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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Butterflywarrior

  1. Butterflywarrior

    Suddenly very hungry...

    I frequently crave chocolate and chocolate yogurt helps as well as the GNC lean chocolate shake powder... amazingly good
  2. Butterflywarrior

    Post Surgery Pain

    Sounds like typical epigastric pain... are you on a PPI like protonix...some surgeons rx those for 30 days after surgery to handle gerd symptoms... you can try drinkibg various temperature of fluids... Sometimes this helps..it's very normal to feel this for awhile... I was on the pain meds for 1.5 weeks and you likely didn't feel it in the hospital due to the pain meds, tge hospital bed, the iv fluids and stuff Pain at tge incisions is normal too. Look out for redness, drainage, odor, green puss, thick running puss, heat and fever... when they start healing, tgey itch like heck!!
  3. Butterflywarrior


    Interesting...I'm about four weeks out and accidently used a straw a week ago and man I got nausea, discomfort and actual stomach distension!!! Maybe I'm just sensitive! Do you all chew gum too?
  4. Butterflywarrior

    Scare and Confused

    When I did my pre op diet of seven days. It was soo hard especially with my mom eating around me and finding out I'm allergic to sugar free stuff I did cheat with a little yogurt and a bite here and there and felt emotionally weak but it happens...you have a full sized stomach, gherkin hormones and more ... Pick up the pieces and start over! Interestingly, I was so sick from vomiting and diarrhea, my surgeon allowed me Protein powder with forbidden skim milk and celery and carrots finely chopped I in my broth so it's not like all or nothing Not saying cheating is okay but also saying calling yourself a failure isn't useful or helpful and this is not likely a prediction of how things will be post op bc you will physically feel totally different and not likely hungry
  5. Butterflywarrior


    Straws is a forever no thing..it fills the limited space and gosh. O accidentally forgot and used a straw and man it was uncomfortable the rest of the day so just say no!! Lol some ppl way out post surgery can find tgey can use one wo discomfort but IITs definitely not recommend
  6. Butterflywarrior

    Suddenly very hungry...

    I'm four weeks post op or just about and struggled with this... talked to my nut and she had me add in slow burning carbs and light carbs like Melba toast, beans, peas. Hummus wasa crackers etc and that has helped a great deal
  7. Butterflywarrior

    Vitamin D low pre-op testing

    Well, I'm sure it depends on the surgeon but I have very low vit D and despite rx vit D, still low...they did not delay my surgery for this...even had to go off vit D for awhile around surgery but back on now so likely it won't delay you
  8. I weigh a lot but had to choose sleeve bc the surgeon felt my multiple health issues are to complex for roux en y. Complication with bypass are hard especially if you are on maintenance meds for Chronic health issues... I take psych meds too and they are hsd to balance with bypass Sleeve is a little bit harder to loose lots of weight on bypass is easier since you loose weight Two ways... small pouch plus malabsorption ... bypass roux en y has .ore data and research bc it's older but sleeve is showing really promising results. It is becoming more and more popular... I agree with reading tge research, medical studies and books. I did read some autobiographies for my own edification but not what I based my decision on. If your clinic has a support group, definitely attend!!
  9. There's a guy on my WLS in person support group that has drooping eye skin after WLS and needs a eye lift or something bc it's impeding on his vision!!!
  10. Butterflywarrior

    First World Problems with Friends

    Uber USA great however I don't think hospitals prefer to release ppl unattended to a driving service but maybe that only applies to same day procedures... It's nice to have so much love and support but coordinating all of that is definitely unwanted hassle and drama while preparing for surgery
  11. I agree with the above. I spent a lot of time reading library books and bought books for cheap online for my reading app. A good one is weight loss surgery for dummies Also, not ur fault but this subject has been asked many times so you might want to use search tool bc there's a lot of great feedback I have my own thoughts on the topic bc I faced the decision but it's a personal decision ultimately and I don't feel like typing my opinion on Mt phone lol however you might we run into it in search bc I have in the past Good fortune
  12. I really think it depends... some people did not address there underlying issues due to lack of support, insurance issues etc. But some people really screw up despite help and should not get revision unless they are truly ready for change but there are many reasons a revision may be necessary I kinda feel like some of us are way to critical, judgemental and even self righteous The government and many plans allow drug a alcohol addicts multiple expensive admissions into rehabilitation without a blink. People. Who smoke like chimney are allowed transplants,. Chemo etc Why are we so critical about WLS and eating addictions Nothing is really one size fits all...
  13. Butterflywarrior

    Drinking and eating

    that's cool, fortunately I can email my nut and call the surgucal nurse any day plus they have on call person .it's a big staffed clinic. But I still come here and ask stuff at times lol. I call the nurse the most often though... I try to gather my questions as well lol! Ur funny good fortune
  14. Butterflywarrior

    Drinking and eating

    Yeah, I get a very dry mouth so I just take these TINY sips, no more than a few drops. It's necessary and I choke less. lol! I can't believe someone asked me why I got the surgery if I wasn't willing to follow the rules! So RUDE! DIdn't even ask if I've talked to professionals about it. yeh, some of the people are a little black and white about every little thing like omg, if you take a sip of Water your going to ruin your surgery and gain all if your weight back...yea. Don't think so. Don't sweat it... good to know the risks and weigh pros and cons of everything but most things aren't set in stone... now I imagine saying this is going to bring on a Firestorm of controversy lol...
  15. Butterflywarrior

    When is it safe to eat pureed food?

