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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Butterflywarrior

  1. Butterflywarrior

    Hate sugar free stuff. What do I do?

    I m allergic to aspartame and I can hardly manage sucralose...I tried truvia which is stevia combined with a sugar alcohol and it had me vomiting with diarrhea! I use stevia but have to experiment with brands bc dome taste to bitter. I absolutely love love love g6 sport vanilla Protein powder made with stevia. It's so yummy. Expensive though I just got Isopure unflavored protein whey isolate and tried it in some tomato red pepper soup..it's supposed to go in hot or cold buy it thickened the soup and I could taste it and it was nasty like glue. That being said, I also had a migraine earlier and they always warp my taste buds soo we will see. Umm, there are other good protein powders made with stevia too and I saw plastic fruit cups with stevia There's also blue agave nectar but not sure how bariatric friendly that is.its low in glycemic index and diabetes friendly though. There are many products that are low in sugar enough to meet the standards of the barriatric diet . you can also use true lemon and true lime packets for making popsicles, Jello with Knox plain gellitain and stevia, and whatever else. You can drink all kinds of teas too So obviously yiur best bet is stevia...it comes in various flavors too. I've been told that the one by nu naturals stevia with a purple label is really good. Morr and more products are using stevia and you can try truvia but again the sugar alcohol might get you if you're anything like me. Outshine popsicles sale no sugar added popsicles with one gram of sugar, and a gram of splenda. Those don't make me sick but I can also handle one premier Protein shake a day or every few days. Just not multiple, then I get stomach pain, cramps, foul taste, diarrhea.... I feel ya!!! In my Instagram, one of the diabetes community things I belong to claims they have a new sweetener alternative that isn't fake called WeLuvYa sweetener or something like that.mmi have not checked this out yet but maybe you will want to. Good fortune
  2. Butterflywarrior

    Post op depression

    I gained three Pounds.. Found out at the drs and nearly hit the roof!! But was told it'd all the Fluid retention from IV fluids load impatient and liquid diet plus my period and to not worry about it. Still. I felt devastated like I did something wrong. I did know that this is a common experience though...from other post here... I am getting my fluids in via Protein drinks, Water, popsicles , skim milk, and now v8. Twisting a muscle is a definite painful setback but it's temporary and you still need to walk some to heal that as well as have lots of protein. If you are in purees now. You have more options!! Depression is evil but I bet you have some positive successes that you are looking over.. For me. I'm on only one of the four diabetes meds I was on. Taking two shots a day instead of five plus pills. Sure I'm on meds for other crap but this is huge especially bc my surgeon said he didn't think my diabetes would go into remission or close because of how long I've had it and how severe it is. Being dehydrated will make you miserable without tge sleeve but with it, you will end up in the hospital if you don't take action . It's in your hands. You can drink electrolyte water like smart water or diet Gatorade if you don't have sugar free issues like I do. You can suck on ice chips too and do popsicles and decaf tea. Liquid Soups, broths and work hard on getting in the higher end of protein bc that promoted healing the sleeve surgery as well as your muscle injury. And walk a little each day to help healing physical and emotionally. I know you know all of this stuff but sometimes we need a reminder . It will get better...that's been the overarching message I've heard from people who have experienced all kinds of complications!!
  3. Butterflywarrior

    Soicy food

    So funny seeing this thread because my mom and I were arguing about this today lol. I wanted Thai spicy tuna fish pouches and I'm on purees phase and she keeps suggesting that spice is bad for my healing cut on stomach. I told her, I asked on here at one time and people basically agreed that it was fine unless you couldn't handle it any longer. I tried the tuna without issue. Now my weight center always puts patients on protonix for a month so I don't know if that's keeping me from feeling any adverse effect from the heat!!?? Anyways, I love spice. Love thai food, siracha and pickled jalapenos plus I make a pretty good salsa with Serrano chilies!! FYI- hot peppers are good good for your metabolism too,!!
  4. Butterflywarrior

