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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Butterflywarrior

  1. I have fibromyalgia but also gave autoimmune arthritis and other chronic pain issues. My surgeon was straight with me...he said it's not likely to get worse but less weight can help tge pain however WLS is not going to cure your pain issues
  2. Butterflywarrior

    Pre op diet

    I start my was supposed to be five day now seven day liquid diet on the 27th... nervous and excited but mostly happy about the change coming in my life. My surgeon told me RNY is ideal for the weight I need to loose but sleeve is better bc if my complex medical issues so much will be up to me. This scares me some but I feel up to the challenge to. Guess I'm looking for advice and encouragement...right now I weigh 322. gained some weight but it's PMS time too..bahhh.
  3. Butterflywarrior

    Just checked In to Preop!

    sounds awesome!!
  4. Butterflywarrior

    What vitamins?

    I hear tge patches are shady
  5. Butterflywarrior

    600 lb life.

    When I had cable, I watched it like crazy
  6. Butterflywarrior

    Day 5 liquid diet.

    Yea..I'm not allowed cream soups either in my pre op diet.... Some drs have you do tge pre op diet just to put you into the weight loss mode and not with the goal of liver shrink or anything... Anyways no matter what ketosis comes with very low carb combined with high fats
  7. Butterflywarrior

    What vitamins?

    Flintstones complete not gummies but NUT told me to not take them during pre op due to probable stomach irritation
  8. Butterflywarrior

    Day 5 liquid diet.

    I'm pre op liquid..not allowed tomato soup and was told to stop Vitamins and stuff bc it could upset the stomach being on such little food. It's normal th be lethargic and I was told to enter true ketosis you need a ketogenic diet which is super low carb combined with high fat and this pre op diet does not truly create ketosis
  9. Butterflywarrior


    Are you making your own or just doing pre made? I'm not sleeved yet but already sick of my Protein shakes sue to sucralose issues. Nurse suggested unflavored whey isolate.. found one by Isopure at Amazon that can go in hot or cold so that might help bc it can be added to anything and I believe it has 23 grams of protein. Not as high as say primere protein but close enough ..
  10. Butterflywarrior

    Náuseas and pain

    You can ask ur doc for nausea meds, try sipping slower or a fruity protein powder perhaps??
  11. Butterflywarrior

    A new lease on life! With pics!

    So nice to read such encouraging posts and see lovely pics!!
  12. Butterflywarrior

    5 Weeks post op incision bleeding

    If you didn't have a drain, my understanding is that it's normal for some blood, to come squirting out but pus is not a good sign especially if the site us warm or red. Any fever? Like the others said, I would contact someone on call asap
  13. Butterflywarrior

    4th day of preop liquids

    Yes bc the pre op diet doesn't create true ketosis....to do that you need low carb and high fat. I read that at multiple websites but I also asked my barriatric nurse and NUT bc I was worried due to my severe diabetes and I've been in DKA before. They both said this pre op all liquid diet does not create ketosis or at least full on ketosis so don't be concerned. The goal is to empty yr stomach and shrink your liver some
  14. Butterflywarrior

    Adelaide - Councelling & Support

    I suggest calling 211 in your area and seeing if they can help you find therapy assitance... You might try your local college or university if you have one counseling center or program bc many have clincs for low cost ot sliding scale therapy Hope this helps
  15. Butterflywarrior

    Last physical.

    Mine was sooo simple. ..signed a contract, got weighed, temp, pulse, bp, last min questions, reviewed meds and diabetic management with pre op b diet...the end
  16. Butterflywarrior

    Band to sleeve Failure

    I'm so sorry this has happened to you..I have no idea why! I've never heard of it before but I'm still pretty new!!
  17. Butterflywarrior

    Question dumping?

    Idk, I'm not sure how sip time would cause diarrhea but perhaps?
  18. Butterflywarrior

    Advice [emoji24]

    Well great on my loss but you know ur not supposed to drink soda with the surgery because the carbonation stretched the new stomach and puts unwanted air in it. I don't know if that's ur stomach issue though..perhaps more core exercises??
  19. Butterflywarrior

    Eye opener

    I'm not sure how to respond to this bc I've been sick mist if my life then I got fat related stuff too...used a wheelchair for two years got myself out if it. I'm in Chronic pain and I'm youngish lol. Can't say fat did most of what's wrong with me now but it surely don't help...
  20. Butterflywarrior

    Question dumping?

    If ur like me, it's the sugar free sucralose ingredient ...that's what it does to me. Now dumping can happen with sleeve it's just rare and still should only happen with high sugar high fat empty calories foods
  21. Butterflywarrior

    BEST protien shake option

    one of my friends from my support group recommended mixing chocolate with banana or Carmel and blend with ice if u have a blender..she says it's soo good. I'm considering other flavors but leaning .ore toward unflavored whey Protein powder isolate by Isopure at this point. The sucralose in the premier and popsicles is tearing up my stomach and leaving a nasty taste in my mouth even though the actual shake isn't bad tasting to me
  22. Butterflywarrior

    I'll be getting sleeved!

    Me too!! I hear that these surgeries tend to reset autoimmune disease too well calm the inflammatory factors..tgey dobt know entirely why...I've read this before but last week my rheumatologist brought it up too
  23. Butterflywarrior

    Best Emu oil?

    It's really good for inflammation in particular...but so is coconut oil and Coco butter!! I put coconut oil in my hair and on Mt skin. I used to get emu oil at a local farmers market. I always look for organic in these types of products .. don't have a particular brand suggestion though
  24. Butterflywarrior

    Náuseas and pain

    I've heard this is very common... nurse told me to get unflavored whey isolate to mix in broth, yogurt, etc..have to cool down the broth before u put it in ... the nausea will likely get better so I've read
  25. Butterflywarrior


    Not me ..but the sucralose is tearing up my stomach and giving me tummy aches! I'm allergic to aspartame triggers my migraines...not sure about the lump feeling????????

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