    I had to be on full liquids one week before I could start purees
  16. Butterflywarrior

    Drinking and eating

    mu NUT did say to me that if necessary, due to dry mouth or something, you can take small sips with your food but try to avoid bc it washes it out of your stomach too leaving you hungry faster as well and can interfere with full absorption of nutrients...
  17. Butterflywarrior

    Drinking and eating

    Um never...it's a life long adjustment
  18. Butterflywarrior

    Thankful Thread

    My mom, she's always here for me, takes care of me and shows unconditional love My healthcare team is awesome, I actually trust them and they have and still are improving my quality of life Good friends because they are hard to find and nurture but once you have thrm, life is even more beautiful
  19. Butterflywarrior


    I did those imagine brand soups lots of great Flavors and added fage Greek yogurt In which taste like sour cream to me... I also bought a Protein powder by g6 sports that I find very yummy sweetened with stevia My favorite soup is tomato during that time I mixed my powder in nonfat milk which taste better then Water and add protein
  20. Butterflywarrior

    What a joke

    I had my anxiety meds adjusted in Aug. I've had to wait 3 months to be sure I was stable at new dosage. Tomorrow I have a phone consult with psychologist and am hoping to be cleared for surgery. I know how anxious you are to get your surgery . I was/am too. But you want to be in a stable mental place. The changes after surgery are going to be a rollercoaster ride, emotionally and psycally. Your PCP is looking out for what is best for you. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using the BariatricPal App I understand that but this was only once it's not constant and my doctor told me he was still clearing me for surgery and today he all of a sudden changes his mind I guess I don't get it.Sent from my 0PM92 using the BariatricPal App maybe when he said it, he was having a bad day... drs are human too.. glad it's working out for you
  21. Butterflywarrior

    Officially on my Liquids!

    pre op varies a lot bc some people are allowed a healthy meal and others, like me weren't! That's unfortunate your place doesn't have someone on call available What I described above is fairly common thoufg
  22. Butterflywarrior

    Officially on my Liquids!

    Pre or post?? Problem is everyplace is different in some ways Pre surgery I was on seven day all liquid with 3+4 Protein drinks, sf popsicles and Jello, nf clear broth, no dairy, no juice,no food Post was Clear liquids and no Protein Drinks for a few days, then full liquids which was tge same as pre except I cokd have no fat or low fat liquid Soups like tomato I could handle sugar free so I use stevia now So e ppl can have decals coffee after in small bits..oh I could have non fat milk post as well ot almond, cashew milk as long as unsweetened
  23. Butterflywarrior

    What a joke

    Your job not accommodating and letting you go after drs documentation soubds illegal and potential ADA lawsuit!! I'm sure your doctor is just concerned that you are in a good mental state to face major surgery and overwhelming change... Do you have a therapist or psychiatrist. If so, it might help if your therapist in particular speak with your GP I signed releases si my gp, surgeon and psych ppl cab talk. My surgeon, even though their psychologist cleared me wanted letters from my psychiatrist and therapist showing tgey supported the surgery and my mental health was stable bc I have bipolar l and PTSD. They had no problems with this and it cleared the air. I knew I was ready but they have to feel you are ready and when you breakdown, gethispitalizedhospitalized, have difficult dx,etc... they worry.. Loosing your job is a serious stressor too... and the grounds you lost it on sound wrong to me... Be upfront with your GP, tell him how you feel, tgat your meds are helping and allow him to talk to ur mental health docs... That can go a long ways Worse case scenario... your surgery gets delayed....
  24. Butterflywarrior

    Would You Now Date Someone Over Weight?

    I've never dated.. there is a guy that I believe likes me and he is very very overweight.... I've been fat most of my life and feel I've been rejected because if it... Now that I decided to have surgery, I feel like j wouldn't want want to date this guy unless I knew he wanted to be get healthy too bc I would worry that his eating would cause problems in my diet plus I would want someone to exercise with... However as a overall generalization as your friend o Put it, i dobt think that's true. Many people are attracted to overweight mates and beauty, Intelligence , life experience is more then skin deep... Most of Americans are overweight and most ppl are together, partnered, married or dating so I don't think ur friend is accurate at all
  25. Butterflywarrior

    So let it begin

    Congratulations on your entering a new chapter in life

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