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Ondrea Tye

Mini Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Ondrea Tye

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday April 25

About Me

  • Biography
    mother of a grown daughter and I have two dogs and two cats!
  • Gender
  • Interests
    , amatuer wildlife/nature photography, and other artistic pursuits,
  • Occupation
    Urban Planner
  • City
    Los Angeles area
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  1. Ondrea Tye

    Anyone here making their own protein bars?

    There are copy cat recipes for kind bars. I make it and it uses a sweetener just like the other recipes do but I use brown rice syrup. They taste just like the real deal and cheaper and I feel fuller. I don't add in protein powder but all the nuts in there is plenty of protein.
  2. In my profile I am unable to log in my surgery date and my progress of weight loss and add the time line to as a signature to my posting. How can I do that?
  3. LOL that is so funny! They are like flavored sawdust and or flavored cardboard shavings. They have fancy names and great pictures but it's all crap o la. I'll take real food.
  4. I seem to be able to eat meat farily well if it was made from beef soup. I guess I could put it in a food processor, but ugh, would kind be gross... I hope this too shall pass.
  5. I had my MGB in Jan 2017 from a gastric Sleeve. The sleeve didn't help me at all. I was always hungry and though I couldn't eat as much as before the sleeve I never lost weight. Now with the MGB I don't feel hungry like before. I am losing weight! Albeit slowly because I can't exercise much until I have surgery to fix my bum knee. ... Here's my issue: We are all suppose to eat enough Protein. I am having a problem with it. I and can eat rice and bread (but choose not to) with no problem. When I eat dense food, ones with a lot of protein like chicken, or beef, I get this sour feeling in my stomach like I ate a rock and it takes forever for that feeling to fade away. I don't feel nauseous and I don't throw up but it's a bad uncomfortable feeling, just the same. Also, I can't stand these Protein shakes even mixing it with fruit it tastes like sh_t! Honestly, who is going to drink/eat something if it gives them a gag reflex? So has anyone had similar experiences? How did they cope?
  6. Here is what you should bring: 1) personal items to clean your teeth etc. 2) house coat so you don't have to wear the hospital gown 3) slippers (The hospital didn't have any when I was there no sure if they do now but just in case i recommend you bring yoru own) 4) tablet or something to send emails.
  7. That's how I feel. I have friends who have great marriages but I was not lucky that way :(. Oddly my ex remarried and he is so good to his other wife and admitted to my daughter he was mean to me.
  8. Then perhaps you should make an extra trip and meet the doc and tour the hospital and meet some of the patients who just had surgery. That might relieve his anxieties.
  9. Follow your intuitions regarding your hubby.; talk to your closest and dearest friends (not mutual friends) and do what is right for YOU. It sounds kinda like you're already made up your mind. Just find support from others since your husband won't give it to you and go for it. We're all here for you.
  10. I am sooo glad I'm divorced. Egads some men just are missing the compassion gene. You must do what YOU think is right and if your husband gives you flack it might be time to re-evaluate your relationship and get some therapy so he'll be more understanding. I can tell you from my experience I had on par, if not better care than in the states. I had just had a hip replacement 6 months before the MGB so I know. Hospitals in the states do take care of you, but you don't get to stay long there and the nurses are overworked. In TJ they don't have that kind of workload and give you more attention. Plus, a doctor saw me every day. When I had my hip surgery the doc saw me 24 hours later and he gave me a sum total of 5 minutes of his time. Yippee.. These hospital and docs are catering to an American populace so they have to be just as good as in the States. Oh yea, I also went all by myself and had no problem at all. I drove into TJ and parked in the hotel.
  11. I was sent email for a 20% off prices in the bariactric pal store. Darn if I deleted it. Does anyone have the code/
  12. Ondrea Tye

    Medical Tourism Insurance Policy

    I drove to Mx since I live in Los Angeles and buy my Mex insurance online and find the cheapest. Just google Mexican Insurance and you find site that list a bunch of them. Easy peasy.
  13. I had a lap band too and it was horrible! I kept throwing up the food since it got stuck and I still didn't lose wieght. I got polyps in my esophagus and had to have them cut out. With the MGB I'm now losing! Yea! No complications and I felt no pain. Again it may be different for you. For me I wished that's what I did in the beginning.
  14. I like EAS powders. Honestly not all the found of Protein shakes but EAS so far tastes the best. It's not saying a lot.
  15. I had a sleeve and it did nothing for me. I was hungry all the time and never lost a pound! I had a MGB with Dr. Illian i in Jan and I highly recommend him. BariactricPal is very good with the how you are treated and aftercare contacts. Some people do well wtih a sleeve however you will not lose as fast and may not reach your goal from the statistics I've read. Everyone is different.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
