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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Butterflywarrior

  1. Butterflywarrior

    How Do You Get Protein In?

    I add protein powder that I like to skim milk and add fage Greek yogurt o er fourth grams there, fish, beans and cheese, o add yogurt to blended low fat soups and it's yummy, seafood is high protein and legume as well as turkey...turkey and Bean chill makes double protein plus gave yogurt on place of sour cream. Never tried them but there are protein puddings and depending on phase, bars.
  2. Butterflywarrior

    Iodine allergy, I need help finding a Protein Shake or Powder

    oh yeh... I also use a stick blender and I put my powder in skim milk and even add Greek non fat yogurt. My clinic approved and I get a huge amt of protein doing this... someone told me though they couldn't handle thickness at a early stage like I can so again ppl are different
  3. Butterflywarrior

    My journey just got real. Approved!

    Yay for you and awesome for taking major steps to change your health outcomes especially given your family history!! I was sleeved two weeks ago and things going pretty good considering everything!; Good fortune
  4. Butterflywarrior

    Am I going backwards?

    I'm allowed three meals and two small snacks so I think I need to work harder at what you said...scheduling....and drinking my fluids in between just outside of the thirty minute exemption periods lol. I'm not really planning my meals out much and maybe that's the problem. I'm not being specific enough
  5. Butterflywarrior

    Today is my day!

    You totally can and are doing this!!; Congratulations
  6. Butterflywarrior

    My surgery is tomorrow morning!

    you nurses need to relax lolol... in reality.. sure you have a lot if extra info in your head that maybe u shouldn't but also that knowledge can be power...you can take better care of yourself too..but right now it's time to let go and be the patient...let them take care of you... don't give then a hard time bc you know better... and everyones trajectory is different and even unique so you can't predict what's going to happen and obsessing about all that can go wrong due to ur knowledge base isn't going to help you cope ir heal physically or emotionally....so try to let it go and get off the hamster wheel
  7. Butterflywarrior

    Low sodium protein shake

    Try isopure. Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App actually the rep at GNC showed me the nutritional labels on g6 sport and isopure to shoe me that isopure actually has way more sodium and a few other negative qualities and according to him, says it's so popular bc they do tons of marketing to weight loss clinic abd doctors.... Now, I loooove my g6 sport but it only comes in chocolate or vanilla so I got isopure unflavored bc surgical nurse recommend it and so many people here on bariatric pal were all for it but I have to say I've only tried it once in tomato red pepper Soup and it was horrible...I could very much taste it and it changed the soup so much so, I couldn't even force it down .... maybe it was that particular combination...hope so..cause if not..I hope Amazon will refund me!! That's my two cents
  8. Butterflywarrior

    Insure Nutrition

    Thanks, these are the things I like to know before hand. If my insurance is being charged for things I don't need, that worries me. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App yeh, that concerned me too. I did call my drs office and they said the vitamins were acceptable to take which is good but I'm not taking them bc you have to take them four times a day and since you have to separate calcium from multivitamin, that's just complicated...not only that...I don't know if they are going to continue paying for them or not... So I see pros and cons..yes I got four cases if premiere but i also feel they tricked me or used shady practices to charge my insurance for additional itemandvthatand that scar cream was so misrepresented! Maybe I should have asked more questions but whst they sent me us very potent stuff for like psoriasis....!!
  9. Butterflywarrior

    Getting enough protein?

    yes, pain cab make you feel really crappy... just seems like you should not be hurting so badly...
  10. Butterflywarrior

    Pre-op diet..

  11. Butterflywarrior

    Getting enough protein?

    Do you think the sucralose is making you sick? It made me sick like that...had to get rid of it all and turn to powder Protein with stevia and unflavored protein. Made. Huge difference then I add fage non fat Greek yogurt to Soups and shakes. You might want to ask the doctor for anti nausea meds too but you might want to get checked out to make sure your symptoms aren't from something more serious like a leak or something...all of the pain plus nausea etc concerns me
  12. Butterflywarrior

    Low sodium protein shake

    I am using g6 sports powder 25 gram per scoop very clean and yummy for my shakes. It is lower in sodium then a lot if the other powders and shakes out there
  13. Butterflywarrior


    Mine got light red from itching and allergy...I pulled glue pieces off even though ur not supposed to. Gp said they are healing super well despite small bits of pus like drainage but clearish ... the itching is horrendous so she suggested aquaphor and that gas been very soothing... just have to apply it a lot.
  14. Butterflywarrior

    Am I going backwards?

