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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Myaiku_Kuraitani

  1. HW- 273 BMI was close to 48 or 49... Back then I was a size 22 CW- 181 BMI is 32.6 I'm currently wearing a size 10. But in some stores I'm a size 8. My goal is to be in a healthy BMI range... So I have 52 more pounds to go. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 181 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  2. No one has paid me any attention yet... Ehh guess it's a good thing. I don't know. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 181 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  3. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    what is your ht/wt and clothing size?

    I'm 5'2.5" and I've been stuck at 181. I wear a size 10 in Jeans and an XL in shirts. I don't know if my shirt size went down yet. Probably has since everyone I know says my shirts are big on me now. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 181 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  4. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    ByPass +1

    Congrats on your surgery. It's good it all went well. [emoji846] ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 181 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  5. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    Pre-Operation Gastric Bypass

    The only thing I do to get my protein in is eat shrimp. It goes down easier for me. I put grape Crystal Light in my water and that helps a lot. It's the only flavor I'm fond of now. Every once in a blue moon, I'll have a popsicle. As for vitamins, I'm going to be getting the patches because it's hard for me to even swallow them... They're gross. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 181 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  6. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    First goal reached!

    Congratulations [emoji846] I felt the same way once I got to ONEderland. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 181 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  7. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    Has anyone kept their surgery a secret?

    I only told people I knew would support my decision. There's tons of people in my family I haven't told. Mainly because they all like to gossip. I'm not all for giving them something to talk about behind my back. If they ever ask how I lost all of my weight I'm just going to say "Proper nutrition and exercise." That is some of the truth anyway. As far as going to family functions, I'd either bring my own food or look around and see if anything they made were healthy food and had nutritional value. If everything isn't so healthy, I'd just not eat it. The only thing I really enjoy eating is shrimp, broccoli, zucchini and certain salads. I'm iffy on chicken. It's such a heavy meat but I like how fast I can get full off it. Alright, enough with my rambling. I hope I helped at least a little bit. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 181 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  8. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    Sitting up

    It took me a week and a few days to not be in pain anymore. Took me six days to stand straight again. It all depends on how you heal. It could be sooner, could take as long as I did or it could be longer. Like everyone else was saying a pillow helps. When I needed extra relief I used a heating pad or took my pain meds that I was given. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 181 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  9. Myaiku_Kuraitani


    I've been there. I've had it bad too but eventually it passed and now I'm semi-regular to regular. I've been that way for two weeks straight at one time. I didn't take anything, I just ate salads and leafy greens and that did the trick. Even broccoli helped me. I just made sure they were really soft. I'm not sure where you are in your diet so then again, me saying "leafy greens and vegetables helped me" is probably a bad suggestion. I just know laxatives don't help me much anymore so even though it sucks I either let it happen on it's own without doing anything or I eat a salad with spinach or something in it. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 181 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  10. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    How did you manage to fund your surgery

    Some people just pay out of pocket or use a loan or credit card of some sort. I didn't do that. My insurance paid for my surgery. Other than those things I've mentioned earlier the only option left is to save up and like you said that takes years for something like that... Hmm... Maybe explore options doing the surgery in another country. It will probably be expensive but the prices vary globally. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 181 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  11. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    Stage II Post op ?

    Check with your surgeon. I only had to stay on that stage for two weeks when the book they gave me said I'd be on stage two for three months. I kept everything down that I ate in that stage and I guess that was my surgeon's determining factor, that and I heal fast. (So I was told). ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 181 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  12. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    Carbonated (Sparkling) Water, yes or no?

    I was told as long as it's flat I could drink it. But I haven't had anything like that since I was pre-op. It expands your stomach/pouch if it's not flat. Something I don't need right now. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 181 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  13. Myaiku_Kuraitani


    Congratulations. It is awesome to hit that mark. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 182 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  14. Myaiku_Kuraitani


    I had the itchiness after surgery while I was still in the hospital. It was something they added to the IV that caused it. I was so itchy it was irritating. As for my appetite it came back 5 weeks after I had my surgery. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 182 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  15. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    Pittsburgh Magee Hospitlal

    Everything is going good. I just wish I could get over the nausea upon waking up every morning. The rest of the day I'm not so nauseous. And you're welcome. [emoji846] I hope the process is going well for you so far. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 183 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  16. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    Pittsburgh Magee Hospitlal

    Blood work, had to get an electrocardiogram, had to do that barium test (the worst test of all of them in my opinion), I had to be given the okay for surgery by every doctor and specialist I went to see. I had to do a sleep study. You can do some of the tests while you're at the hospital. In my opinion that moves the process along faster cause they'll have the information already there. Just to make sure, ask them what you'll need to do as far as the testing goes. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 183 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  17. Myaiku_Kuraitani


    I haven't touched soda in a while. I gave it up years ago along with salt. If I were you, I'd just stop drinking soda. Some sodas have caffeine in them. That's not going to end well for you after surgery when you definitely can't drink it...... ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 183 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  18. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    96 pounds down in three months

    That's great man. Keep up the good work. [emoji846][emoji1417] ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 184 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  19. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    Gastric bypass buddy

    My number is (412)660-2240. I don't have a snap chat. I don't have any good before/after pictures and I'm only 11 weeks post op. 12 this Wednesday. If you still want to see them, just let me know. [emoji846] ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 184 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  20. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    Gastric bypass buddy

    I'm 28 but I've already had the surgery. I don't mind being friends or being there when you need to talk. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 184 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  21. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    Pittsburgh Magee Hospitlal

    My insurance required 6 months but they got me approved only doing 5 out of the six months. Your surgeon might have you do all three of the months your insurance requires. He probably does things differently than my surgeon. Did they give you numbers to contact? If anything there should be a person in his surgical team that can tell you how many months (for certain) you'd have to take classes for. There were people I've met that only had to take 3 months or less of that program. I'd contact someone and get a clear answer. Don't hesitate to call a bunch of times, that's what I did til I got the answer I was looking for... Or if I just had questions. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 184 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  22. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    4 weeks post op and need help

    I don't even use protein shakes. I just eat a little bit of a protein bar. How much of it I eat each morning varies. I eat hourly and only eat seafood most of the time. It's easier to get down. The first few hours after waking up, I just drink water with Crystal Light then after that it's a drink 30 minutes before a meal and 30 minutes after. It seems easier to get more water in if it's flavored. By the end of my day I only get in 22-32 oz of water in. The protein thing isn't a problem anymore unless I don't have seafood. At four weeks post op, I was where you are now with food. I'm 11 weeks post op now. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 184 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  23. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    Pittsburgh Magee Hospitlal

    Depends on the surgeon you choose if you're looking to see how long the weight monitored nutrition diet is. Also depends on your insurance. My surgeon was Dr. Courcoulas. Her program lasted 5 months for me. Magee is a great hospital. The staff was awesome when I was there. If you choose the surgeon I had, just follow her instructions and her surgical staff's instructions. I seemed to get a quick surgery approval listening to them. Feel free to ask me any more questions. [emoji846] ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 184 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  24. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    How much time in the hospital?

    One and a half days. ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 184 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX
  25. It's right around the corner. [emoji846] Good luck [emoji846] ---------------------------- HW- 273 Pre-op Wt- 230 SW- 226 CW- 184 GW- 130 Ht- 5'2.5" DOS- April 26th, 2017 "Only those who try will become." ~FFX

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
