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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by justicenyce

  1. Hey guys...now granted i have an appt to see my doc next but just wanted to see if anybody has been craving sugar post band

    I have been banded for a little under 4 months and i am diabetic. anywho i have stopped taking my meds (metformin) bc my machine readings have been really good. i dont know my A1C number but i think it will gbe good as well. Lately i have been craving sugar in the form of junk food, Cookies, pie, etc. I try not to overeat or get carried away but today it was really bad.

    do you think me not taking metformin anymore has something to do with it or or maybe stress? Is my sugar to low.so thats why im a crazy cookie monster. im so confused. Just now i had to leave my job to go to rite aid to get something sweet. And trust me im not a sweet tooth normally so im just frustrated:redface: Thanks

  2. Hey ladies,

    Just wanted to chime in. last year before i got the band I had a period that lasted weeks. My last period before that one was like a year and half prior. It lasted 2 weeks and was outta control. Cramps, lotta pain, and clotting. It was gross and dramatic. over the counter meds were a joke. But like someone mentioned its normal. your body has to shed the lining that was building up. Anywho now that im banded for a little over three months i have had a normal 4-5 day period on my own (i lost 25 pounds) i think i am about to start another lovely period.

    Hang in there girls :smile2:

  3. :tongue2: Hi there,

    i was banded a couple of days after you at NYU. My doc has not been as aggresive as yours but im now at 7.6 in a 10 band as well but i am certain your doctor knows what he/she is doing and maybe had reasons for filling that way

    Im glad you posted this question bc i have been stressing myself out bc i dont have a sweet spot yet and at 7.6 cc's i dont have much wiggle room. i am going to go for a fill next week and hopefully at 8 or 8.5 cc's i will have proper restriction

    someone on the board told me once

    "placing the band is a science but getting fills is an art"


  4. hi congrats on feeling restriction but im alittle concerned on how ur eating?? u should only be eatin 1/2 to 1 cup of food per sitting (3 meals and 3 sf snacks) as per my doc...u shouldnt stuff urself u should eat til ur comfortable..chicken chili sounds good but why didnt u get a small why did u get a medium? and my next question is why are u eating chips? u have to watch what u eat that could be why ur not losing weight (your overeating) now i dont know what u eat everyday but from what u just told us it sounds too much..yes ur exercising but are u burnin enough calories?? im sorry to sound mean but this is a TOOL not a miracle u have to work with it and what u ate sounds like ur workin the wrong way..i hope this site can help u get back on the bandwagon and start eating healthier...good luck

    thanks for your advise and no you dont sound mean at all. I have been trying to hold out on getting another restriction becouse i am almost at 8 cc of a 10 cc band already and didnt want to go overboard too quick. I didnt get a small chili bc the small looked really tiny and didnt think it would fill me up. I cant explain why i got the chips...greed i guess. im really trying but i can eat more than a half a cup of food (obviously) i am schedule for a fill at the end of the month but i am going to push up my appt. i really want to lose more weight but this band is a tool like you so said... i have to do my part for it to work :thumbup:

  5. :thumbup: Hi yall

    i hope you are all doing well. I have mentioned this before but i used to be frustrated with my band bc i thought i wasnt restricted enough at like 7.5. well all of a sudden i am getting restriction. could be better but i dont want to push it yet

    so i cant eat as much but i still manage to eat untill i pop or slime. just now i ate most of a medium chicken chili Soup from Hale and Hearty (off the hook btw) and most (basically all) of a 99 cents bag (1.78 ounce i think) lays chips (an individual bag not the big one). So im stuffed to the gills.

    i cant seem to go below 242 pounds even though i go to the gym (i wonder why)...i just needed to vent :lol::):lol:

    ps i love smily faces

  6. Dont worry girl with out a fill your not going to have any restriction. gaining weight right now is normal. just follow the food guidline and when you get your fill it will be a different story. dont worry about lossing weight right now just continue to heal and and make the best food choices you can...hang in there :biggrin:

  7. Thanks for your advise! Lauri I am going to go back to basics. I am going to eat more filling foods with Protein bc honestly i have been eating foods thats the easiest and cheapest to pass through the band (soup, Soup, and more soup) i just had fish and chips for lunch (not the best choice i know) i didnt eat the fries much but it toke me awhile to eat one medium fillet of fish, i had to throw the other one away. I finally felt like i had a band. i probally ate more than i am suppose to so i am going to work on making better food choices before i rush to get another fill

    btw AFW...i love what you said "surgery is a science but fills are an art" - awesome

  8. Hi guys,

    So its been three months since being banded and i am starting to worry. According to my doc i have 7.5 in a 10 band but i can still eat more than a half a cup of food. I have been eating Soup alot and i know that isnt as filling but even when i eat solid food (like a salad) i get hungry shortly after

    i dont want to get too tight to fast becouse i have only lost 30 pounds (give or take) and want to lose more weight before getting tighter but maybe thats the wrong way to look at it. Should i go up to 8cc now?

    and when did you guys reach your sweet spot?