    I'm struggling with this too...always or frequently hungry and it's not always head hunger plus got cravings...I'm sure I am taking in to much even though I'm eating the right foods.aka no fat cottage cheese, non fat Greek yogurt, tuna in the pouch....I'm two weeks post op.now
  15. I got unflavored isopure...only tried it once so far in tomato red pepper soup and it was horrible!!! I could very much taste it and it altered the flavor of the soup.... maybe it didn't mux well with this soup..I will try again but that's my first time so not impressed experience
  16. Butterflywarrior

    4 days post op - severe heartburn

    Gerd and related acid reflux issues seem to be common with sleeve at least for awhile. My surgeon automatically puts patients on a PPI or proton pump inhibitor like he put me on protonix. He also said it can help prevent stricture too. I'm only on it for 30 days.
  17. Butterflywarrior

    Having intense pressure and gastrointestinal pain

    due to the closeness of your surgery, it's probably what the surgical nurse called at my place epigastric pain...part if recovery and thus the pain meds help. Poster is a lot further from their surgery so it's not as likely the same thing.... but I'm not a doctor so who knows for sure.. I'm 20 days post op .. and I'm expecting this type of pain to . It's so weird I can lay down and not feel it and then get up and it's there .. what I have done was to message my back and middle chest area . But if I start to freak out I go take pain medicine and boom gone That's why I have the pain medicine for pain !!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. Butterflywarrior

    Having intense pressure and gastrointestinal pain

    I'm thinking gallstones but I'm not a doctor nor do I play one on TV!! Definitely call the surgeon
  19. Butterflywarrior

    Iodine allergy, I need help finding a Protein Shake or Powder

    Yeh I bought unflavored isopure at my surgical nurse suggestion and I've only tried it once in tomato red pepper Soup but it was horrible!!!!!!!!! I so could taste it so called unflavored it was like paste! And it totally took down the sweetness of the tomato soup. I couldn't even force myself to finish it. I really live g6 sports vanilla powder from GNC. It's 25 grams, it's clean and yummy yum plus uses stevia so no artificial sweeteners crap. I have no idea about the iodine. It's a little more expensive then the average powder but GNC gives you a good discount if you have one near by
  20. Butterflywarrior

    Insure Nutrition

    Yeh, I was dubious about them as well especially when they called me and offered me like 6 other products to go through my insurance for approval. I did get four cases of shakes ..wow... and scar cream which is actually something super potent I'm afraid to use but tge one thing that really bothered me is that they offered me bariatric Vitamins and I said no, because I had planned to get them from my nutritionist via my insurance...they asked me again..trying to talk me into it and I still declined..... Well, when my packages arrived from them, it included a large bottle of bariatric vitamins!!!! Now normally this would be good but to me, on put off because I specifically told them no thank you and yet they had to put the request on the doctors prescription and he signed it. They called me from the company only mentioned the shakes and cream bit I still got vitamins too....that's kinda shady to me!! I am happy to have like $100.00 in shakes even though I subsequently learned my stomach is displeased with sucralose so I an drink them on emergency...oh well Anyways thats my two cents
  21. Politics and beauracratic mess... Medicaid didn't even add the sleeve as soon as other insurances did but now they did so it's much easier to get approval depending on each stated requirements people always complaining about the government and control but medicaid. At least in my experience used to be quite good overall and still is in many places. It's changed for the worse here in California at least in my experience Insurance companies are ran by capitalist business ppl...they are trying to make money..not spend it so, it's no surprise we pay high premiums....I pay over $400.00 monthly for mine and still have to jump through hoops..I had to do six months of this and that and I think I was approved on the fast side only because of my high BMI and multiple preexisting conditions. On top of that, my insurance doesn't even fully cover the surgery...covers most but not all! Bahh Still, I am grateful because if it wasn't for Obamacare, another sore topic, I wouldn't even have my good insurance because before capitalist insurance companies, for the most part denied insurance to ppl like me with pre existing medical issues or charged extreme fees with a long wait period before you got any coverage! Soo the whole hoop thing is more of a problem of them not wanting to pay whereas government medicaid doesn't concern themselves with that as.much since it's not a direct hit. Bc I'm low income, I have medi cal as well but it's so bad here in San Diego I had to buy my own insurance. They were killing me literally ...I wouldn't trust them to give me bariatric surgery. I hope it's not like this everywhere. My pain specialist overdosed me in a pain med during a procedure and I had a seizure and nearly died. So yeh medicaid/ medi-cal is not always the picnic it seems and maybe my experiences are unique bc I have complex medical problems Now that I have private insurance, costing me a mint, I go to a hospital that doesn't even accept medicaid by itself. I have top rate doctors and care. It's just not fair So just some food for thought about things beyond the basic appearance... I understand the frustration for sure but I been on both sides...
  22. Butterflywarrior

