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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Butterflywarrior

  1. Butterflywarrior

    Water / liquids

    Well, I was told just take sips to tollerating.... I had to take breaks and still do but was able to do more then an oz per 15 min
  2. Butterflywarrior

    Decaf Coffee

    It's best to ask ur clinic bc my pre op diet discouraged coffee even decaf and dairy was definitely out
  3. Butterflywarrior

    Fears of failure

    I'm a step over three weeks out, nd I feel frequent hunger and four bites does not fill me on most foods but five or six often does. I had to put in some light carbs before I got satiety ... I've heard does happen to some people that they don't feel the fullness and styff until they are in the final eating phase... this comforts me because it's hDd not to feel frustrated and angry
  4. Butterflywarrior

    Day 5 post op - struggling

    It does usually get better... experiment with liquid temps... You may need a different PPI bc I know with me, many years ago, I was put on prilosec and it made me more sensitive to the point that bell peppers caused burning! After my sleeve, surgeon put me on protonix and it's been awesome. The noisy stomach is also extremely common in the beginning. Hold tight
  5. Butterflywarrior

    Calcium Chews Calories

    don't get me wrong, I believe in logging food, fat, Protein, etc...I just don't like the idea if projecting I will gain this much weight if I eat this thing one year from now unless I'm being tempted by cake. Lol People can fall into disordered eating to actual pathology from obsession over every calorie and what it means! I'm not saying your extreme or wrong it just makes me nervous to think like that... I want to enjoy life still but not gain all my list weight back either... happy medium... that's my desire
  6. You likely wouldn't enjoy it even uf you tried!! I'm struggling with head hunger and steroids rage but reminding myself that weight loss is worth denial of treats, etc
  7. Butterflywarrior

    Normal hospital stay?

    I was in two days but I have a lot of health issues Knowing how bad the pain was especially from gas, in glad I was not discharged thevsame day I know some people do it like that through
  8. Butterflywarrior

    Psych Eval tomorrow

    yes, I think it should be required even though ppo can bs it but still, I'm sure it can help those who actually desire help and insight or see the need for further treatment too!! But I know, not all insurances or incomes can get this care..just to bad it's not integrated and provided to everyone insurance or not. I think to much about ppl helping people so I just feel strongly about this issue especially facing WLS and society barely recognizes obesity's as a eating disorder... so I feel the eval, if good and tge patient is honest, they may be better prepared to accept more therapy, attend glad support group or make a connection between eating and mental health
  9. im only three weeks out but I get high up stomach pain that doesn't last long but enough to tell me my body isn't ready Sometimes I get real nausea im only three weeks out but I get high up stomach pain that doesn't last long but enough to tell me my body isn't ready Sometimes I get real nausea
  10. Butterflywarrior

    Psych Eval tomorrow

    You make a good point. The long term costs of obesity (and all of the other conditions that may come with obesity) are high. It's better to pay for the surgery to eliminate these conditions than pay for a lifetime of potential expensive illness and medical care. It's unfortunate that money is the bottom line for insurance companies, but at least in this instance it works in our favor, in terms of WLS being covered. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App yes, I understand...iconpcomplicated ...Gads, I just wrote a long post about my research stuff and my page crashed!!! Grrr..I will respond latter..lol
  11. Butterflywarrior


    Oh yeh, my plan does allow diet, sugar free juice...yuk!! Lol
  12. Butterflywarrior

    I'm thinking about a revision...

    I knew you meant one week per stage. U might need longer... They took me off the combination blood pressure pill so I no longer have the diuretic aspect... just in a regular bp pill that doesn't cause weight gain..first change my gp made Seeing endocrinologist is a great idea to rule out medical problems. I keep thinking there is a test that can show if your sleeve is still correctly done....?? I hope you keep or kept logs if your diet reset and weight numbers to show the Dr. They love stuff like that pkus when we're re fat, ppl don't likely give us the benefit of a doubt when we say, the diet isn't working or related!!
  13. Butterflywarrior

    Need help deciding if sleeve is for me

    Some ppl with sleeve get dumping too but not as common I dobt seem to as of now...but interestingly, I sampled my mom s candy and sweet s and tgey taste super sweet and undesirable post surgery.. However I have a huge chocolate craving and finding chocolate yogurt to placate it but most are to Higg in sugar and fat. I had one, didn't get suck but saud, I didn't go through all this surgery for nothing... it's important I work in self control, will power and make the right decisions Bypass is much more likely to give you negative reinforcement then sleeve but it still comes down to working on psychological relationship with food, determination to self care and reward yourself once in a long while if it won't be a trigger to Willy Wonka's chocolate factory! I'm in purees hitting just at three weeks out and u still feel frequent hunger pangs despite protonix however I get full fast and dobt desire junk foods In time, I feel I will be able to eat anything though and so I'm working hard now in therapy and at home on changing my habits, relationship and self control I have a high BMI and was supposed to get bypass originally bc it's easier to shed tge weight but i have multiple complex medical issues so surgeon felt sleeve was safer and better with all the meds I need. Sleeve us safer too complications wise however you have to work harder on your own emotions, will power etc..you can definitely eat around the sleeve as tgey call it and many cab eat anything wo internal consequences eventually
  14. Butterflywarrior


    Huge no for me unless I got hypoglycemic and needed a fast boost bc it's full if sugar, calories and acidic
  15. Butterflywarrior


    I think a lot if the artificial sweeteners make some of us, like me for sure...sick and splenda definitely leaved a bad taste in my mouth I can't get rid of I use natural stevia , experimented to find one I like lol and that helped if I really wanted something sweetened. I use g6 sports vanilla Protein powder sweetened with stevia. It's super clean, dissolved easily and, to me, tastes great. I put it in skim milk and sometimes add some fage Greek yogurt for more protein. The powder has 25grams if protein but it's a bit more expensive then most protein powders however if you have a GNC near, they give you a free membership and significant discount. Getting out . most artificial sweeteners brought my mouth, gut and stomach back to peace and I like my food...
  16. Butterflywarrior

    I'm thinking about a revision...

