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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by justicenyce

  1. justicenyce

    hi to all

    Hey there I was banded Aug 1 and so far so good. The good part is the band is reversible and you will lose weight slowly which is ideal for health reasons. However, unlike other procedures our band could act up. There is lifelong maintenance of the band that has to be considered. Slips, etc could happpen if your not careful. Sometimes food gets stuck and I PB or throw up and I stress out becouse i am scared i hurt my band. I like the band becouse it can be adjusted. I stop losing weigt I will just get another fill (in theory bc i havent got a fill yet) But with other procedures you stretch your pouch and your screwed...you will gain weight again. I know its tough but good luck girlfriend and best of luck on your decision.
  2. Hi everyone I am scheduled to be banded on July 8th (NYU). Im a virgo so of course i am waiting for the other shoe to drop:tongue: . I havent heard anything from my insurance (HIP) but my BMI is 44 and i have High BP and diabetis. I didnt do a six month diet plan with a doctor bc i was told i didnt have too. Im just wondering if HIP makes you jump through hoops like the others thanks guys Justice :thumbup:
  3. justicenyce

    Gurgling...I was so embarrassed

    Hey April I was banded on July 31st and I know exactly what your talking about:sneaky: It has happened to me recently but no one was around. For me I think i drank to fast. try taking small sips ( as if you are sipping on tea) when drinking Dont tell anyone unless your comfortable. Your tummy could be making noises for a number of reasons...just look around like your wondering yourself whose tummy is singing :biggrin:
  4. :biggrin: just throw up at work. I was banded on July 31st and I am in the middle of the mushy stage of my diet. Everything has been going great withthe liquids but now that i can eat i guess i got carried away. I got grits and egg & cheese omelette. I thought that it would be considered as mushy. Anywho i scarfed it down and immediatly new something was wrong. I rushed to the bathroom and everything came up. I thought maybey if i eat slower i will finish it:crying: nope throw up again. It was crazy. I feal better now though. Word to the wise...mushy stage is not regular food stage. Slow down and chew chew chew:tongue:
  5. justicenyce

    Oh no I didnt...

    Ok yall i pb'd again. This time on some tuna fish cracker sandwiches. I dont think I toke small bites and thats why it happened. BEing banded is harder than I thought. I hope it gets better. I dont want to be afraid of food. My Birthday is coming up next week and Im afraid i wont be able to eat anything at my own party... Im curious if you pb often will that cause your band to slip as well? I think I am just stressing
  6. Hey guys...i was banded on July 31st and in the beginning everything was great:smile: Now im in the mushy stage and I am having issues. First i throw up/pb'd for eating to heavily during mushy stage ( I scarfed down grits and eggs and cheese) and I learned my lesson. But I found the dish thats mushy and delicous....egg salad:drool: But now i am like eating it every other day and I use 3 Large to XL eggs and just now i had a small cup of applesauce right after. Am I pigging out? I dont have any fill yet so I know i should concentrate on healing but i dont want to damage the band What do yall think :mad2:
  7. Thanks guys I am going to try to stick to 2-4 oz (Thanks BBJersey)and consume Protein first. Since i am eating eggs so much i am hoping I am getting my protein. Dont worry Flowers, i have heard you will need more than one fill to hit your sweet spot. I cant wait to eat some crispy bacon:tongue2: you sound like you are doing fine Its a little frustration becouse my surgeon was top notch but the nutrionist is like an urban legend at the hospital...i have heard she is there but can never find her. But i will have to take responsibility and be mindful of what i am eating:smile2:
  8. justicenyce

    Oh no I didnt...

    You guys are so right. I think the meal was way too heavy. I need to calm down. maybey I will be able to eat grits later..when I am out of the mushy stage:tongue2: I cant give up on my grits Thanks ya'll :thumbup:
  9. justicenyce

    Do you have a secret crush?

