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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Katinka got a reaction from MelissaRose24 in Bread   
    I am 4 weeks out. As per my nutritionist I can eat 100 %wheat bread, toasted. I have Pepperidge Farm very thin.
    1 slice = 37 cal, 7carbs, 1fiber, 1 Protein. I pair it with hummus or Peanut Butter.
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    Katinka reacted to treblecutie23 in The transition to vegetarianism…   
    I found this at costco and it's been a great alternative for when I'm missing Pasta. A 2oz serving has 24g of Protein.
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    Katinka reacted to Redmaxx in Clearance Rack   
    So the wife and I went to Kohl's last night and I went over to the clearance rack in the men's department. I found a nice jacket on clearance (originally $100.00, on clearance for $20.00) but all they had was large and small. I know the large is too big so I tried on the small. It fit perfectly. All I can say is WOW! I went from an x-Large in October to a small in May. If I get too much more smaller I might have to start shopping in the boys section. LOL
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    Katinka reacted to Navigating the Wilderness in Fun: Surprises after weight loss   
    Oh, and I also looked at my wife's breasts the other day and noticed something sticking out below my gut which I have not seen for over 15 years!
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    Katinka reacted to OutsideMatchInside in I'm so tired!!!   
    It doesn't get better fast, but it does get better.
    I really feel like laparoscopic surgery does a number on people mentally.
    You have the majority of a major organ removed. Your body is freaking out right now trying to repair itself.
    If we lived in a better society people could take the 6 to 8 weeks off they need to recover instead of pushing themselves. Yet, in America, we don't even give people maternity leave so leave for surgery is too much to ask for.
    You are going to be tried until you can eat a decent amount of calories, 6 weeks to 3 months.
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    Katinka reacted to LittleLizzieLilliput in How soon after surgery have you started to smoke?   
    I was an almost 20 year smoker. I got really sick 5 years ago at Christmas. By New Years I was down for the count. I didn't recover until 2nd week in January. I went outside and lit-up a smoke. And in that fraction of a second my mind had an entire conversation with me. My brain, and I'm not kidding - it kind of talked to me as if it wasn't a part of me. lol!, my brain said "you are a f**king idiot! You just detoxed from Nicotine and are now free of the chemical addiction!" In that fraction of a second that my brain b***h-slapped me I never even inhaled the smoke, I pushed it out of my mouth with my tongue and the air in my lungs, crushed the cigarette and was done.
    But I wasn't planning on quitting, in fact, I quite liked smoking still. But let me tell you all the ways life is better now!!
    Money, money, money!! Saved thousands in my first year alone. 1 pack of smokes is almost 10 bucks over here lungs - I stopped using any "asthma" meds...fyi, it's not asthma Less sickness!! I stopped being sick so much during the year. And that annual winter cold?? Haven't seen it since Time - I have SOO much more time to do things I love Friends - my friends no longer have to sacrifice their time so I can go have a smoke break. Don't have to constantly stop on road trips, my friends no longer have to pay the time-price of my addiction Smell and Taste - OMG the things you can smell and taste again!! Cigarettes overwhelm the senses so food and fragrances are fantastic post smoking Cleaner - my life is SOOO much cleaner. I don't have ashes to clean up, overflowing ashtrays, my clothes don't smell...and all I have to do is spend 15 minutes in a casino and I realize just how smelly I must of have been I loved smoking, I loved the calm, the peace, the me time, the control, the freedom it gives you to leave something you don't enjoy, there are so many self-soothing things about smoking that are probably very difficult to give up right now, but if you can I hope you do. I hope you give yourself this one last gift.
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    Katinka reacted to FindingCarrie in 14 Weeks Post Op - Multiple Stalls   
    So I am 14 weeks Post op, and things are going great. However, I have had several stalls, which get discouraging. I will go 2-3 weeks and not lose a pound, and then drop 5 lbs in one week! So weird how the body works. When I am feeling disappointed in the slow weight loss, I do side by side photo comparisons of before and after. Here is one that lifted my spirits today. When you see yourself every day, you don't always see the huge changes that are taking place. Don't always count on the scale to show you your victories! Use photos and body measurements as well. You will need them at times when the scale is not moving.

  8. Like
    Katinka got a reaction from Carmencita!981 in Regarding Bowel movements   
    Same here. My surgery was 04/05 and no poop yet. I guess I get some Benefiber. But this is sad, I was always so regular.
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    Katinka got a reaction from joeg in 1 week out   
    On day one I could not even keep the sips down, it kept coming up. Now 5 days after surgery I am drinking almost like before surgery. But there is a lot of tiny weird burbs going on.
  10. Like
    Katinka got a reaction from LaurieRenz in April sleevers!?   
    @LaurieRenz and @ymmv we are sleeve buddies. April 5th for me as well, at Bailey's in OK. First appointment was In August 2016. liquid diet starts Wednesday. @PatientEleventyBillion I am German / American. I am amazed how much weight you lost already! WOW.
  11. Like
    Katinka reacted to BigUtahMan in Never thought I'd regret it...but here I am   
    My self-proclaimed therapist response is, get new friends and your life will blossom again. No need to rush out and go looking, as "birds of a feather flock together".
    My advice is... have the confidence to know, your social life will return, but you have bigger fish to fry at the moment with your health and your overall emotional well-being. Sounds like you need more YOU time, more than bar time anyway. Especially with people who seem not to care about you, as they do their drinks anyway.

