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Everything posted by K1V990

  1. Because WLS is fuckin' expensive and a lot of insurance companies don't cover enough of the price. Mexico is cheaper, with some great doctors
  2. I think just finally loving myself would be what I most look forward to. [emoji846]
  3. K1V990

    100 lbs lost as of today

    Omg awesome!!!!!! Keep up the great work [emoji5]
  4. K1V990

    Low carb ideas

    You can make your own pizza crust out of so many things these days that are low carb, like cauliflower/broccoli, almond meal, canned chicken (I found this one super interesting!) Look for Keto recipes on Pinterest. You'll be amazed by the things people come up with to replace those "bad" carbs.
  5. K1V990

    A little disappointed

    28 pounds in in 9 weeks is NOT terrible!
  6. K1V990

    Diet coke

    That was a pretty scientifically illiterate post. Literally everything is made of chemicals, and literally all food is *real* food. Sure, some aren't as healthy as others, but you can't go calling the ones that are unhealthy "fake". That's not how science, food, or life works. [emoji4]
  7. Troll Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. The American healthcare system is a joke. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. K1V990

    I remember saying this.

    Nope, I've always been fat Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. My guilt comes from having lost 20 pounds some years ago, loving how I was feeling/what I was seeing, only to have gained 50+ pounds due to becoming a sedentary person. I don't deal with it very well, and I know I definitely need therapy for it, but it is one of the many reasons I am considering WLS. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. Oh my god, yes. Why should I pay $30 for a shirt at this "plus size store" that would be $15 anywhere else at any other "normal" size? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. K1V990

    Pet peeve: extra skin.

    Not to mention that the search function isn't the greatest anyway. I've tried many searches, but the results are always super weird. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. Seeing stairs and not caring at all if anyone's behind me, because I can now, finally, climb them without stopping for air. Roller coasters, or any amusement rides in general. I've had to pretend my whole life that I was just scared of the heights or the speed. No, I was just scared of waiting in line only to not fit on the ride. To not feel awkward standing next to anyone that's super skinny, even my sister. It's a constant nagging in my brain that says that they have to also find me disgusting, you know? I'd love to look forward to clothes shopping. Really, just in general, I'd like to not always be depressed. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. That's my exact fear, I have no health problems and I'm young .. I mentioned to my doctor he said I will be fine.. Think of old heart patients with a list of health problems and they come out so I'll be s breeze.. I'm still on the fence.. Sent from my Z981 using the BariatricPal App The anxiety before having surgery is a reality, that is true, but you come to find that you trust your medical team and it will melt away. I was 20 when I had surgery to remove an ovarian cyst. I was so nervous, but I was in even more pain. And I knew my doctor(s) would do anything and everything to help me to not feel that pain any longer. That's what got me through. I imagine the same goes for weight loss surgery, even if the pain is more psychological/emotional :-) Nerves are a natural response to things unfamiliar, but I promise that surgery is a breeze :-) Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. Thank you for posting. I have been thinking about finally talking to a doctor about weight loss surgery. It was nice to see this today :-) Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. That's the most powerful one I've read. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. GO BIG BLUE! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. Dayum! You literally look like you stepped through a time machine. Gorgeous. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. I think my ideal dress size would be a 10. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  20. K1V990


    Park Ridge, NJ. Transplant from Kentucky :-) Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  21. Park Ridge, NJ. Currently considering weight loss surgery, so these forums are very helpful. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. K1V990

    Catheter question?

    They usually put catheters in after you're under anesthesia. Getting it out post-surgery isn't painful, just pressure. (Also terrified of catheters!) Sent from my KFAPWI using the BariatricPal App
  23. K1V990

    10 Months Post Op Update

    I've never posted here, but I just have to say that you are absolutely stunning. Congrats on everything ???? Sent from my KFAPWI using the BariatricPal App

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