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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lleighton5

  1. i am soooo utterly excited!! I cannot believe the day is finally here!! I am not nervous about tomorrow..well not really. I keep having this thought that the surgeon decides my liver is still way too fat (i picture it like filling my entire stomache) and i wake up without a band. I have lost 8 pounds on my preop diet so i really dont think i need to worry but there is always still that thought in the back of my head. My mom keeps asking if i am nervous or anxious. I tell her i am not but inside my entire body is on cloud nine! I am just soooo ready to get this weight off and begin living my life. Anyone else out there who simply cannot believe you will be banded in the next few hours or days?! -Lindsey!!!!!!
  2. lleighton5

    Starting Pre-Surgery prep-NERVOUS!

    hey bookie! I am the same starting weight as you and we are having surgery on the same day! I have been on protein drinks for a week already AND believe me... its getting old. GOOD LUCK with everything. let me know how you are doing with your preop and after surgery okay! -Lindsey
  3. lleighton5

    How Cranky did you become.....

    I guess i am lucky... I get 3 Protein shakes a day plus a meal inclusing 3 oz chicken, 1 cup veggies, 1/3 cup whole grain, and 1 piece of fruit. All day I crab and whine about what i wish i could be eating (for some reason it has been weird things like brie cheese and refried Beans lol) but at mealtime i am the happiest girl in the world! haha BUT as soon my food is gone i am back to my complaining. I find myself also getting really jealous of what everyone is eating around me. Oh and has anyone been to the grocery store? LOL hardest experience of my life. Make sure you are DRINKING A Protein Drink WHILE YOU SHOP...or else you will want everything in sight! Its badddd....but we will get through it and look fabulous! Keep up the good work future bandsters! -Lindsey
  4. lleighton5

    July 22nd Banding

    July 22 can't come fast enough!!!! Its my day too!! i simply CANNOT WAIT! good luck everyone! -Lindsey
  5. lleighton5

    18 days away and nervous....

    thank you all who responded! i start the preop diet tomorrow and i know this is the first step towards a thinner, sexier, healther me! good luck to everyone! i am sooo excited to hear of everyones weight losses!!!!
  6. hey bandsters. i am being banded july 22nd (!!!!) and i am SUPER excited. but like most people, i am getting a little nervous as my date creeps closer...not about the surgery though, about post-op and the lifestyle changes and everything. i guess i just need some advice or guidence from someone who has actually been through it all. my mom and i were talking today about after my surgery and while she is sooooo supportive, my mom kept saying things like, "do you think you will actually be able to loose the weight? & "what are your expectations?" & "are you really going to commit to it?" not that she thinks i won't be able to lose the weight, she just doesnt want me to fail again like i have a million times before. it just got me thinking... i guess i just need to know that i am not the only one who thinks these things pre-op and that somehow we bandsters find our way... i am just nervous....Lindsey
  7. lleighton5

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    CONGRATS TO ALL THE JULY's!!! I am scheduled for the 22nd!! I can hardly wait. I only have barely a month to go! I can't wait for all of us to be skinny and HOTT!
  8. lleighton5

    i think i am ready

    hey all, my names lindsey from CA...i am 18 and a freshmen in college at West Virginia University. My mom suggested getting banded about 2 weeks ago and we have already made appoinments with doctors and we have called the ins. company. i want to get banded at the SOONEST possible time...like in 2-3 months over the summer while i am home and start losing the weight i have carried around forever!! i didnt actually think there were any people even close to my age around here but i actually have a couple questions... did you tell your best friends? i wasnt going to tell them (not bc they wouldnt be supportive, but i dont think they would understand) but i think they might think somethings wrong if i just stop going out to eaat with them and all. also, do you find it hard to not eat certain foods espeicially in like a high school cafeteria or a college dorm... just wondering. let me know!!
  9. Hey!

    no sur. date yet...but i do have all my appointments(surgeon, nutrition, physical) on may 16th. so that is really exciting...after that i just submit my papers and should get my date!!!


    how are you doing?

  10. i got the call today that says that my insurance will cover the surgery 100% and i scheduled my appointments!!! that wont happen until may (since i am away at college) BUT STILL! i feel like i finally have something to be excited about! i cannot wait to be banded and share my own sucesses and struggles with you all! i am SOOO SOOO SOOO excited! good luck to everyone!!!!!!!!!
  11. lleighton5

    Lap Band Students!!

    i live in san diego, CA. so the bottom, and what i like to call the 'best' part of CA. its crazy going back and forth from CA to WV...but i do it. i really hope you (and I) are both REALLY lucky and get our surgeries done in may. be SURE to keep in touch! i want to hear how you are doing and if you get your may date!!!!
  12. hi everyone my name is lindsey! i am a student at West Virginia University but i am getting my surgery done in my hometown of san diego, CA by dr. mueller. i just got a call from the surgeons office telling me the insurance will pay 100% and now all i have to do to get this done is the appointments!!!!! i hope to be banded by the end of may so i can be a may bandster! i so am ready to just get this done and start REALLY living my life. btw...i loooove the name!!! the may flowers. so cute! good luck everyone!
  13. lleighton5

