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About iloveorganicmilk1

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  1. Hi, I didn't get my surgery yet, but i have some questions. Has any of you guys who have had the surgery experienced facial hot flashes after the surgery, if so, have they gone away, or lasted? This is really important to me, as Im getting really scared of the hot flashes that i've heard ppl experience Thank you.
  2. iloveorganicmilk1

    Hot Flashes?

    I know this is an old post but Im writing to see if i can be of any help @@Denni In oriental medicine, the internal organs provides balance to the body. the stomach helps regulate body temperature. without the stomach internal heat rises to your head ( thats why ur face flushes red and hair falls out). Without ur stomach heat cannot descend to your feet, so usually ppl get super cold feet and hot face after sleeve. i'm getting really worried about this. You might wanna check out a traditional chinese medicine doctor. they can usually help with stuff like this.
  3. Dont take my post too seriously.. But in oriental medicine they say that the internal organs gives balance. From what I know , without the stomach to control heat (stomach controls heat in the body), body heat rises to the top of the body, (which causes flushing and hair loss and ice cold feed). I'm getting really worried that this will happen to me too.
  4. iloveorganicmilk1

    worried about hair loss

    Try going to an acupuncturist or traditional chinese medicine doctor. Western medicine does little with falling hair, but Asian medicine does wonders to hair loss. I have surgery in December and I'm flying back to Korea in november to get some oriental herbal teas for the hair loss. the herbal tonics cost 500 dollars a month, but i think it will b worth it for less hair loss
  5. iloveorganicmilk1

    Self-pay patient questions

    maybe going to mexico is an option?
  6. as you start using bariatricpal more often, you will start getting to know the users who almost always have a mean sarcastic attitude. just gotta realize that they are like that to almost everyone. don't take it personally. I had my fair share of those users. lol! haha
  7. iloveorganicmilk1

    What was your "last" meal?

    my doctor doesn't require a pre-op so I reserved a buffet dinner at a five star hotel the night before my surgery hahaha
  8. iloveorganicmilk1

    drinking protein shakes after surgery..?

    @@Inner Surfer Girl thanks so much! yea. i guess i gotta really work on that. *no hair loss fingers crossed* haha
  9. iloveorganicmilk1

    drinking protein shakes after surgery..?

    @@Dairymary OH, and BTW, my band never slipped. Got an upper GI to confirm that. The drs at the ER thought it was odd that I had a lapband, but they understood cultural differences and my special circumstances with eating problems. If the nine US doctors that I saw at the ER were okay with me having a lapband, you should have NOTHING to say about that ? K?
  10. iloveorganicmilk1

    drinking protein shakes after surgery..?

    @@Dairymary oh wow. You have already become an expert in my life biography. Seems like you know me better than how I know me. Its just kinda ironic that you have never even met me or even seen my face lol and btw, if you were truly concerned about my health, there was no need to talk in that nasty tone that you wrote your posts in in my last thread. I had read plenty of caring and sincere advice from people who were actually NICE! If you even wanted something to perhaps "click" with me, why don't you first try by being NICE? If you aren't gunna be NICE then GO AWAY. Life is already full of problems as it is in an imperfect world. Don't need another internet troll just blasting their own negativities at an innocent poster. I don't like you. I don't like how mean and nasty you are when you post on my threads. so GO AWAY. if you truly are concerned? LEAVE and hope that a nice poster will give me some good advice. Okay? THANKS
  11. iloveorganicmilk1

    drinking protein shakes after surgery..?

    @@Dairymary you are not saying these things because you are sincerely concerned about my health at all. you just say those things because you are a bitter person who enjoys minding other ppl's businesses. I don't need any of your comments so do not reply on any of my posts. so much negative energy from you all the time lol I don't need or want ANY of your thoughts @@Dairymary so just go and mind your OWN business! THANKS
  12. iloveorganicmilk1

    Kane Center in Schaumburg

    I recommend Dr. Shayani from synchrony chicago weight loss! Hes located in both bolingbrooke and oak brook. You will NOT regret visiting him. Seriously, hands down, the most caring, genuine, and sincere doctors that I ever met. When i told him that I couldn't afford some of the things, he was so understanding and tried to accommodate me as much as possible. ahh. Great doctor.
  13. iloveorganicmilk1

    drinking protein shakes after surgery..?

    do you drink constantly throughout the day like as on a mission to get 50 grams in? @ragdollarchild or are you purposely trying to drink as little as possible? I'm just scared about hair loss so i wanna get in enough protein asap after the surgery. thanks!
  14. Hi, I was just wondering, but 2-3 days after the surgery how much Fluid can you usually drink? about How much of a Protein shake can you drink when you are allowed to drink it? I am just scared that I will become nutrient deficient after the surgery (because I don't wanna lose any of my hair!!) So I wanna make sure that I am able to drink at least an ample amount of Protein Shake after the surgery Please let me know how many cups of liquid/protein drinks you were able to drink following your surgery!! thanks for all the replies in advance!
  15. For me in making my decision with this surgery I had to come to terms with myself with the fact that "you have to let some things go to gain what you want". Be sure you know what you want for yourself. You know yourself better than anyone; don't let anyone persuade you into getting this surgery. I am choosing this surgery for myself because I am focused and intent on what I want for myself and for my life.

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