  9. Hey yall

    I have a 10cc band and after i my first fill i had a total of 5 cc's (1 cc was put in when i originally had surgery). I had like no restriction at all. I could eat anything. Lisa i felt the same way. Sometimes happy to pb just to remind i have a band in me. But my 2nd fill she put in 2 more cc's. But it was too tight. So she toke some out and now i have 6 cc's. Im a little nervous becouse im not at sweet spot at all. I dont get hungry as fast but i can eat alot of food. Im hoping my third fill will work.

    I started at 275 and now (2 and a half months later) im 245 (give or take a pound or two) I need to work out more thats for sure.:)

  10. I have developed a BAD habit of forcing my self to pb by making myself throw up:redface: I know its horrible. But i dont do it often and i only do it when i know i am about to throw up (at least t hats what it feels like)

    i dont get stuck often but ive been reading on the boards how some people try walking around, tea, etc and i just force myself to throw up. Could I be damaging my band or is it better to wait it out and give food a chance to pass through ???



  11. Hey guys...I had my first fill a week and a half ago and i was told to do 2 days of liquids prior to the fill and two days of liquids after fill (day of fill is considered a day of liquid) and then two days of mushies. My doc said this process will prevent pb'ing. With that said I ate literally 3 noodles in a Pasta salad on the second day of mushies and it got stuck!! I ate yogurt ( which is my go to snack when all else fails) and i couldnt keep it down either :thumbup:

    I thought I was too tight ( my first sill was 4 cc in a 10 band) but i went on liquids for a day and waited and now all things go down pretty normally. In fact i probally need another fill in a few weeks.

    Hand in there. Due liquids for a day or two and chew really well. Im sure you know that but liquids helped me :)

  12. The first thing to do is stop worrying. If you didn't know they were going to use a needle you would think the Fluid just went in my osmosis. I do know that some people have problems but that is the rare few and the tension you hold by worrying doesn't help the procedure. I am in and out in 5 minutes. Three fills and never a problem. I now have 2.5 in a 4cc band and I don't think I will need a fill for quite a while. Just think of the people that have to get insulin shots everyday and because you have the band you may never find yourself in that predicament. So take it easy and don't forget to breathe.



    Hey Sally I was wondering about fills too so i was interested in hearing responses and i have to be honest the tone in your response is kinda rude. I almost never complain to anyone but Hopea never asked how do they get the saline into our bands so the osmosis comment was completly unnecesary. I think she ( like me) was wondering is it painful, what should we look out for, etc. You are a more senior bandster so we are looking to you guys for advise. I dont have the confidence you have with your band just yet so please be patient with newbies like us :thumbup:

    I in no way trying to start a fight i just wanted to share my thoughts.

    Thanks :laugh:

  13. I love the Atkins shakes, they are so yummy. I have tried several different Protein shakes and the atkins is the only one that actually

    has a good flavor to them. I like the strawberry smoothie the best

    Hey Sassy ,

    I love the strawberry too!and they have a mocha one that has a coffee taste (the bomb) and I find them to be soo illing. I just bought a shake that has 35 grams of Protein but i it doesnt look too good. well see :thumbup:

  14. Hey April

    I know losing weight is frustrating maybe your friend was afraid you are no longer going to the yo yo buddy if you have the surgery. Congrats on your surgery date girl and dont tell anyone that isnt 101% behind you. Maybe have a heart to heart after surgery ...you dont want anything messing with your mind pre op. I know my friend is one of those friends for sure but hopefully your girl will be there after all.

  15. Hey there

    I was banded Aug 1 and so far so good. The good part is the band is reversible and you will lose weight slowly which is ideal for health reasons. However, unlike other procedures our band could act up. There is lifelong maintenance of the band that has to be considered. Slips, etc could happpen if your not careful. Sometimes food gets stuck and I PB or throw up and I stress out becouse i am scared i hurt my band.

    I like the band becouse it can be adjusted. I stop losing weigt I will just get another fill (in theory bc i havent got a fill yet) But with other procedures you stretch your pouch and your screwed...you will gain weight again.

    I know its tough but good luck girlfriend and best of luck on your decision.

  16. Hey ladies :frown:

    So i use to read on this forum how after people expressed interest or had the surgery friends/family started resenting them and acting shaddy. I had the lap band but didnt think my friends could be like that.

    :smile: I was wrong. My one good good friend of almost 8 years started acting shaddy just before surgery when she thought i was just thinking about it. When i told i was definitly doing it her shaddyness went into overdrive:cursing:

    She is smaller then me she is like a size 14/16. You know the type who would squeeze into gap clothes but would slit her throat before going into lane bryant type stores. Anywho now that i am banded she picked a fight with me and stop speaking to me. Shes also 10 years older than me and i think she fears i am going to be this young skinny sexy thing and she needs me to be the jolly big girl with all the jokes grrrrr:angry:



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