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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Myaiku_Kuraitani

  1. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    afraid of losing my books and hair

    I wouldn't be afraid. The hair grows back and well smaller boobs mean less problems. I'm actually happy that my boobs are getting smaller I went down a cup size from an F to a DDD. If I could be a B cup I'd be sooo happy. If I can't get there through weight loss then I'll gladly go under the knife. Having big boobs just isn't worth it to me. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 190 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  2. I never had to do a pre op diet but I still went for walks and cut out all the bad foods. I was on a diet long before I started this process because like you, I knew it would benefit me in the long run. [emoji846] ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 190 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  3. I'm almost 9 weeks post op. The experience is nice. I was losing a pound a day last month now it's a pound or two every few days til I stall. There will be stalls. The only thing I hate is the constipation (TMI), the nausea upon waking up and the weakness. I have been getting bouts of energy lately. The best part is getting full fast. You get full off of protein and water fast. At least that's how it works for me. Try to watch what you eat. Your pouch/sleeve can be fussy with what you put in it. You'll have your good days and your bad days. Hopefully more good than bad. Hope this helped at least a little bit. Good luck with your surgery! [emoji846] ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 190 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  4. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    Bored With Phase 3

    Lean meats, mostly chicken and turkey. I prefer turkey more. Even though I'm on solids now, I still eat turkey but I get lean cuisine since that is covered in gravy and comes with veggies but the lean cuisine is a rare treat. Idk if it's truly good for me. I'd eat fish in phase 3 but I could only eat fish like tilapia which I didn't really care for. Can you eat shrimp or scallops? That was also one of my choices but never cooked either one yet. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 190 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  5. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    BariatricPal packaged entrees - yuckkkk

    I'd just give them to a food bank. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 191 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  6. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    Amount of Fluids

    Mine said they do count. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 191 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  7. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    Like being pregnant...

    That's how I am when I go into my kitchen. It's just because I can smell the food I made and it grosses me out. It's worse if I'm outside around a bunch of restaurants. It's weird, yeah but it helps me with not eating more than I should. After I eat or drink something it's like food is the most repulsive thing on this planet to me. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 195 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  8. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    Pureed Stage

    All I ate was Mashed Potatoes... Although I think that's a starchy vegetable. It stayed down though. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 195 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  9. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    Another Stall Thread

    I know people ask about this a lot on here but since google was useless to my situation, I figured I'd ask about it here. I'm wondering if I'm at a stall. After 6 weeks of weight loss, everything stopped. I've been stuck at 196 and is fluctuating between this weight and 197. So far I've lost 26 lbs in the first month. This month 3 lbs. When I went to my two month follow up on the 8th, I asked the nurse and she said that she didn't think I was stalling... Even though she may be right, the answer is not convincing because nothing is changing. I haven't lost many inches either. I was expecting the stall to happen after 3 weeks, not 6. I'm not sure about what I should do to speed up the process. I haven't been cleared to go to the gym yet and it's been 7 weeks since I've had this surgery. Am I actually stalling or is the nurse right? ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 197 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  10. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    June 19th - The Day

    Congratulations on your day[emoji846] I had a lot of comfortable clothes, broth, water, Jello, popsicles and protein shakes... As far as food goes. Didn't eat much of it cause I was never hungry. Medicine wise, I had what they prescribed to me, my heating pad and vitamins.... I never bought Gas X or anything. Walking and my heating pad took care of The gas. And maybe it's just how my body is but don't wear a bralette or even a wireless bra... Wear a sports bra. I've been wearing bralettes and wireless bras since the day after my surgery and always had pain in my back and upper rib cage. It went away today as soon as I put on a sports bra. It may work out differently for you I don't know but I'm top-heavy. I blame that for the unnecessary pain. Lol ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 195 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  11. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    I needs hugs today

    I hope it gets better for you [emoji846] My pouch hates Grapes, Grapefruit, Brown Rice and Pasta. Makes me sad because I really like Grapefruit. I don't care that it hates pasta or rice or grapes but grapefruit? Come on now. Lol ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 195 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  12. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    Newbie 3 days post-op RNY

    I never took any Gas X for it. Whatever gas I had in me I let come out naturally. It works for some, it doesn't work for others. I also walked and that helped a little. I've been using heating pads too, mostly for the discomfort after eating and for the gas. But everyone I've seen mentioned Gas X said it didn't even help them... ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 195 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  13. The prescription I got before surgery was Zantac. The pain med I got after surgery was Codeine. Earlier this month I took something called Zofran for my nausea. Those lasted a little over a week. I did get Heparin while I was in the hospital but I also had to wear them things that squeeze your legs to help with blood clots. I'm still on Zantac. They gave me three refills on it and they gave me a lot to take. I also get B12 injections. Those started this month. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 197 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  14. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    2 days post- op and I need help!!!

    I wasn't drinking much let alone protein. The most of any liquid I could get in was less than an ounce. All I could have was broth, water, jello and popsicles that first week.... Which doesn't really have any nutritional value. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 197 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  15. I wore loose sweatpants and a cami as soon as they said it was fine to do so. I just didn't let the sweatpants touch my stomach despite it being loose. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 197 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  16. Myaiku_Kuraitani


    So, I'm six weeks post op. I'm wondering if it's normal for my hunger to be back so soon? It seems like as soon as I started taking meds for nausea, it started up. I've tried looking up the topic but I felt like nothing answered my question. Nothing is satisfying my hunger either, not even meat. I get hungry every half hour or hour. Sometimes less. I'm not drinking with my meals anymore. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or just not eating enough.... ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 197 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  17. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    Hey Ya'll!

    I'm not in California but I'm here if you need me. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 197 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  18. I healed just fine. [emoji846] It's just this nausea that's bothering me. I didn't have a job after I got the surgery. I will after I feel normal again. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 197 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  19. Myaiku_Kuraitani


    It's mostly my vitamins and my protein requirements that I'm struggling with. I haven't found vitamins that sit well with me... And eating meat causes so much discomfort. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 197 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  20. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    Hospital stay for Gastric Bypass?

    I was told 1-3 nights and only stayed 2 nights. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 197 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  21. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    Can't win today

    I know the feeling. I've been craving normalcy. Don't expect so much of yourself, you're just starting out. From what I've learned it's a gradual process. Can't do everything at once. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 197 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  22. Myaiku_Kuraitani


    Congratulations and yes, you'll do great [emoji846][emoji1417] ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 197 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  23. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    Can't win today

    Don't feel bad about it. You can only do what you can. They want so much but you can only take but so much in at a time. I'm still having trouble getting everything in but I only take in what my body will allow. I do my best, and even if your best isn't much... You still tried. Don't push yourself, it may lead to you getting sick. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 197 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  24. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    Liquid vs puree

    Although liquid and purée weren't combined for me, purée and soft were. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 197 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  25. Myaiku_Kuraitani


    Is chest discomfort a sign of fullness? I always stop eating when that feeling starts up or when I'm just satisfied because I'm not sure if that's what it is. [emoji848]

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