    Have you had a pouch test to see if everything is in tact? Also, good to have a good physical as there are many things that can cause tiredness and weight imbalance... low vit D, thyroid as you said and done drs dobt follow the updated values on what is considered hypothyroidism, anemia, autoimmune diseases, Cushing's syndrome, pcos, and more I do think going back to the basics for more then a week might be. Good idea especially if you do have anoyhet unknown issue in the way. You can document everything so you have evidence to show the insurance and new doctor that you tried everything and here are the results Maybe you do need a revision but if you have a primary thyroid condition, a revision is not likely to fix it help much...your body needs repair first with meds, than WLS can be considered. I have bipolar, and lithium has given me hypothyroidism but after a couple years on thyroid meds, it's better. I was just sleeved and I have pcos too and I notice my weight is slow to move off despite following the rules. Still tweaking things though... I have to get steroids from time to time and that makes me voraciously hungry, pack on lbs and store fat for the winter lol but I'm still loosing with the surgery just not as fast as my counterparts it seems.... So, having thyroid issues should not make you gain huge amounts and loose nothing with the sleeve in place unless something is wrong with the sleeve and it happens even though not often I have to be very strict about my meals bc I dobt lose as fast so maybe you need a diet reset for longer, document every crumb for yourself, the NUt, surgeon old or new and insurance. Also suggest getting a good exam..maybe you need a new gp!! Good fortune
  17. Butterflywarrior

    Calcium Chews Calories

    Some ppl find them to be the one little treat they can legally have lol..NUT said this to me... So far, the Kirkland ones I tried tasted nasty!! So I'm considering another pill...if they aren't horse sized... I take a lot of pills as it is and it's much hRder with the sipping Water thing... That's a lot of calories but I want to be fit abd healthy without obsessing about every fat, calorie and whatever is going in and out bc that's why ppl with eating disorders do like anorexia.... It's good info to consider though but just saying, to me, I want weight loss, healthy eating, exercise without counting every drop. Of course, in the beginning, logging is important to make sure you're accountable etc but that's my limit!!
  18. Butterflywarrior

    Don't get on the scale post op

    Yep, amen!! Not to mention all if the Water weight you get from the downpours of IV fluids they give you Then if ur like me,i got my period the day after surgery...yay more Fluid retention! Stay away from the scale unless you want to be sad, angry, frustrated and feel regret!!
  19. Butterflywarrior

    Psych Eval tomorrow

    I have medicaid or its called medi cal here... I also, due to my complex health issues and living with my mom and Obama making sure insurance companies cant deny ppl with pre existing conditions have private primary insurance with blur shield... they also required a six month supervised nutrition, support group attendance and other random things like illustrating you have tried and failed several weight loss plans. I have a ppo, it is expensive and still I had hoops aswell..itsit's no jusMedicaid that demands this.... I think, they believe they are trying o help ppl prepare for the surgery...most insurance companies, including government ones don't care about research studies They don't really want to pay but if they do, tgey try and throw together some resembles of care and follow up...just my cynical opinion here I do feel, that at least with medi cal here in Cygeythey approved adding the sleeve ratgerrather fast to li ofif procedures they will cover cover so to me, that indicates some desire to help patients plus it saves them economically bc being really fat, getting comorbidities, medications, tests, er visits cost a lot more then weight loss surgery...
  20. That sounds terrible. Did you do an extant to make sure there was no leakage? I hope everything turns out ok. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App um my place said fever over 100, go to er or urgent care!! Or call immediately and drain color changes does not sound good at all especially with pain or new increase in pain could be a emergency!!
  21. My drain area healed up fast with no pain on a few days! Everyone is so different! Amazing!!! My left side pain got better enough to stop pain meds in 1.5 weeks and then I overdid it and strained s tummy muscle.. ouch!! Try ice to the area for pain relief and I was allowed to put aquaphor on incisions to help stop the itching...it helps too!
  22. Butterflywarrior

    Does it ever feel normal again.

    Yes.. sometimes you have to go back a stage or modify what you're eating... maybe introducing a good you're bdy I'd personally not ready for ?? For instance. Many drink some decaf coffee early on... I'm three weeks out and it makes me feel sick! So maybe latter....everyone heals different of course but I've commonly read...around six months in, most people seem to be able to eat anything
  23. Butterflywarrior


    Are you on a PPI like protonix?? My surgeon puts all patients on one for 30 days at tge least automatically.. You might want to ask for one
  24. Butterflywarrior


    I had what they called epigastric pain when I or ate the wrong thing or drinking Water... it's normal .I felt the pain in top if my stomach... If you have constant pain, vomiting, nausea, fever..be alarmed and call or go to ER
  25. Butterflywarrior

    Scare and Confused

    I'm on purees as well. What are you eating?? Sent from my SM-G920V using the BariatricPal App Protein powder in nonfat milk for Breakfast or scrambled egg, tuna pouch with one wasa cracker, turkey meatballs in chicken broth and chard and a few saltines, yogurt, cottage cheese non fat or lie fat by Lucerne with apple sauce, mmmm butter Beans, refried beans or pinto beans with salsa, hummus and Melba toast or wasa, Basically that's what I choose from..I chew tge crackers to pulp and my NUT said it was fine bc I was hungry all if the time before and now I'm not. I eat five mini meals every 2.5-3hours as they told me. Not sure it's working yet... I use fage yogurt with stevia drops and true line or lemon for flavoring it I buy yogurts from trader Joes non fat Greek. Still on popsicles!!

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