    No protein

    There's also Greek yogurt and if you eat cheeses, cottage cheese as well as eggs all have lots of protein. Using protein powders and they have ones for vegetarians too. All kinds of beans out there to make soups, chili and food with, also hummus is a great goto snack
  5. Butterflywarrior

    Still thinking

    It took me a year to make the decision..I went through the process, read, researched and got approved,,then I chickened out but my health continued to worsen and I finally realize I needed to do something drastic...this is it....got sleeved on the 24th, I'm scared it isn't going to work but much of what I feel, I've heard others say so that's comforting...I'm craving chocolate like mad..sticking to chocolate yogurt but even that had to much sugar so not to much. I worry about this. Still I don't regret...I believe I did the right thing and I lost 18 pounds in the pre op diet so that gave me hope. All in all I'm happy with my status and glad I did it
  6. I was sleeved last Monday and just got on puree but whenever I eat..even soup no matter how slowly, I feel pain in my sleeve. It's brief but kinda bad then dissipate. Series I feel it for nothing but mostly with eating. Is this normal.. thinking about calling the clinic
  7. Butterflywarrior

    Can't decide which surgery

    As lots of others said, you can get saggy skin no matter what.RNY a more dangerous detailed surgery with higher complications than sleeve and is better used for higher BMI. I was supposed to get it but due to multiple health issues physical and emotional, I take a lot if meds and often steroids too. Surgeon felt sleeve was safer for me and allows me to have steroids when needed unlike RNY and psychiatrist told me he has lots of trouble managing psych meds in RNY patients too. I have a friend with chronic pain issues like me and she had RNY but now must take large doses of pain meds to get relief due to absorption pro lens So tgey are great surgeries but your health history and future potential issues can really impact what u choose. You can loose lots of weight with sleeve too but you have to work harder then you would with RNY ...that's what tge surgeon told me however sleeve was a better choice due to my complex issues
  8. Butterflywarrior

    My new favorite tea

    nice... did you know green tea speeds up weight loss too! It helps the metabolism! I wish I liked it! Lol I like jasmine tea though and I hear trader Joes, if you have that store has a good jasmine green tea. I bought some rooibos honeybush tea that is terrific as well. Still my favorite is a nice mint tea
  9. Butterflywarrior

    Newbie Process Questions

    I think it depends on your health insurance and surgery center. My center had a point person surgery coordinator and she called me with the approval. I also got a approval letter from my insurance latter on. Congratulations I can't say to much about work but less is more?? You don't have to tell them it's elective surgery do you? And if you do, I would say, I have life threatening health issues pushing me to have this surgery so I can be healthy again asap!! Then again, you might not want to say life threatening health issues?? Another can of worms. But you can say, tge sooner you get this done, the healthier I will be and able to work!! Gotta frame it in there favor!!! Lol I do think all in all, tge less you tell them, tge better and under the Americans with disabilities act, if you are in the USA, you don't have to disclose diagnosis, medical issues etc. Good fortune
  10. Butterflywarrior

    I thought I had more time! (Kinda long)

    I just got sleeved so I don't have much in wisdom to add but I think your doing great. I wish I was where you are now! I do think from a psychological perspective, something i know a little more about, it IS a new body adjustment for better or worse and the changes were fast. More then what you expected. So it's good you are happy with your photos...how many ppl can say that?? I read in one book a suggestion to spend time looking at your body in the mirror each day. Learn your new self and love it. I've also read you should wait at least two years after goal weight before getting plastics bc things can change in terms is skin tightening and emotionally adjusting. It's good you realize your husband's butt comment wasn't meant to be hurtful but hurt due to your own hurt over your butt being gone!! The fact that your married and seems ur husband is supporting and happy not body shaming you is grand so it's up to your attitude to accept the new you!!
  11. Butterflywarrior

    Tomorrow is the big day!

