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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Butterflywarrior

  1. Butterflywarrior

    Lack of PROTEIN!

    These are all terrific ideas, I should get my notebook our and take note bc this is one of my concerns as well!!
  2. Butterflywarrior

    Do any of you vets completely ignore this rule?

    "Whit flag"? "Surrender"? Dramatic much? Girl, if you let someone's recount of their actual experience stress you out before you've even started, you're in for a long haul when post surgical hormones start surging. I wish you well. why am I not surprised to receive one more snide remark from you? So you really wish me well or was that sarcasm too? I mean I was taking dramatic license in waving the white flag...I was trying to be a little funny..like let bygones be bygones? But if course you had to take that and rip it up to just cause I have a different opinion from you And no, as a ptsd survivor, this is not "all" it takes to stress me out however, bc of my anxious nature, not that you care, it doesn't take much to put me on edge and since I have surgery around the corner, I was just stating that.... I was only trying to make peace and I had hoped that would be kindly accepted, not poked at..
  3. Butterflywarrior

    Do any of you vets completely ignore this rule?

    Well, idk..I agree and I disagree so if you all wish, how about we agree to disagree? I have surgery Monday, and I really don't need this kinda stress around so I put up my white flag and surrender!
  4. Butterflywarrior

    Question dumping?

    Ugh.. something else to worry about
  5. Butterflywarrior

    Do any of you vets completely ignore this rule?

    your support and encouragement are greatly appreciated... still doesn't mean I know nothing about diet soda, carbonation and so on...still doesn't mean I have nothing of value to add.. just bc you are able to drink sugar free soda wo effects doesn't make it good for you and going back looking for a weak post I wrote to pick on and use against be is beyond immature as well as appalling to me. Sure I can get upset and not like what someone says but not going to go look for things there struggling with to bring them down Wow Appalling!!? That's ALL it takes to garner that reaction? Things that appall me- Child molestation Spousal abuse Thievery Blatant disregard towards humanity Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Sending something from your iPhone is appalling? umm, I was meaning in the context of behavior within a online support group not global social issues. Thanks a lot As a abuse survivor with PTSD, I definitely know the measure of appalling but yeh, just keep picking on me bc I said diet carbonated soda isn't known to be the best
  6. Butterflywarrior

    Do any of you vets completely ignore this rule?

    I definitely respect what vets have to say and take their advice to heart.... I just feel that first off, I didn't notice the poster asked for vets only but even if I had, what lipstick vet said was counter to any research study, book, health professional told me and I felt the need to state my opposing opinions for the posters food for thought.... It was about diet soda...to use it not and it was compared to crystal light and there are differences. Just because ONE vet didn't get consequences from sugar free combination doesn't mean it's okay! Idk what's so harmful in expressing my newbie opinion based in science and prior mentoring when I feel someone is being told something that might lead them down the wrong path? I really don't get it... sure I get your pointto about experience and si on...I respect that...I use it in fact... but I just feel in this particular case, I was giving info that countered the experience of one person bc I didn't feel that her experience makes drinking diet carbonated soda okay? Doesn't mean I'm right but I felt if I spoke up about what I knew it would provide further information to consider Not all these accusatory words about being new, dobt talk against a vet, don't bring your baby knowledge in here against us....
  7. Butterflywarrior

    Pre op diet misery, cheat and allergies

    Yep, doing that now. Thanks!
  8. Butterflywarrior

    Sigh pre op urgent care

    I posted earlier about my issues but got no response.. it happens but now due to more vomiting stomach pain and a migraine in in urgent care. The clinic nurse suggest broth and simple veg which I tried. Im off all artificial sweeteners in what I can have but still sick. I'm supposed to be sleeved Monday. Worry is huge about delay and post nausea, vomiting etc. Any ideaa
  9. Butterflywarrior

    Sigh pre op urgent care

    I got hydrated via iv ....pain meds, nausea meds...white ct is elevated..dr thinks I have a little bug..said to return if things worsen but no fever or body aches beyond normal so it's wait and see
  10. Butterflywarrior

    Sigh pre op urgent care

    I'm pre surgery....I'm still using sf popsicles..the only sf product I can eat wo sickness hopefulkt
  11. Butterflywarrior

    Question dumping?

