!

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