    Lap Band Students!!

    thanks allison! i am sooo happy to find some people around my age who are beginning the lapband journey too! and same with me about the 'unknown' surgery date. i dont get home to CA until may 10th. then i have all of my appointments...i just REALLY want to be a 'may flower'!!!! thank god for this thread!
  14. lleighton5

    Only one more time

    i know this is terrible but i dont even try the seatbelt anymore for fear that it wont fit. i have gained ALOT of weight since i entered college and this past time flying home i really began to see how big i had gotten. i just put my purse on my lap (which i know it TERRIBLE) and always sit in the aisle. i also fly southwest so when i see people looking at me when finally the c people get to board i can tell they are all happy that they do not have to sit next to the big fatty with the purse on her lap.
  15. lleighton5

    Lap Band Students!!

    i am finishing up my frosh year at west virginia university and i am getting banded in MAY! the surgeon's office took a while to realize that i wont be around all the time for appointments and fills etc. ( since i am and out of state student & i am getting banded at home in CA) so i have to look elsewhere for those things but after they got it they have been very helping and understanding! i cannot wait for may! since i discovered LBT i have been on it 12 hours out of the day. i am on here more than facebook now!
  16. i have NEVER been the skinny girl EVER...i was ALWAYS heavier than the rest of the girls i knew and it hurt me when i was continually treated differently... i have always had confidence even though i am heavy it is just something my mom always taught me to have and that has gotten me through alot of uncomfortable situations BUT i have always had this dream of being skinny like my best friends and going to bars and not have girls look at me in disgust because i am big and chose to wear a tank top or have guys frequently dance with my skinny friends but never me. I JUST CANNOT WAIT TO BE THIN! but i dont know how i will react when the world finally sees me as the person i am on the inside... i guess we will see!
  17. i am young and i have that problem. i HATE walking into a building out of the cold and sweating my ass for atleast 10 minutes before it subsides and goes away. i dont have a thyriod problem but i know when i lose weight this will probably go away! i cannot wait i HATTTTTE this!!!
  18. lleighton5

    San Diego Bandsters out there?

    socalshannon! we were at the same info meeting! i am so excited about getting the band..but the people at dr. muellers office are TAKING WAYY TOO long to get back to me. i think i am just impatient and anxious! good luck to everyone!
  19. lleighton5

    My 1 Month Progress and Pics!

    YOU ARE DOING SOO WELL MICHELLE! keep up the good work!! i hope to be doing this good one month after my surgery! -Lindsey
  20. lleighton5

    i think i am ready

    thanks max... i probably wont tell my friends because that is EXACTLY how they would react. they would tell me to just eat healthy and work out...which i have done and only gotten heavier as another one of my diets failed... another thing- my friends are constantly 'on' me about what i eat. i want to live my own life and they (being 125 and a size 3) dont understand it is hard for me at times. they eat whatever they want and never gain a pound. its hard to keep up. i am not going to tell them and see how it goes. -Linds
  21. lleighton5

    The Joys of PCOS!

    let my first say i CANNOT believe there is PCOS feed on here... i am only 18 and take metformin everyday. it hasnt really made a difference with me but the doc says when i lose weight it will work better... i got laser on my mustache (ahh) and it worked brilliantly! you have to go a couple a sessions (and true my parents paid for it-50 to 75 $ a session) but i think it is worth it. especially if you have to shave everyday...i couldn't even imagine.
  22. lleighton5

    Thinking about it...

    i am just starting to research it all right now. my mom mentioned the lapband to me the other day and i was just looking for information about the process and everything. Everyone on here seems very supportive and everything. I just cannot believe that this really exists. it almost seems too easy. but the before/after pictures are so inspirational. i am just looking forward to start the process and see if this is all right for me. -Lindsey
  23. My name is Lindsey. I am a freshmen in college at West Virginia Univeristy and i am soo tired of being overweight and this seems to be the best way i know how to do it. My entire life i have been heavier than everyone else at school. My current BMI is 39 and now that my frosh yr is almost over (in which i have gained at least 30 pounds thanks to dorm food!) i can honestly say i am finally ready for something to ACTUALLY WORK! My mom is totally supportive of my decision because she knows how hard it is for me since i am so young...I just want to be able to go into a store and realize that i can pick out anything there to buy. I am just ready and reading everyone's stories on here has just shown me that this is the best thing for me. I hope to one day be a success story on the before and after post!!!!!! Lindsey

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