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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by cindygirl32

  1. I was just asked the other day if I would do it all over agin, I said yes! I realy havent had any problems. It took me 4 fills to get tothe point of being restricted. I can only eat a few bites, and I am full. I am seeing the weight go away and I am very happy. Hope you feel the same way.

  2. I feel that mine kicked in a week after I had my fourth fill. When I had my third I felt it right away, but then after afew weeks I had no restriction. I thought that with the third fill I was almost there. I am closer now with the fourth. I belive that when I go in for a fill I will feel alot of restriction. I am finaly starting to loose weight again. Yipee!!!! Good luck to all you bandsters.

  3. ok, I was banded on August 2nd, 2005, and I lost 18lbs very quickly, the docs were all inpressed. I was so excited. Well, that didnt last long. I have lost a total of 25lbs since august. They keep telling me they havnt found the right fill yet. I am also getting discouraged. I joined the gym 3weeks ago. So far the I have been going 3 times a week and the scale just will not go past 200lbs. I am very disapointed. I hope that by the time summer gets here I am atleast 10lbs lighter. I think alot that I should have had the gastric bypass done. Id be thin by now. Well good luck to all of you.

  4. Hi Im from Delaware and had my surgury on August 2, 2005 and have only lost 30lbs. I have only had one fill and realy didnt feel like it woked real well for me. I have a drs apt today and need to talk to dr peters at Chrias. I guess I am one of the slow loosers. At first the weight came right off 20lbs in the first month. Now I feel I am at a stand still. I dont excirse like I should, and I know that would help. If anyone has any advise for me please help.

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