    I can appreciate you feeling isolated, but consider it a blessing and opportunity to work on yourself. Everyone enjoys being around a well adjusted dynamic adult, who knows them self and can feel confident in their own skin. Sounds like you are making changes like every butterfly does. So I wouldn't expect to make big changes by becoming healtheir and stronger, and still expect nothing else in your life to change as well. (Including "friends", nothing you stated would make a difference to a real friend who wanted you to be happy and healthy. I think you have drinking buddies, not friends.)

    Also I am an addict, whenever I take one addiction away, the addictive personality in me searches to place that addiciton elsewhere. so, I think it is very wise to stay clear of bars for the next couple years, so you don't have that issue on top of what you are dealing with today. There is a saying I learned from my first procedure, "as the weight comes off, the issues come out." No one who needs weight loss surgery is free from lot's of issues buried under their fat. Including myself.
    So just think about that as you continue the roller coaster you are on, as you are a strong person who wants to improve your life, thus you made the difficult decision to go down this path. So stay strong and stay the course, drink and walk, drink and walk, and write, write and write about your emotions and food.
    I hope this helps, forgive me if I am off base.

  12. Like
    Katinka reacted to MissMellyMell in Never thought I'd regret it...but here I am   
    No regrets! Just remember all of the reasons you wanted the surgery! And quiting drinking can be rough due to the way our friends react, but there is so much more to life. I hope you start feeling better! Real friends will understand. Sending you positive vibes girl!

  13. Like
    Katinka got a reaction from consmom07 in PreOp Diet Help!   
    My liquid / liver shrinking diet starts tomorrow. I may only total 500 calories per day, liquids only. This goes on for 2 weeks, no caffeine. - anyone else?
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    Katinka reacted to erica_ozzy73 in Self Control with Food addicts   
    It will not fix any kind of food addiction or sugar cravings. You still need to watch what eat even more with the sleeve.
    All meals have to be nutritional as you can fit so little in. You don't want to waste that space with crap.
    But I find I snack more so in the arvo. Not because I'm hungry but well just because!!..
    I have never needed an excuse to eat.
    Having adult kids in the house we still have crap and I'm tempted every damn day with that.
    Trying to lose weight before and doing what I'm doing now hasn't changed.
    I have lost the majority of my weight though and wouldn't change my decision about getting the sleeve.
    Any kind of weightloss journey is a life long journey. Unless ya born skinny with an awesome metabolism we are all on the same boat.
  15. Like
    Katinka reacted to orionburn in Self Control with Food addicts   
    The final two weeks prior to surgery and then right after was a major wake-up call to my relationship with food. I probably say this too often, but I honestly look at my relationship with food as an alcoholic would to drink. The surgery was a tool, just like AA can help somebody battle alcohol addiction. Every day I'm going to have to face the world and make the right decisions. In time that will get easier but (for me personally) it will be a continuous battle for the foreseeable future.
    I have a very addictive personality and I thought my world was going to end when I gave up smoking years ago. There are times when a friend will be smoking and it sounds soooooo good, but I know it's a fleeting feeling and it'll pass. That's where I hope to get with food. Right before surgery I went through the food mourning phase thinking that I'll never be able to eat and eat and eat on holidays like Thanksgiving. After a while of introspection I realized it's that excuse of "I'll only indulge myself on A & B days" that led to adding C & D & E & F days as well.
    Guess my wake up call was that I couldn't go into surgery with the thought process of how do I get around my sleeve after surgery to cheat every now and then. Again I go back to the alcoholic reference because I can't make an excuse to go to the bar on only special occasions. Deep down I know that's going to open the door to further trips down to the bar. Years ago I was working on a serious drinking problem due to a horrible job. Got out of there and got my crap together but it's a demon I know exists in me. I can control that one well enough and only have a few drinks here and there throughout the year. Just have to get that control on food now too.
  16. Like
    Katinka reacted to Bigswede in April sleevers!?   
    Hi, I'm scheduled for the 4th of April. Been on Protein diet since the 8th of March. So far it was OK. But I don't really reach my 1h of physical activity everyday. This week is OK since I'm skiing. I'm Swedish / German.

    Skickat från min SM-G935F via Tapatalk

  17. Like
    Katinka reacted to Finding_Stacy in Stressed I won't lose the pre opt weight   
    Keep your net carbs under 20 a day and you'll drop ten pounds in two weeks easy. I've lost fifteen in two weeks. If you don't know already, net carbs are your carbohydrates minus the Fiber. Fiber has little to no effect on blood sugar so that's why they're not counted. You can do it!
  18. Like
    Katinka got a reaction from LaurieRenz in April sleevers!?   
    @LaurieRenz and @ymmv we are sleeve buddies. April 5th for me as well, at Bailey's in OK. First appointment was In August 2016. liquid diet starts Wednesday. @PatientEleventyBillion I am German / American. I am amazed how much weight you lost already! WOW.
  19. Like
    Katinka reacted to PatientEleventyBillion in April sleevers!?   
    Bumping this..
    April 20th here, after a ridiculous 12 week pre-op diet!
    Let's keep this updated on how everything goes.

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