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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MicheleK

  1. Wow, I accidentally read this thread...(well most of it), I want my 10mins back. :smile:
  2. MicheleK

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Just remember Karma is a bitch...she'll get her's one day. I had a friend that went through almost the exact same thing, her ex ended up cheating on the new wife too. She actually turned to my friend trying to get sympathy (they used to be best friends), needless to say, my friend told her to F-off, lol.
  3. MicheleK

    self esteem

    My self-esteem issues come mostly from being overweight. I've struggled with my weight for most of my adult life. A few years ago when I lost down to 190lbs (the lowest I've been since my early 20's) my whole attitude changed. In all honesty, while fixing the appearance issues will be great, the Lap Band is more a choice for health reasons then looks. As I've aged my body has become very tired of carrying all this weight around, I've developed High BP, sleep Apnea and depression...all weight related. I can't exercise much because of my size and I'm pretty lazy most of the time because it hurts to do too much...not good for a 34 year old woman. While I'm still able to be happy (even at my current size) I can't be completely comfortable, and I suffer from silly insecurities that put pressure on my relationships with other people. I'm not comfortable in my "fat suit" and it shows.
  4. MicheleK

    Just Overweight - Yippee!

    WOOT Grats Sue!!!!
  5. MicheleK

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    1lb is 1lb...better then the other way Oh, and in the spirit of this thread.. I like cheese. :biggrin:
  6. The fact that 80% of your posts make you sound like a crazy person is not helping us believe you. Nobody called you a liar we just wanted more information. Until you started insulting people I was pretty interested in hearing about your problems/issues. There are a lot of smart folks on these boards that can give great advice, but they need the whole story first. If you want to leave the board simply log out...it's still showing you online. It's simple enough to just leave if you're not comfortable here.
  7. MicheleK

    So... what do you fellas do?

    Stay at home wife (for now, about to go stir crazy!!)....but, I care for a disabled parent.
  8. I would like more information as to why it's not working for you.
  9. MicheleK

    Hello - I am terrified!

    Like everyone else said, our bodies are different. I can say that "most" people needing to lose a large amount of weight (like me) lose quicker, then begin to slow as they reach goal weight. I certainly hope this is the case for both of us! :rolleyes2: (except forget the slow part, lol)
  10. MicheleK

    Liquid Vitamins...???

    I have used "Source of Life" liquid Vitamins for years (for some reason, vitamins in pill form upset my tummy). I love them, they are all natural AND include spirulina which is an awesome supplement for overall health. (I'd love to find Spirulina in a liquid form to take straight, but I've been lazy and haven't located any). Anyway, the "Source of Life" line is pretty good stuff. I get it at my local health food store.
  11. MicheleK

    To Cut or Not To Cut

    Ohhh post pics of your new hair!!! :smile2:
  12. MicheleK


    This is totally my issue...I am so uncomfortable having sex that the drive is completely gone. My DH is wonderful and never fails to tell me how great I am...it's my issue that's making me nutty. It's amazing how hard we are on ourselves and how it can effect every aspect of our life.
  13. I have three friends that have bad bypass and one that has had Lap Band. The one with the Lap Band lost her weight SLOWLY (she's 4 years post-op) she still has like 30lbs to go (she's lost about 120lbs). The three that have had bypass: Friend #1 - has gained all but 40lbs of her weight back (surgery was in 2002, she weighed 425lbs) Friend #2 - has gained back 25lbs but has issues because she "dumps" after almost every meal (surgery was in 2004 or 2005) Friend #3 - Has done well so far, she's only 6 months post-op All my friends that have had bypass throw up regularly, and slime at least occasionally. They all had LONG recovery times, and two of them wished they had opted for the Lap Band instead. It was a no-brainer for me, there was no way I was letting someone staple my stomach closed...no way in hell. I've never had surgery and I'm scared as death as it is....I couldn't imagine going through all that for faster weightloss. The surgeon I'll be using ONLY does Lap Bands, he is in an office with 3 other surgeons only one of them does RNY's. **I'm not saying RNY's don't work, because I've read many stories where they do work for a lot of people. However, for me the risk of RNY is not worth it when I know I have a safer method available.
  14. Great post! Thanks for sharing your successes with all of us, you're such an inspiration.
  15. MicheleK

