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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Butterflywarrior

  1. Butterflywarrior

    sugar too low post op

    the hypoglycemic complication is not very common statistically which is good That being said, I hve to eat every 2.5-3 hours or I start getting hypo symptoms and fast. Now that I added a few easy carbs, I'm doing better. I'm having to check my sugars 5-6 times a day especially since I'm still on a dose of long acting insulin but I'm off three of my four diabetes meds and I was sleeved the 24th of October!! Sugars are awesome!
  2. Butterflywarrior

    Just starting process

    It will work out...there is lots of help and support around!!
  3. Butterflywarrior

    So Sad

    Dobt give up so fast, being pre diabetic is one step to diabetes. Do an appeal!!
  4. Butterflywarrior

    Nutrition Book

    I like recipes for after weight loss surgery or some title like that My nut is a skinny bitty too but I still like her and find her helpful as well as nob judgemental which I found a lot of nuts to be in my lifetime lol I like bariatricfoodie.com too and yes cottage cheese, tuna, fish, crustations, etc are high in protein!!
  5. Butterflywarrior

    First bowel movement after sleeve

    They put me on collace a stool softener, and latter added miralax then suggested benefiber if nothing else helped but only a little bc it can quickly make things worse especially if your having issues getting all the fluids in If your still in the pain meds, that stuff really slows the bowel motility up too Took me several days, they said if no bm by four days, to call bc that can get you sick
  6. Butterflywarrior


    Definitely normal!!
  7. Butterflywarrior

    Can't tolerate chewable vitamins

    Gummies don't have the Iron which is really needed after this surgery with the diet.... There are many kinds of chewables out there..I take Flintstones complete lol. NUT recommend!! But tgey are just ok. Not a treat lol Some ppl just take pills you swallow but better to get cleared for that. I hate many Vitamins bc thy are huge or make you belch the flavor yuk Good fortune
  8. Butterflywarrior

    2 pounds loss after 1 week

    Yeh, I feel you...I haven't moved much since the initial 18-20 lbs I lost in pre surgery diet. I'm trying to stay away from the scale and I saw my NUT who tweaked some things around and gave me some new tips that is hopefully helping That might be an idea for you perhaps but stall is apparently common after surgery from what many have said here Hang in therr
  9. Butterflywarrior

    sugar too low post op

    I'm diabetic already and it's drastically improved sine surgery two weeks ago... Lows are common but some ppl do develop hypoglycemia after sleeve as a complication Definitely talk to your NUT about it but eating a few light carbs can help or slow burning carbs like Beans and peas etc. I'm using Melba toast or wasa crackers with My tuna and hummus, fills me up, keeps me satisfied and not feeling so dizzy and hypo like I was when I was doing Protein only. Definitely check your blood sugar especially if you feel symptoms and if you're scared of oh they have these not so great tasting glucose tablet chewables you can buy at the drug store for a few bucks in different flavors and they boost your glucose up quickly
  10. Yip!! Sometimes we just have to push it and learn the hard way! Good tracking helps with online apps or a journey...keeps up accountability
  11. Butterflywarrior

    Anxiety and depression

    Anxiety is really tough with WLS especially diagnosable anxiety disorders and tge what ifs are never ending. I'm sure my surgical nurse thinks I'm a nut case as much as I call her lol. Depression just rubs it all in then add hormonal rage, adjustment to everything and judgemental people expecting failure from you! Bahh Take a deep breath and try hard to work on mindfulness skills...they help a lot! It gets better!!
  12. I'm glad I had a six month wait bc it gave me time to truly think about this decision. When I got approval for RNY, I realized I wasn't ready or willing. I came back another five months latter and my surgeon, getting to know my extensive health history and problems better realized RNY was actually not the right surgery for me and sleeve was safer. See, when I first saw him, I was new to this healthcare system and although i informed him about all if my health issues, he just saw super morbid obesity but six months to a year latter, he could see in living color on the computer all of my hospitalizations, specialist visits, medications,etc and seeing that jolted him into reality that rny was dangerous for me in reality... If it weren't for waiting periods and thinking, I could be worse off or dead from RNY in the short or long term so the waiting saved me from a bad decision And this program as well as surgeon is accredited by the barriatric associations, etc so it's not like he was sloppy but even he took things for granted and tge waiting period helped us both... Of course, this doesn't prove that waiting periods help or harm... I think having a good comprehensive program with education and support is key. One can wait..it's whats happening during this t waiting that is important I believe....
  13. Butterflywarrior

    Sleeve vs Bypass

    I have diabetes,ibsulin dependent, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and pcos plus a bunch of other non weight related physical and mental health issues. Due to the sleeve, I'm now mostly diabetic and blood pressure free!! Maybe it's justmy results but there really seems to be a toss up with RNY and sleeve. If you have gerd, rny seems better but if you have autoimmune disease, psychiatric meds, pain meds for Chronic pain type situations, then according to my surgeon and some research, sleeve is better.
  14. Butterflywarrior