    @@godblessedchild well I better pre emp and say I'm a newbie so can't say from personal experience but can throw out the thought...are yiu getting enough fiber? My surgery nurse said sometimes this is a problem for awhile and getting to much fiber but not enough hydration can cause constipation too
  12. Butterflywarrior

    Do any of you vets completely ignore this rule?

    so even though you are backhandedly slapping me for my newbie advice, one of the things I posted in my statement was exactly what you said about insulin production But ya know I'm a pre op newbie, I apparently kniw nothing... I'm very disappointed with the extreme pride here...I thought this was a safe community where everyone struggling was welcome to share
  13. Butterflywarrior

    Do any of you vets completely ignore this rule?

    your support and encouragement are greatly appreciated... still doesn't mean I know nothing about diet soda, carbonation and so on...still doesn't mean I have nothing of value to add.. just bc you are able to drink sugar free soda wo effects doesn't make it good for you and going back looking for a weak post I wrote to pick on and use against be is beyond immature as well as appalling to me. Sure I can get upset and not like what someone says but not going to go look for things there struggling with to bring them down Wow O/P specifically asked for the experience of vets. So, there's that. Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App your support and encouragement are greatly appreciated... still doesn't mean I know nothing about diet soda, carbonation and so on...still doesn't mean I have nothing of value to add.. just bc you are able to drink sugar free soda wo effects doesn't make it good for you and going back looking for a weak post I wrote to pick on and use against be is beyond immature as well as appalling to me. Sure I can get upset and not like what someone says but not going to go look for things there struggling with to bring them down Wow O/P specifically asked for the experience of vets. So, there's that. Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App Well, actions have consequences. If you choose to ignore what the o/p requested just to hear your own voice, expect to receive flak. BTW, I'm a newbie and have not encountered any unfriendliness here. But I also don't speak unless asked something that I have personal experience with. Stick around and try that. I bet you'll get tons of great advice and support. Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App I wouldn't mind "flack' from the original poster but that's not what happened Also, you take my intentions wrong...I don't write lots to hear my own voice....I was genuinely writing out what I have read, heard, been told and so on to help the readers cone to their decisions.... it wasn't to be smug or etc..I'm not like that Just the same ...chiding a bit about a difference in opinion or break in order is different then insulting someone's personal struggle... no matter what that's uncalled for to me
  14. Butterflywarrior

    Do any of you vets completely ignore this rule?

    Oh somehow my post didn't show me I posted so I reposted....oh well my bad
  15. Butterflywarrior

    Do any of you vets completely ignore this rule?

    I didn't notice however I didn't realize that newbies aren't supposed to respond even if they have worthwhile information to add.. Now I'm starting to the post that said they felt unwelcome here in the boards as a new person... Wow
  16. Butterflywarrior

    Do any of you vets completely ignore this rule?

    your support and encouragement are greatly appreciated... still doesn't mean I know nothing about diet soda, carbonation and so on...still doesn't mean I have nothing of value to add.. just bc you are able to drink sugar free soda wo effects doesn't make it good for you and going back looking for a weak post I wrote to pick on and use against be is beyond immature as well as appalling to me. Sure I can get upset and not like what someone says but not going to go look for things there struggling with to bring them down Wow O/P specifically asked for the experience of vets. So, there's that. Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App
  17. Butterflywarrior

    Do any of you vets completely ignore this rule?