    My surgery is tomorrow morning!

    Good fortune..this is exciting...try to focus on the positive and take deep breaths... be nice to the nurses lol they take care of you! Anyways. The first day and night are pretty rough but it's worth it!
  23. Butterflywarrior

    Hate sugar free stuff. What do I do?

    I can't have it either - particularly sugar alcohols (sorbitol, manitol, xylitol, etc.) Nausea an chronic migraines. I'm also concerned about my options aftersugar alcohols make me even sicker then sucralose... I feel ya I'm a real stevia fan even though it often has a bitter taste in it bc it is natural unlike the other stuff. My nut also said I can use sugar, honey etc as long as I stated less than 10grams per serving and surprisingly there are alot if options out there like this ....I found vanilla and chocolate protein powder with 25 grams if protein sweetened with stevia, no after taste and super clean by g6 sports at GNC. They sell it on Amazon too but it's cheaper at GNC if you have one near you and become a member for free vthe give you $25.00 off so it's easier to pay for. I love the stuff Plus there's the unflavored by a lot if companies suggested here that have no sweeteners or sugar in them at all so you have a lot more options I think someone needs to write a book on sugar free alternatives for WLS..their missing out on a money topic there I feel my weight clinic prepared me quite well but not well enough in this area. .I was kinda left on my own to figure it out. It's kinda like ohh you're one of those allergic people, which people dobt understand or take seriously and then like well good luck!! But realky, it's very possible to do this diet wo sugar free crap. You just have to do your research on alternatives like blue agave nectar, coconut sugar, stevia, and find out what tge acceptable limits of regular sugar, honey are... Plus once you get to purees, then you can use fruit as a sweetener too.
  24. Butterflywarrior

    Sleevers who wish they had bybass

    I originally wanted and was approved for bypass but withdrew Got scared At my weight, bypass was best vut when I returned the surgeon really got to see the severity of my health issues...some weight related some not and felt the sleeve was better bc of my need for steroids at times and psych meds as well as narcotics which all don't process well with bypass so you really have to consider your health history and potential for health issues. The sleeve is showing nearly equal success anyways but if you have s High BMI it's just s little more challenging to lose a lot of weight with it as compared to the bypass
  25. I had seven days of liquid diet and it was hard hard hard but I lost 20 pounds bc if it. I was in the hospital two days but I have multiple health issues so they were being very cautious however after it all occurred, I'm super glad I was in for two days bc they prevented blood clots for me and I could properly rest and not worry about walking and movement to prevent clots.xakso they gave me antibiotics for a day and IV pain meds and fluids so I wasn't forced to drink tons on my own right after surgery where nausea is common. The gas pain was severe and I walked three times to help it but if I had been home trying to get up and down for the potty etc man, tough. I think it's better to stay overnight at least.. I have known some people to do so well they leave the same day but after experiencing it, I wouldn't suggest it Overall though, it's not that bad... this is a great place for support... good fortune

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