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Posts posted by K1V990

  1. I am am posting this in hopes of helping everyone who has a diet soda addiction. I know its hard to break any addiction as I myself am working through a sugar addiction. I have broken the soda and fast food addiction over the last few years so believe me I inow the addiction is real. But you can do it if you arm yourself with some information about the foods and drinks we consume that are truly harmful for us. Knowledge is power and I want all of you to feel powerful and strong as you embark into a new food lifestyle. [emoji4]
    First, if you have Netflix, look up these movies and watch them over and over. "HUNGRY FOR CHANGE" & " FOOD MATTERS" . They will also lead you to other movies about food that can change how you view the foods you eat. I truly believe that actually knowing what you are eating makes it easier NOT to put it in your mouth in the first place.
    Diet sodas are a cocktail of chemicals that destroy your body all the while wanting you to believe they are safe and healthy to drink. You can actually CLEAN YOUR TOILET with coke products. Try it then think about putting it in your body.
    Fast food is not real food. Go buy a mcdonalds burger, your favorite and place it on your counter and wait for it to spoil. It wont. It will not break down because it is not real food. Would you really want to eat something that isnt real food? These small thought process changes really do help you change your perceptions of food. And if we can change our perception ,we can change our life. That is a fact in every aspect of life.
    We have all embarked upon a journey of serious body modification (surgical intervention) to make a real change in our lives. To bring health and wellness and true changes to ourselves. Our bodies are becoming temples. Bring your spirit into this journey as well. Learn about the nasty, foul, and disgusting items out there that are not real food. See them for the demons they are and do not allow them into the temple you are building.
    I wish all of you success and I look forward to seeing you all someday on the losers bench. [emoji4]

    That was a pretty scientifically illiterate post. Literally everything is made of chemicals, and literally all food is *real* food. Sure, some aren't as healthy as others, but you can't go calling the ones that are unhealthy "fake". That's not how science, food, or life works. [emoji4]

  2. And a long irritating minor issue is the "size-ism" at stores. To buy the exact same shirt in a plus size it tacks on a fat tax....or several dollars more. If it was the extra material, why isnt a size zero cheaper than a size 8? Can you imagine any other "illness" getting charged extra for the same product or service due to their health situation. Nobody understands OR cares about overweight or obese people. If you're anorexic you get sympathy and hugs and oh poor you, get help! Fat people are just "Gross. Why are you eating? Control yourself....."

    Sent from my SM-J700P using the BariatricPal App

    Oh my god, yes. Why should I pay $30 for a shirt at this "plus size store" that would be $15 anywhere else at any other "normal" size?

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  3. I'm new to this forum as well. I see a lot of posts about other people's post. I made a post about the 180 day weight loss trial and what kind of Protein shakes I should consider.

    I felt so much support when I received responses. It made me feel like this is a place that will help me both before and after surgery.

    Later I read a thread about how people are sick of questions that have been asked and answered over and over. They werent going to answer any more questions like what kind of Protein shake, etc. anymore.

    The point was that newbies should be using the search option. I would have been a lot less embarrassed if the person would have just posted that.

    Anyways that is just my opinion as a newbie. Now I skip the my work here is done and tired of people ... threads.

    Ironically, I actually clicked on this thread because I was hoping some of my questions about extra skin would be answered.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using the BariatricPal App

    Not to mention that the search function isn't the greatest anyway. I've tried many searches, but the results are always super weird.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  4. Seeing stairs and not caring at all if anyone's behind me, because I can now, finally, climb them without stopping for air.

    Roller coasters, or any amusement rides in general. I've had to pretend my whole life that I was just scared of the heights or the speed. No, I was just scared of waiting in line only to not fit on the ride.

    To not feel awkward standing next to anyone that's super skinny, even my sister. It's a constant nagging in my brain that says that they have to also find me disgusting, you know?

    I'd love to look forward to clothes shopping.

    Really, just in general, I'd like to not always be depressed.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  5. Thank you for sharing! I went through with all the requirements and found I am in great health so I really want to get rid of these extra 100# and hopefully say goodbye to my sleep apnea. But as I sit here waiting for the insurance approval or denial I am terrified that I won't go through with it. Part of me hopes they deny it, even though I worked hard to get this far in the process. I've never had surgery and the being out under is the only thing that really scares me. I know I can handle everything that will come my way after the surgery. You are so strong and encouraging.

    Sent from my HTC One_M8 using the BariatricPal App

    That's my exact fear, I have no health problems and I'm young .. I mentioned to my doctor he said I will be fine.. Think of old heart patients with a list of health problems and they come out so I'll be s breeze.. I'm still on the fence..

    Sent from my Z981 using the BariatricPal App

    The anxiety before having surgery is a reality, that is true, but you come to find that you trust your medical team and it will melt away. I was 20 when I had surgery to remove an ovarian cyst. I was so nervous, but I was in even more pain. And I knew my doctor(s) would do anything and everything to help me to not feel that pain any longer. That's what got me through. I imagine the same goes for weight loss surgery, even if the pain is more psychological/emotional :-)

    Nerves are a natural response to things unfamiliar, but I promise that surgery is a breeze :-)

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  6. This probably seems childish and weird to some people, but I am extremely afraid of catheters. I am in the process of exploring surgery options and talking to my doctor and I am hoping to get a sleeve. I was reading about recovery, etc on a website and it came up that they will administer a catheter for surgery... I am not at all nervous about having 80% of my stomach removed and dealing with the recovery, but the idea of getting a catheter makes me want to cancel the entire thing... When I was in labor with my daughter, I was panicking on the way to the hospital because I knew they were going to cath me. Not even worried about the fact that I was about to push a child out of my lady parts or have a needle shoved in my back... worrying about the catheter. Luckily when I got there they told me they'd do it after I got my epidural so I wouldn't feel it (Thank God!). Do you think my doctor would do the catheter after they put me to sleep for the surgery?

    They usually put catheters in after you're under anesthesia. Getting it out post-surgery isn't painful, just pressure.

    (Also terrified of catheters!)

    Sent from my KFAPWI using the BariatricPal App

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