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Posts posted by Mindy78

  1. Should have taken a picture, but had almost a whole hot wienie with about half the chilli on it. One bite of slaw, because it's slaw and you just have to.

    I am stuffed to think before it was nothing to eat a double dog plate,w bun fries and slaw. Washed down with a large soda.

    Sent from my 5054N using the BariatricPal App

    What's a hot wienie?

    Sent from my HTC Desire 626s using the BariatricPal App

    Hot dog, just the wienie

    Sent from my 5054N using the BariatricPal App

  2. Im almost 3 months out from RNY I am having similar issues. Not hungry at all. food that didnt bother me, now a bite and up it comes. Almost everything tastes gross. Forcing myself to drink a shake now. I've been up since 8pm last 18 hours and only ate a ¹/² serving of Cereal high in Protein for Breakfast, a bite of tuna at lunch. Forcing a shake now because I know my body needs fuel. Yesterday I had almost 400 cal.

    Sent from my 5054N using the BariatricPal App

  3. I don't dump either. I do have a reactive hypoglycemic though, which makes my blood sugar spike than crash....so, I try to be very careful with sugars. I passed out once from low blood sugar since my surgery, and I really don't want that to happen again.

    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

    I have the same thing. Sometimes it drops just because, but if I have something sweet it does too

    Sent from my 5054N using the BariatricPal App

  4. I have 5 pairs of workout pants (three are Champion brand and two are Lane Bryant) in need of a good new home. Size 2x on four of them, XL on one; all of them are black. Message me here or DM me--depending on how many people respond, I can parse out one at a time or mail them all to one person.

    Edited to add: Smoke free home but not pet free home. You may find a few stray dog hairs on them.

    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

    That is so sweet of you

    Sent from my 5054N using the BariatricPal App

  5. I don't recommend Bariatric Advantage berry and the citrus or orange was worse. I take them late at night because they make me so nauseous

    Sent from my 5054N using the BariatricPal App

    I have had the same outcome with Bariatric Advantage. The chocolate Calcium Citrate tastes so bad, I just can't get those down. I purchased the full Multivitamin as well in orange and not too bad tasting but I remain sick for the rest of the day. I am struggling here even thinking about another vitamin/ sickness.... #green

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Dr said they have pills I can switch to when these are gone

    Sent from my 5054N using the BariatricPal App

  6. My next checkup with the surgeon’s office is looming upon me. I think this time I will get to see the Surgeon Himself. I am not sure exactly why. Perhaps he wants to admire his handiwork, as evidenced by my smaller, but slightly more wrinkled body. He is a nice enough guy, but I get the impression he is constantly preoccupied.

    In preparation for this particular appointment, I was sent to the lab to have blood extracted for testing. This is always fun, as I don’t get to eat anything, drink anything (except a bunch of Water to make it easier for all involved when it comes to puncturing my hide accurately), and there is always a line.

    When my turn finally arrived, I was ushered to the Chair. I know it is supposed to make me comfortable, and give my arm physical support for the deed itself. I’m not even afraid of needles. But I always feel like I am about to be strapped in and hooked up to electrodes. Maybe my imagination is too vivid. Maybe one of these days, I’ll settle in and the lady will grin evilly, and whip those electrodes out! You never know!

    After installing me in the chair, she proceeded with the paperwork. With the way our medical system is, you can’t even bleed without filling out papers first. She tapped away on the computer for a few minutes, asked me some questions, and then the printer started. They have a couple of printers. One is for full, 8 1/2” x 11” sheets of paper for the receipts. Because we all need giant receipts, right? But the other one is the special printer. It is the one that prints out the labels they affix to each little tube of my essence, my life’s blood.

    Well, she turned that little printer on, and it started churning out labels like it was printing confetti for the next ticker tape parade! My eyes were getting wider and wider as the strip curled over the front and started for the floor.

    “Are all those for tubes!?!”, I asked, with just a hint of alarm creeping into my voice?

    “Yep!… Just about”, she replied.

    “I hope there’s enough in there. I still need to drive home, you know.”

    She just laughed a little and told me not to worry. The next thing I knew, the needle was in my arm. This lady is a regular Dracula when it comes to that. She is very good. Usually the “filling process” goes quickly. Today I felt like I was at the gas pump along with everyone else. You know how the pump slows down every time someone else squeezes that trigger? That was how my blood was oozing out into these tubes. And they kept coming. I think she had to go to the supply closet for more.

    She said, “Do you know they’re testing you for zinc?”

    “No! I don’t know WHAT they’re testing me for, except that I asked for my HVAC level to be checked.” They were cool with that. ;-) “Why would they want to know if I have zinc in my system? Lead, I can understand. I handle lead on a regular basis.”

    She had no idea. I thought about it for a moment and said, “Maybe since they are testing me for everything else, they decided they might as well throw in the kitchen zinc.”

    “Oh, hee hee hee, that’s a good one. You’re funny!”

    I thought it might be the last joke I ever made. I watched as she started wiggling the vials, tapping them, and doing all the little tricks one does when the flow begins to slow. I had visions of my vision blacking out. I literally thought she was going to have to squeeze me to get the last few drops she needed. I’ve been having some low blood pressure issues, after all. But finally, she removed the last vile vial, and plucked the needle from my arm. The stick point didn’t even bleed. I checked my bandage later on, and there was not a spot. I think I am down about a quart right now. That would explain this overwhelming urge I have to go bite someone on the neck.

    I love this story

    Sent from my 5054N using the BariatricPal App

  7. I do karate as well. It was 2x a week now it's just 1 til holidays are past. Happy to say I am an orange belt already, working towards green. Before surgery when I started in January I was at the gym at least 3 days a week most of the time 4. Even with adding karate in May. I just seem so worn down lately. Not tired or sleepy just worn out. I did get 30 minutes on the treadmill in so that's something.

    Sent from my 5054N using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