    Yay the journey really begins.... walk walk walk as soon as tge pain meds kick in if your not the type that gets knocked out from the straight away. I had to stay two days..didn't let me out until late in the afternoon either... ask lots of questions... and have a safe recovery
  12. Butterflywarrior

    Pain when eating anything , sleeved 10/24

    I have enjoyed iced tea since Day 5. It's my Go-To beverage. I can drink water but only with lemon.I will give the lemon water a try too...ty
  13. Butterflywarrior

    Pain when eating anything , sleeved 10/24

    Thank you both.... I did call in and turns out I started puree to soon, not due until Thursday!!! Doh!!! Still even soup can bring on pain but not as much as long as I'm slow. I ate butternut squash soup with fage Greek yogurt in it this morning and tummy was happy. Water still causing near nausea ..they suggested infusing it. I'm thinking a vat of cold peppermint tea might be nice with some stevia drops. @@Hiraeth and @thenewkel thanks again
  14. Butterflywarrior

    BEST protien shake option

    I'm using g6 sport vanilla whey isolate Protein powder made with stevia ...I got it on recommendation at GNC and it has 25grams of protein per delicious scoop. It is not chalky and in skim milk, it tastes like a melted milk shake. I now add yogurt to it and it's just awesome sauce I still drink chocolate preimere protein but the sucralose makes me pretty I'll so I leave them for emergencies since my insurance bought like four cases of it for me!!! I'm told the g6 is better quality then Isopure but isopure is more popular bc they heavy advertise to weight loss doctors and so on. They have more sodium and stuff as well than this product but I can't vouch for all of that. I need to buy unflavored Protein Powder next....
  15. Butterflywarrior

    BEST protien shake option

    What kind of tea bag??
  16. Butterflywarrior

    Pre op jitters +questions 11/9 surgery

    I think you WILL be able to still eat out but not in the same way as before...now you will choose the appetizers or fish or soup!! Sure you're not going to do the bottomless pasta bowl buy who really needs that anyway
  17. Butterflywarrior

    Pre op jitters +questions 11/9 surgery

    For after, I suggest stock broth from a health food store or butcher store.... I'm spoiled, my mom made me brown stock beef broth from marrow bones....takes eons but sooo yummy and good for you... she also cooked garlic, leek Carrots and celery to flavor the broth and drained it out since I couldn't eat the veggies right after... recipies galore online.. Check out bariatricfoodie.com for recipies and ideas There's a great book I read for the emotional side called coping after weight loss surgery or something like that by a dr tanie or tannie ... can't tjimk of her whole name...she's a PhD psychologist and anyways, it's a excellent book on WLS and coping.
  18. Butterflywarrior


    Oh yeh! It's not loud enough to be heard outside of me as of yet?? Lol but yes.. especially with Water and hot Soup... I thought it was bc I was eating to fast but slowing down doesn't seem to improve ii t I called it the drain!!!
  19. Butterflywarrior

    Dry mouth

    In the mean time, I suggest biotene it helps prevent tooth decay from dry mouth and helps bad breath, tastes from dry mouth caused by meds and stuff.... it comes in mouth wash, spray, toothpaste etc
  20. Butterflywarrior

    4 Weeks out with sleeve pain

    Someone should be on call... that doesn't sound very normal ...I just got sleeved Monday and not having that kind of pain... every one is different of course but sounds like your medical team needs to hear about that just in case
  21. Butterflywarrior

    First outing. 6 days post op

    Glad you went out...I bet it was a shock!! My mom made some potstickers today for her lunch and I used to love these things. I talked her out of one, bit into it and be it wasn't that good at all plus to sweet and salty!!! I gave it right back !! Maybe this is bc I just got sleeved on Monday but I hope this is a permanent thing bc if si, I ow believe I won't be tempted back into the fast food cravings
  22. Ii ran into this site last week and find it particularly enjoyable. It's called bariatrfoodie.com
  23. Butterflywarrior

    Cool foodie site especially for newbies I think

  24. Butterflywarrior

    Calcium citrate with Vit D

    Mine told me the Kirkland chews at Costco are well liked, relatively cheap and to take two a day 500mg a piece. One with lunch and one with dinner as tge gastric juiced from eating will help break them down and don't take them near the multivitamin

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