    Dont laugh but i am in love with Nicolas Cage:tt1:. Yeah i said it There is something about his craziness that is too fine:tongue2: I think Lil Bow Wow is cute too ( if I was l ike 15 years younger )
  10. Hello Yall So i was banded at NYU by Dr. Kurian (awesome and very patient btw) and so far i have been chilling and taking it easy . Its weird It was as if i blinked and it was over. I dont remeber anyone counting down or anything. But everything went well and I couldnt be happier. I know im a newbie but nothing so far seems as bad as I thought. The scars arent bad, the liquid diet is ok (im loving Atkins) and I lost 15 lbs so far (thanks mostly to preop diet :eek:) but heres a question...right before you get a fill can you eat as much as you could preband? Im not plannig too but was curious :w00t: Thanks guys
  11. Thank guys for your responsese. I will take it slow. Congrats Choopie! Wasnt NYU great. I was a little nervous at first becouse the administrative staff were a little annoying but the nurses were great. Good luck yall:lol:
  12. OK i am so happy i was finally approved and my surgery is this Thurs.:thumbup: but my insurance will run out at the end of August :crying: Now i know with people who self pay fills are usually covered for like a year. Is that the same with those who have insurance. Im going to call the hospital admin to find out. I will hate to have the surgery and then not be able to afford the fills. anyone in a similar situation :confused2: ~Justice
  13. justicenyce

    I was approved but im losing my ins. in a month???

    I dont think my insurance will be extended...i have a job now and i make too much ( but my job doent offer medical insurance) I am planning on purchasing insurance (im thinking GHI) shortly after my insurance ends. I am hoping there isnt a gap. I know its kinda of a gamble to get this procedure now but i really wanted to be banded and my insurance approved in 48 hours Thanks for your support and advise
  14. justicenyce

    I was approved but im losing my ins. in a month???

    Thanks for your advise guys...the thing is I have a medicaid type insurance so i dont think there is a cobra possibility. I am hoping that since my insurance covered the surgery the hospital will just used that coverage to cover upcoming fills. I am having surgery in NYC at NYU and i think fills there are expensive
  15. Hi ya'll i know the most important thing about being banded is improving our health. I have type II, high blood pressure, high everything really but i have been thinking...more like obsessing over loose skin. I know black dont crack but is loose skin in inevitable. Have any of you bandsters of color had any problems with this:crying: Thanks Justice :cool:
  16. Whats up ladies I just wanted to say hi. I am being banded at NYU in NYC on July 31st. My BMI is around 44 (im 275 lbs) and im excited to get healthy and yes smaller clothes will also be nice :thumbup: Justice
  17. justicenyce

    nyu consult experience and question

    Hi guys :cool: Im am being banded by Dr. Kurian as well. I really like her but the staff is no where near as polished. The insurance coordinator ( Nilsa ) is nice but doesnt seem to know what she is talking about half the time. I almost changed my mind on being banded becouse she was so spastic and confused. She told me i needed a 6 month diet plan with my doctor but then submitte my paper work and I was approved without it ( I have a 40+ BMI and 2 comorbidities) I would call her with questions and she always seemed fluster and "too busy to talk" I definitly blame NYU's popularity on the lack of professionalism from the staff
  18. justicenyce

    What's the dill, pickles?

    Hi Ladies I just got approved after a little mini emotional roller coaster ride. At first I was told i needed a 6 month diet thingy with my doctor then the hospital submitted my paperwork anyway and I was approved without it. I am scheduled to be banded at the end of the month. Keep praying and everything will work out Jusitce :cool:
  19. justicenyce

    June 17,2008

    Oh and by the way ya'll I am a sistah :tongue2:I know my avatar does not reflect this but Lucy is my favorite character on my favoite cartoon so dont hate Justice :cool:
  20. justicenyce

    June 17,2008

    Thanks Lady for sharing your experiance. I should be banded at the end of the month :smile2: I just got approved. How long did it take for you to go back to school/work. Im getting banded on a thursday and expect to go back to work on Monday. I have a desk job so Im hoping i will be ok. keep up the good work:thumbup:
  21. justicenyce

    Women of Color and WLS-New Social Group

    Hi April, Can you also send me the invite as well. I cant seem to find the Girlfriends folder? Thanks
  22. justicenyce

    Im Approved ya'll !!

    Thanks guys. Its a really great feeling Orea. Im looking forward to it. Thanks again
  23. Hello All :biggrin2: I am finally approved. I have been so inspired by everyone on this wonderful site. I just want to thank you all for sharing your stories Im usually a worry wart but I feel truly blessed and i will concerntrate on that Justice :biggrin:
  24. justicenyce

    NYC and HIP health insurance ??

    And by the way Angel please keep me posted on your journey. Are you having it done in NYC?
  25. justicenyce

    NYC and HIP health insurance ??

    Thanks Angel..your so right. We are approved and thats so amazing. We are really blessed. Waiting for the other shoe to drop all the time is not healthy. (btw I do have to pay a copay but not sure of the amount yet) Congrats to you and best of luck and thanks again for your advise :biggrin2: Justice

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