    Lap band Deaths

    Well, at least not under this username, right? I haven't had surgery yet, but I have read and re-read information regarding the risks from Lapband surgery. I'm willing to take the small risk of surgery in order to save my life from morbid obesity. I know people have complications from surgery, and I'm sure people have died for various reasons that have had the Lapband procedure...however, MOST issues with the Lapband can be handled by watching for trigger symptoms and following doctor's orders. Horror stories with no statistics to back them up make me mad. If you're going to try and scare people at least tell us where you got your information so the rest of us can get the "whole" story on our own. Oh, and in case you missed it, my post is full of "snark". *Uhh, I realized I bumped an old-ish post, sorry....it came up in my recent posts for some reason ><
  16. Ehhh, I hate pain....LOL
  17. You sound just like me.....I don't eat all day then make up for it (BIG TIME) in the evening. I lost weight 4 years ago by starving myself (100lbs in 5 months). I actually felt pretty good, but was starving all the time...of course I realize I can't do this and effectively keep the weight off. I think that once you get your band you will do just fine, there are MANY folks on these boards that have done the same thing as us...(starvation dieting, binge eating....). The band is a wonderful tool that will keep us from fighting our bodies. I can't wait to get my lapband, I know it's going to work for both of us...it will keep us from binge eating. We will do this Missljj :drool:
  18. I would like to achieve the following: Shopping for "normal" clothes Getting my insecurities in check Not having people think I'm older then I am Not worrying every time my DH takes me out to eat that I won't fit into a booth or chair Wanting to get out more and have fun Oh, and the two major ones.... I want to go scuba diving AND I want to get a tattoo in memory of my father on my lower back
  19. MicheleK

    I'm slow but I'm dumb...

    I don't have much to offer either as I haven't been banded yet (getting ready to submit for approval....3 month diet stuff). Anyway, I just wanted to stop in and lend my support and compliment you on your intro post. It's nice to read so much honesty mixed with humor. :confused_smile: I don't sing either (believe me, you don't want me to) but I will offer some hand-holding and a shoulder to cry on. I'll be thinking of you in the coming days, and I hope you feel better. Take care! :drool:
  20. MicheleK

    Update much???

    It's been a hell of a few months...(huge post starting...) April 20th, my starts vomiting violently, luckily it was a Sunday and my DH was home. He called an ambulance just as she passed out. (she lives with us, she is disabled) The EMT's can't get a blood pressure and her pulse is weak (her BP normally runs very high - she's on two BP meds). They get her to the hospital...her BP is 20/40 and she is septic. The ER doc informs me and DH she could likely die. At this point I'm freaking out...I lost my dad 10 yrs ago to cancer, the thought of losing my mom just boggles my mind. They admit her to ICU and she's put on a breathing machine. I spend the next three days praying at her bedside that she'll live (she's 64 yrs old). Due to her being in ICU she can only have visitors about half the day. So, in the evenings I come home and I'm unable to sleep...I keep waking up with panic attacks, so scared the phone will ring and someone will tell me she's gone. They originally told me she would be in ICU for 2wks (or more), three days later she's off the breathing machine and not septic at all. She's moved the progressive care unit and is almost 100%. She was released within 10 days of being admitted. She really recovered well, she has severe arthritis, other then that she's a pretty healthy lady (thank God). I guess all those years of taking a bowl full of supplements has paid off, lol. Well after she came home, her back started hurting...BAD. She gets injections for back pain (she has MANY bad disks, so many that surgery would be a last resort). She has to get them every 3 years to keep the pain level down...well it was time for new ones! Due to her being septic (btw, it was a severe case of colitus that caused her to be septic) they couldn't give her a "full" dose in her back at once so they had to space it out over like a 1.5 months. She finally got relief with this last injection (5 days ago). So, I've basically been playing caregiver and trying to make my dietician appointments. I finally made it to my last one last Thursday and FINALLY have my appointment with my surgeon on June 25th. I haven't been paying ANY attention to my eating habits...I've been to busy taking FULL TIME care of my mother. Thank goodness I've been out of work...or this could've really been bad. I also was diagnosed with horrible sleep apnea, and I have a "loaner" machine to use in order to get used to the mask so I can go in for ANOTHER sleep study to determine what my pressure needs to be set at. That took forever to get to because I couldn't seem to ever keep an appointment (due to my mother's condition). So, the guy at the CPAP place informs me he has NEVER seen sleep apnea like mine. I stop breathing 288 times per hour...which is unheard of (bad is 110 and the worst he's seen is 177). I was totally freaked out when he told me this.... The good news is, that most people that stop breathing while sleeping lose lots of oxygen their levels can drop as low as 70%. Mine never went below 96% which is considered normal...explain that! So, I finally pick up my CPAP machine and I fall asleep last night, forgetting to put it on....good job Michele! So, we try again tonight...
  21. MicheleK