    Nervous, two weeks post op and emerging pain

    yeh they told me to back off walking si much... I had to drink a whole 34 oz bottle of contrast in Water I'm an hour!!! Then getting a iv in was drama bc veins suck, then body decided to have a allergic reaction ugh Yes, definitely sore changing bed positions. I can mildly palpate my tummy and pinpoint the pain. It is very ouchie!! I think getting in and out if the car might be my downfall!! Hope it heals fast. on diesntdoesn't like abdominal binders for some reason. I bfigureicrice and rest plus Tylenol will help...
  15. Fortunately I see the surgeon today for my two week follow up however as of yesterday, I started having a increased mild to moderate left sided pain... feels kinda muscular though... just the same, I'm nervous... I also had a episode of chills last night with freezing feet and hands. No fever on thermometer so that's good. The pain has awaken me from my sleep in the night and when I find the most painful area and palpate, it's really sore with minimal pressure! I'm so nervous that something serious is wrong. I'm just two weeks post op and got off the extra surgery pain meds about three days ago. Any thoughts??
  16. Butterflywarrior

    I'm Jealous - Surgery Date

    Sorry you have to wait but it will be here before you know it. Spend time learning about the new diet phases in books and keeping your mind busy with life. You're almost there! This piece is out if your control so it's best to let it go... What a good start to a brand new year!! Maybe you will be one if the few to actually keep their new years resolution for weight loss!! Hahahaha Anyways, your new life is about to start with just a little more patience!
  17. Butterflywarrior

    Sleeve vs Bypass

    I was going to do rny but bc if complex medical issues..chronic pain treated with narcotics and sometimes steroids, psych meds, and so on, my surgeon felt sleeve was better bc I could still properly metabolize meds but rny often messed that up. My psychiatrist even backed that when he told me he has a really hard time adjusting meds in his bypass patients. So consider your health history and potential for future health issues as much as one can predict...lol Sleeve can bring about lots of weight loss too but you have to likely work a bit harder for it then with rny so they both have pros and cons. Rny been around the longest so there is much more data available but sleeve is showing lots of longitudinal positivity!! Good fortune
  18. Butterflywarrior

    Im thinking about this surgery

    I'm only two weeks out on sleeve but off of three of my four diabetes medications!! I was taking five insulin shots daily and now I'm on two and even that will likely improve bc sugar levels are going down more and are mostly near normal when I check. I lost 20lbs thus far and no major complications as of yet. They also knocked the diuretic off my blood pressure pill and lowered the dose if the bp pill to ten mg which I believe is the lowest dose! Tge really cool thing is that my surgeon had felt before my sleeve that I would not get a remission of diabetes or a significant improvement..just some improvement due to years of having it plus years of insulin dependency!! I'm stoked!! I have no regrets even though I had wanted RNY originally due to high BMI and increased difficulty getting it all off with the sleeve but my need for corticosteroids at times and pain med requirements. Psych meds etc made me a bad candidate for RNY since it screws up your ability to handle many medications. I'm looking forward to seeing less of me... still learning the food ropes but ecstatic!
  19. Butterflywarrior

    Nervous, two weeks post op and emerging pain

    bhmm, that's disconcerting, I am struggling with a lot of constipation bahhh well I will see if the pain goes away soon... sovglad your improving!! Hugd
  20. Butterflywarrior

    Nervous, two weeks post op and emerging pain

    drama.. had a allergic reaction to the contrast despite having contrast many times before...strange All that for nothing which is good but still in pain... nothing abnormal..theory is I've been walking to much and pushing myself to hard daily being post op two weeks been walking nearly an hour on flat ground mostly at stores slowly but guess to much and they feel I pulled a muscle and need to pull back on the walking
  21. Butterflywarrior

    Nervous, two weeks post op and emerging pain

    Surgeon ordered stat blood work and a ct scan with and with out contrast...so fun to drink contrast fluid!! Guess I will meet my fluid requirements today!!! Ughhhhhhhh hopefully, it's nothing and a fact that I've been overdoing it with walking but I'm glad he's taking me seriously...still wish I wasn't needing all of these test!!
  22. Butterflywarrior

    It's getting real!

    Yep..I know all oh those anxieties but I'm only two weeks. Out however I'm extremely happy with my decision!!
  23. Butterflywarrior

    Newbie and surgery is tomorrow

    Yay for you!! Congratulations to the start of a new life!! Walk a lot ...it will help with the gas from hell lol.
  24. Butterflywarrior

    Feeling Good!

    Whoo hoo

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
