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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bigrick

  1. bigrick

    'Sup dudes. Any car guys here?

    Currently in the process of building a 95 Miata with an LS2 from an 06 GTO stuffed in to it. Also has a 3.42 gear IRS from an 08 CTS Cadillac and a complete custom suspension and many other goodies to numerous to list. Should run fine- I have built many cars with a passion for putting engines that are BIG in to little cars, like a Shriner! There just is no replacement for displacement!
  2. bigrick

    Looking for motivation!

    MM and Jack, good to see both you guys still here and working things even if there is a little back sliding into the old habits. That is exactly why I went this route to get my eating under control, it takes more than just will power but that physical reminder to stop eating so damn much! All those years as a macho weight lifter and intense physical activity left me with nothing less than a voracious appetite. I still get urges to eat that way now but the Band prevents me which I will be ever grateful for. I gained a little back, maybe 10# but have held there for a while and have cut most of my meds out or in half, a great thing. But I still want to get rid of them ALL so it is time to get back on track, for all of us!:thumbup:
  3. Well it has been a while since I was on here. Banded July of 08. Lately though I have begun to gain weight again and need to remotivate myself so thought I would drop in for a visit and get back on track. Always found good motivation here on this forum, TIA!
  4. bigrick

    Looking for motivation!

    I dont think I want to wear anything like that, didnt want to when I was young and a whole lot better looking! But thanks for the smile!
  5. bigrick

    Looking for motivation!

    Thank you for the replys, it means a lot coming from those who are going through and experiencing exactly what I am. At this point I have decided to schedule another fill. It has been close to a year since my last one and I can definitely get more food in now then I could then with an occasional PB from eating to fast. I think a fill would slow me way down again and help shrink my portions to allow weight loss to begin again. I know this is all up to me and that the LB is just a tool to aid in me attaining my goals. So I guess it is time to S*** or get off the pot so to speak. Thanks again people and sorry it took so long for me to answer, it just has been a very busy time for me- BR
  6. bigrick

    Fenton vs. PRCowboy Challenge

    Nice job OG. You smoked right past me and sounds like you are doing great. Keep it up. I am still holding but am fairly content with my loss so no worries.
  7. bigrick

    Fenton vs. PRCowboy Challenge

    I just noticed my ticker is gone, wonder why it disappeared? Anyhow, down to 285 now. 23 # from the 100 lost mark so I am very pleased.
  8. bigrick

    Fenton vs. PRCowboy Challenge

    Hey Fellas, been awhile for me just due to work considerations. Been very busy and working to much. Taking the next week off so I can unwind a bit. Not much change for me all though I feel great, lots of energy(Hence to much work) so I am OK with the lack of significant progress. My Doctor is thrilled with my blood chemistry and I have halved all my Meds and may soon drop some all together. Looking forward to some warmer weather which means into the woods for my dogs and I so some high mileage, good for them as well as me. Thats all for now---
  9. I just read this whole thread/ Very entertaining I have to admit. Where were all you adventurous women when I was single 25 years ago!
  10. bigrick

    Fenton vs. PRCowboy Challenge

    OG I am @4.5CC for fill in a 14CC band. Feels like plenty of restriction. I can get jammed very easily if I dont chew the crap out of whatever I eat but if I do I can eat pretty much anything. Still holding fairly steady in weight and it seems to fluctuate up and down but averaging around 285 for now and being stubborn. I hike a lot but the snow is deep here now and so I dont get out as much. Using a treadmill but dont care for it but amazingly I can do situps again! No giant belly in the way anymore! I am patient and KNOW that the weight will start down again for me. Has anybody heard from Fenton, he started on this thread and has since disappeared?
  11. bigrick

    Fenton vs. PRCowboy Challenge

    Hoping to be below 280 soon, these pesky plateaus are the pits!
  12. bigrick

    Fenton vs. PRCowboy Challenge

    Hey gents, I am doing well, down to 285. Have more than enough restriction as I have discovered all to well what PB'ing is and do not like it. Of course that means I am eating to much so I have scaled back on that a little more. My wife thinks I am not eating enough or often enough. I think that is true and am trying to eat very small meals 4-6 times a day. It actually makes me feel full early in the day so I eat less. Thank God the holidays are over and all the cookie platters arent showing up at work any more!
  13. bigrick

    Fenton vs. PRCowboy Challenge

    Down to 295 for me, finally have the kind of restriction I needed and am moving downward once again. What has happened to Fenton? He was one of the starters here and no word from him, anybody know?
  14. bigrick


    Absolutely LBT helps, I check in once or twice a week, dont always post but I do come here for inspiration and it helps to keep me motivated- you are doing the right thing, hang in there!
  15. bigrick

    Fenton vs. PRCowboy Challenge

    Well FINALLY downward movement after a long stagnant time and I am below the 300 mark for the first time in more than 15 years!
  16. Congratulations XT, sounds like things went well and you are on the road to recovery and A new life!
  17. Sounds like a nice easy recovery for you, I am happy for you and welcome to the adventure. Life has just changed for you for the better!
  18. bigrick

    Fenton vs. PRCowboy Challenge

    So Old Goat, by now you have joined the ranks or as I write this you are on the table getting it done, either way my heartfelt congratulations on the first step of your journey!
  19. bigrick

    Fenton vs. PRCowboy Challenge

    Still no movement for me, scheduled another fill for 12/1, hopefully that will get me moving again. Good job by everyone though, keep going as you are providing me with the inspiration I need!
  20. bigrick

    Fenton vs. PRCowboy Challenge

    That is exactly how I feel. STILL holding at 305, for several weeks now, but like you things continue to feel loser so I guess that is a good thing. Still think the system is in shock and is compensating for how little I am eating and evetually the weight will start down again. If it doesnt soon then I am going for another fill to get it moving!
  21. bigrick

    Still waiting....... (tapping foot)

    Hang in there, it took me forever and a week to finally get done but it has all been worth it. Your time will come I guarantee it will, but that being said dont be shy about bugging them either. The squeaky wheel always gets the grease!
  22. bigrick

    Fenton vs. PRCowboy Challenge

    I was banded July 29th, so it has been right around 3 months. I am wearing clothes that I had refused to throw away years ago that now fit so that is a big NSV for me and I can actually use a belt now. I often wear shorts, those strechy cotton slip on things that are so comfortable, most of them fall off now and I have had to buy new ones, even wear them in the winter whenever I work nights and can wear whatever I want to. Down to about 20degrees out I wear them while hiking also. In fact heading out now for my weekend jaunt with the dogs, will weigh in the end of this week, good luck to us all----
  23. xtightend, where on LI you from? I grew up there and we are very close to the same age, I just turned 54 on the 22nd.
  24. bigrick

    Fenton vs. PRCowboy Challenge

    Guess I am unofficially in, holding steady at 305 right now, think my body is in shock and I could eat a portion that would starve a mouse and still get no scale movement but I am not giving up. It will move again soon I am sure! How are you guys doing?
  25. bigrick

    Fenton vs. PRCowboy Challenge

    So guys how goes the battle, havent seen any posts here and was wondering how it is coming?

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