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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by mountainman2292

  1. Everyone is different, I had rny back on April 23 and I had a half a cup of breyers no sugar added vanilla ice cream and no problems, my doc said to just experiment to see what I could handle or not. I have no problems with anything I have tried. She said to not ignore your cravings, onceI had a little , I was fine. My program dropped the puree diet so I am now on soft foods and on the 22nd will be going on reg. I say go for that little bit of ice cream.

  2. Relax, lol. I have had a few surgeries over my life, not as bad as some people make it out to be. You will do great. My gastric doc put me on a low dose antidepressant to keep my nerves calm and put me at ease during this journey, maybe you can ask your doctor to prescription you something. Your surgeon will not do the surgery because your nervous, everyones nervous.

  3. My nut said for me not to go hog wild and eat everything I like because for some it could do more harm than good. Just keep doing and eating like you have been. She said down the road you will be able to eat what you like but in smaller quantities and some of your tastes my change to where you don't like to eat them anymore.that's why I am on a 4 week opti fast diet before surgery. It helps your body to get use to eating several times a day with small quantities, I will be having I Protein Bar , 1 Soup, 2 shakes and for my one main meal, 3-4 oz. Lean meat with vegs, fruit. This will be my diet for 4 weeks starting Saturday. I did go yesterday and had one last cheeseburger at mcd's. I will also miss my coffee once I have surgery, but will be able to have it again.

  4. Well, all that is left now is my cardiologist approval, which I will get on March 7th. Than I will start my 4 week opti fast diet, so probably looking at 1st or 2nd week in April for surgery. Dr .Eichhorn will do the surgery on a thrusday. Humana just sent me a letter today saying my surgery was approved. Still have to have a egd and colonoscopy on the 23rd of march, but that will be done during my opti fast diet. Ready to get this done and moving on.

  5. From the upstate here in the golden corner. Started on this journey in oct. 2016. Will be having surgery thru ghs bariatrics, dr. Eichhorn will be doing my surgery. I have completed all my support groups and such, have a appt with my cardiologist on March 7th for clearance and than I start my liquid 4 week diet so looking at 1st or 2nd weekend in April for surgery. Ready to get this thing down and moving along.

  6. Fantastic advice!!!! I am always looking for ideas and help as i go on this journey. I will be having a gastric bypass sometime this summer. I attend 2 support groups a month per the requirements of the program and have a few tests to be done before than. Thank you for posting your advice and keep up the great work. Don't worry about the negative comments. Thanks again.

  7. Hello all, well so far so good, have been to 2 support groups a month now since oct. As required by the ghs bariatric clinic. I have my physc eval coming up on Feb 6th than will have my surgeon appt. I am still looking at this summer to have the bypass done even tho I will have met my 6 month weight verification for insurance finished the end of march.. due to the fact will have to save up to pay for the month of opti fast diet and my copay. Looking forward to getting this done. Hope this finds everyone doing good.

  8. Not at all, if you did fine wearing it during your sleep study you will do fine at home. .plus,you will not have all the wires attached to your body lol. I can't even take a nap now without my cpap I am so use to it. I can't wait to no longer needing to have one. Don't be anxious ,you will do fine. If you ever need to ask me any questions please feel free to ask.

  9. No, I have had sleep apnea for over 20 years now, I use a cpap machine. I have also had a few surgeries since. My bypass will prob. Be between April and june. The only thing they told me was I just need a approval from my sleep doc and cardiologist before surgery saying it was ok. They said it's just a formality. Sleep apnea is one of the co-mobidites insurance companies look for other than diabetes, high blood pressure etc.

  10. Well, haven't been on in a few days. Everything is going smoothly. Have completed 3 support groups so far and will have one more monday at oconee med. THan another on Dec 1 in anderson, and than I will take one online. Busy busy lol. Met with the dietician yesterday. Will probably meet with the surgeon in jan. If everything keeps going as planned will have the surgery between April and july. Hope everyone has a great weekend

  11. I had my first support meeting today, very informative. I'm meeting with the dietician next thrusday in anderson. Than the following week I have a group meeting at oconee medical center and than another at oconee. For Dec , I will have a meeting in anderson and than do one online. Going to be a busy 2 months but looking forward to the journey. Have a great weekend everyone.

  12. Well, had my first required meeting in anderson today,very informative. I will have my meeting with the dietician on the 10th than I will be attending 2 more support meetings this month , those will be held at oconee medical so only 25 mins from the house. For Dec. I will have one Dec 1st in anderson than will probably do one online. Busy next 2 months.hope everyone is doing well and enjoy the weekend.

  13. I myself decided that I need to be around for my grandkids who are 4 years old and 3 month old. I also have degeneritive discs and bulging discs and have been on disability since 2012. I also had a heart attack back in 2015. I was told recently I could end up in a wheelchair if I don't get the weight off soon. I would also like to ride horses again. I have also a great support group behind me. As of right now I am scheduled for sometime in April or may

  14. Hi moonbabe,

    I am also on cpap since 1992. At present I don't take any pain meds due to the fact I have a high tolerance on any pain meds except morphine and they won't give that to me lol. I had a spinal cord stimulator put in 3 years ago to control the s1 nerve pain. Congrats on your anniversary and your weight loss. I went for my first appt this past week to mainly get details of what was required while in the program and sign papers. I see the dietician next thrusday. Looking at April at the moment for surgery. Will keep you posted.

  15. Hi all,

    I am just beginning my journey, I just attended my information class this past Monday and decided to go for it. I will have my first appt. this Tuesday the 18th. I am going thru Greenville bariatric solutions out of the Anderson office. I am on medicare due to a back disability. My BMI is around 48. I am probably going to go the gastric bypass route and not the sleeve, but I will let the doc decide what is best for me. I have to attend 10 support classes and also have get a OK from my cardiologist since i had a heart attack about 1.5 yrs ago and had to have a stent put in. and since I am over fifty, i will have to have a colonoscopy along with my EGD. but doc said they can schedule both to be done on same day. Other than that I am probably looking at April? maybe sooner. I will know more this Tuesday.

  16. I will be having mine probably in April if every thing goes ok. I am on medicare due to a back disability. I will be having my surgery in greenville sc. I have to attend 10 support group meetings and also have to have an egd and colonoscopy since I am over 50. Both of those tests will be scheduled the same day tho.. will know more tuesday when I go for my first appt after I had signed up for the program after attending the info class this past monday.

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