    Update much???

    It's been a hell of a few months...(huge post starting...) April 20th, my starts vomiting violently, luckily it was a Sunday and my DH was home. He called an ambulance just as she passed out. (she lives with us, she is disabled) The EMT's can't get a blood pressure and her pulse is weak (her BP normally runs very high - she's on two BP meds). They get her to the hospital...her BP is 20/40 and she is septic. The ER doc informs me and DH she could likely die. At this point I'm freaking out...I lost my dad 10 yrs ago to cancer, the thought of losing my mom just boggles my mind. They admit her to ICU and she's put on a breathing machine. I spend the next three days praying at her bedside that she'll live (she's 64 yrs old). Due to her being in ICU she can only have visitors about half the day. So, in the evenings I come home and I'm unable to sleep...I keep waking up with panic attacks, so scared the phone will ring and someone will tell me she's gone. They originally told me she would be in ICU for 2wks (or more), three days later she's off the breathing machine and not septic at all. She's moved the progressive care unit and is almost 100%. She was released within 10 days of being admitted. She really recovered well, she has severe arthritis, other then that she's a pretty healthy lady (thank God). I guess all those years of taking a bowl full of supplements has paid off, lol. Well after she came home, her back started hurting...BAD. She gets injections for back pain (she has MANY bad disks, so many that surgery would be a last resort). She has to get them every 3 years to keep the pain level down...well it was time for new ones! Due to her being septic (btw, it was a severe case of colitus that caused her to be septic) they couldn't give her a "full" dose in her back at once so they had to space it out over like a 1.5 months. She finally got relief with this last injection (5 days ago). So, I've basically been playing caregiver and trying to make my dietician appointments. I finally made it to my last one last Thursday and FINALLY have my appointment with my surgeon on June 25th. I haven't been paying ANY attention to my eating habits...I've been to busy taking FULL TIME care of my mother. Thank goodness I've been out of work...or this could've really been bad. I also was diagnosed with horrible sleep apnea, and I have a "loaner" machine to use in order to get used to the mask so I can go in for ANOTHER sleep study to determine what my pressure needs to be set at. That took forever to get to because I couldn't seem to ever keep an appointment (due to my mother's condition). So, the guy at the CPAP place informs me he has NEVER seen sleep apnea like mine. I stop breathing 288 times per hour...which is unheard of (bad is 110 and the worst he's seen is 177). I was totally freaked out when he told me this.... The good news is, that most people that stop breathing while sleeping lose lots of oxygen their levels can drop as low as 70%. Mine never went below 96% which is considered normal...explain that! So, I finally pick up my CPAP machine and I fall asleep last night, forgetting to put it on....good job Michele! So, we try again tonight...
  22. MicheleK


    I agree with everyone. Find a doc that will support your decision. I'm lucky, my PCP of 10 yrs was the one that recommended the lapband procedure. There are docs out there that will be supportive.
  23. Yeah, it's pretty disgusting. My father was "only" 63 when he died, which to me is young but I realize it's considered older to a lot of people. Funny thing is, his doctor was probably only 10 years younger then him at the time he was ill. I did feel he was ignored because he was older, and a 3x cancer patient. I think they pretty much "gave up" when he got sick again. I'm in Oklahoma and I agree, our medical community needs to start treating some of us with a lot more respect. There are many providers that are wonderful....but the ones that treat people like crap because of their weight or age (or any reason!) need a kick in the pants.

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