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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About LittleLizzieLilliput

  • Rank
    Bariatric Master

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    San jose
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  1. LittleLizzieLilliput

    Wow, I could not believe this!

  2. LittleLizzieLilliput


    I eat the tops off of pizza all the time! No bread for me.
  3. LittleLizzieLilliput

    Bras are my enemy!

    This should pass for you fairly soon. Though, to tell you the truth, if I eat to fast I STILL get that and I'm 17 months post op now.
  4. LittleLizzieLilliput

    Depressed and need to vent

    your body redistributes the fat as the years go by, it's not uncommon to not fit in something you did long ago even at the same weight. I'd recommend not doing this clothes thing for a while if it's upsetting to you. There are so many ways to measure your success, finding one that depresses you is the opposite of a good idea. lol! You should measure yourself, your head, neck, biceps, wrists, breasts, waist, hips, thighs, calves and ankles. Then do that every 6 weeks. Also, try to remember this is a marathon, not a sprint. Even though this is much faster than a regular diet resulting in weight it's not going to fly off of you, thought it feels that way sometimes. lol! As long as you stick to your protocol: Protein, water, 10K steps a day, vitamins - as long as you stick with those this will work for you and if you maintain that priority it will stay off. Hang in there! If you are feeling discouraged I recommend putting on some happy music, throwing on some sneakers and get out there and walk walk walk!! I always feel better after a good 30 minute brisk walk!
  5. LittleLizzieLilliput

    Cheating / random life questions

    Anyone who says it's the easy way out is speaking from pure ignorance. Everything is super exciting and new, everything is better, the only thing that I miss is gorging on food but I don't miss the guilt afterwards, the pain, the obesity and the early dying.
  6. LittleLizzieLilliput

    Raw veggies / smoothies

    If they are pureed there is pretty much no problem except for the amount of carbs in veggies and fruits. My nut doesn't want me doing smoothies because I could end up putting in a TON of sugar into my diet and that's a killer for me. So no smoothies due to calorie and sugar restrictions, not digestive restrictions.
  7. LittleLizzieLilliput

    The best on-plan thing I have eaten lately is...

    I'm boring! Peanut butter. I'm an addict. lol!
  8. Oh no, at this point I'm at about 1000-1200 per day. I eat too much bacon for 700 calories in a day. lol!!!!
  9. My surgeon said stretching was pretty unlikely as they remove all the stretchy parts of the stomach. I just follow my protocol of focusing on Protein first. Then I fill up on Chicken or Pork, majority of my calories and nutrition are obtained because I focus on Protein, then veggies, then complex carbs.
  10. LittleLizzieLilliput

    Pulled Pork

    Pulled pork is AWESOME, I just stay away from the sauces and of course the fatty parts. Pork and Chicken are my go-to proteins.
  11. LittleLizzieLilliput

    I love FluffyChix with a sense of humor!

    I am always joking and laughing, I am a very happy person - which can really piss a lot of people off, and many feel it's disingenuous or an act - people who are moody often don't trust people who are happy. It's something I've learned in life. lol!! I try to curb my humor here though as these are very serious topics and sometimes it's literally life and death as it's very dangerous in the first few months post surgery. I don't like to go too far over the satirical line here as many aren't coming here to see a comedy show, they are here dealing with the scariest thing they've ever done. But don't get me wrong, I love a good Smurf d**k joke!!!
  12. LittleLizzieLilliput


    Even at 16 months out I will feel quite ill if I eat too fast. I get dumping syndrome - regardless of sugar content in food - if I eat my 1/4 oz in under 1 hour I can be quite ill for a long time. I get weak, can't talk, can't move, have never thrown up but do this weird horrible breathing thing and then I fall asleep for a period of time between 20 minutes and 6 hours. It's horrible. I can't stress enough to be careful when eating and give yourself time. Most days it's fine but when it's bad I can't do anything and it puts my entire life on hold while I have medical event happening. I try to maintain my good attitude and sense of humor about it. I say that I'd much rather have this horribly sick feeling than be morbidly obese and dying. So there's that. hahah!
  13. LittleLizzieLilliput

    Does shopping count as exercise?

    If your body is moving...it counts!!!!!!!!! It's really that simple.
  14. LittleLizzieLilliput

    Depression and feelings of giving up

    Oh man, I'm so sorry, I know how hard these Pauses can be!! Let me ask you a few questions: In that time period have your pants continuted to feel looser? Have you measured yourself to see where your body is changing and shrinking? These things still happen even when the scale doesn't move. Because you are dropping fat and building muscle, Muscle weights more than fat so its very easy to be sculpting and changing your body, dropping 2 or 3 sizes and NEVER drop a single ounce of weight. For reals. I spent 12 weeks not losing a pound but I went from a 16 to a 10. Second question, do you have a counselor or some kind of support person you can talk to? It sounds to me like you have a lot on your shoulders, a house, kids, your health, trying to manage your new eating, exercising, trying to achieve all your goals and working tirelessly to do everything for everybody. That's too much for anyone after a certain point!! Of course you spent the day in bed crying and eating crap you know you shouldn't eat, you had a mini-breakdown as I call them. lol! And who could blame you????? But of course you can't keep doing that because of your health and your life responsibilities. So you know what I did? I talked to my GP doctor and told her about my out of control emotions, my inability to handle frustration, that while I am the most healthy I've ever been I'm also the most miserable, WHY??? So she explained to me that I just have too much on my plate (Pun totally intended!! lol!), I'm juggling work, my health, my meds, my exercise, my crazy food needs, my home, etc. So I went on a generic Lexapro, could not be happier with my choice!! She said that our bodies go through crazy changes with this level of weight loss and it's easy for the brain chemistry to become unbalanced. She put me on the meds for a 12 month period. I'm on month 2 and it feels like a life saver. Third question, what do you do to reward and pamper yourself in a non-food way? I always recommend a massage & mani/pedi. Another thing I do to keep myself motivated is make sure I get my 10K steps in everyday, the endorphins really help our brains right now when we are doing all this crazy stuff. Cause not only are we affected physically with hormones and brain-chemistry and weight loss, but we are also affected emotionally from no longer having the same emotional crutches. And food was our biggest self-soother. I would recommend seeing a therapist as well if you can. It really helped me the first year as I needed to purge these feelings and had a lot of issues dealing with frustrations and upset now that I couldn't shove 3000 calories worth of chicken strips and fries in my face. lol! Seriously, i was shocked at how hard it was dealing with life when I couldn't just eat away my worries. Hang in there, you are doing something wonderful for yourself and your kids. Your misery right now is both emotional and brain chemistry driven. If you are following the protocol and meeting all your goals, Protein, water, 10K steps, vitamins, than your body is changing and evolving - even if the scale doesn't move! The scale is only part of our story. You are going to do great love, I really believe it!
  15. bring powder packets with you when you travel. Those were not taken away from me. I also made sure to check out the in-room menu before traveling, see if they can make eggs for you 24/7. I think eggs are a great travel food in this stage because they are usually soft, you can get them lots of places and they taste great if you like egg.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