    your support and encouragement are greatly appreciated... still doesn't mean I know nothing about diet soda, carbonation and so on...still doesn't mean I have nothing of value to add.. just bc you are able to drink sugar free soda wo effects doesn't make it good for you and going back looking for a weak post I wrote to pick on and use against be is beyond immature as well as appalling to me. Sure I can get upset and not like what someone says but not going to go look for things there struggling with to bring them down Wow O/P specifically asked for the experience of vets. So, there's that. Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App your support and encouragement are greatly appreciated... still doesn't mean I know nothing about diet soda, carbonation and so on...still doesn't mean I have nothing of value to add.. just bc you are able to drink sugar free soda wo effects doesn't make it good for you and going back looking for a weak post I wrote to pick on and use against be is beyond immature as well as appalling to me. Sure I can get upset and not like what someone says but not going to go look for things there struggling with to bring them down Wow O/P specifically asked for the experience of vets. So, there's that. Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App
  18. Butterflywarrior


    Hummm seems tgey should not be using a obstacle out of ur control against you.. Do you have access to a pool?? That can help loads Also, your dr can rx physiotherapy or even hydrotherapy if available for your knee and body and ur Insurance can pay for it...therefore y get a good workout properly and it won't be expensive If you don't know entirely why you aren't passing. I strongly suggest to be direct and ask...
  19. Butterflywarrior

    Question dumping?

    Still having this issue?
  20. Butterflywarrior

    Do any of you vets completely ignore this rule?

    your support and encouragement are greatly appreciated... still doesn't mean I know nothing about diet soda, carbonation and so on...still doesn't mean I have nothing of value to add.. just bc you are able to drink sugar free soda wo effects doesn't make it good for you and going back looking for a weak post I wrote to pick on and use against be is beyond immature as well as appalling to me. Sure I can get upset and not like what someone says but not going to go look for things there struggling with to bring them down Wow
  21. Butterflywarrior

    Do any of you vets completely ignore this rule?

    No, it won't. My sleeve isn't stretched. from what I've been told the carbonation is more the potential problem then anything....Also if you so compare it to crystal light, it really depends bc there's crystal light pure made with truvia which is stevia a natural sweet plant not artificial sweetener Although the truvia is combined with a tiny bit if sugar alcohol which I learned also makes me sick but that's another topic One thing to consider though is that research has illustrated that sugar vs sugar free drinks both stimulate the pancreas to produce insulin bc tge body takes it all as sugar period... It just seems ur doing urself a disservice by drinking si called chemical filled drinks, sodas etc but if nothing else is good enough or works.. idk...it is ur body You realize you're talking to a 3.5 year veteran of the surgery who has lost all of her excess weight AND kept it off? I think she's got this. yeh cause being a vet and keeping it off means you know everything and a newbie can have nothing helpful to add ...ok
  22. I've been to gyms and felt stared at too and I've actually seen ppo stare at me in my swim outfit ... but I ignore it. I was in a wheelchair for nearly two years and ppl gawked all the time....i quit noticing after awhile. Ppl mosr often will look mindlessly and not even be thinking about you and if they are that's there problem. They should be applauding u for being there!! Haha. But in all seriousness if someone really IS staring, think take a picture it lasts longer!!! And remember you are there to help you not them. They don't matter you do so give yourself a pep talk and move forward. It might help to bring a good friend who wants to workout...I did that a lot in college so I didn't feel so self conscious. I also brought my iPod full of good tunes to concentrate on while exercising and free my mental craziness!!
  23. Butterflywarrior

    November 18th is the day!

    Omg three weeks liquid diet..wowsers.. hope yours isn't as strict and limited as mine. Seven days has been pretty bad on non fat broths, sf popsicles, Protein drinks and sf fluids that I ended up throwing up on last night. Can't deal with sucralose now or truvia or aspartame...ok this is about you and I'm whining lol My surgery us Monday though wow!! Congratulations to you and good fortune in ur pre op diet
  24. Butterflywarrior

    Do any of you vets completely ignore this rule?

    from what I've been told the carbonation is more the potential problem then anything.... Also if you so compare it to crystal light, it really depends bc there's crystal light pure made with truvia which is stevia a natural sweet plant not artificial sweetener Although the truvia is combined with a tiny bit if sugar alcohol which I learned also makes me sick but that's another topic One thing to consider though is that research has illustrated that sugar vs sugar free drinks both stimulate the pancreas to produce insulin bc tge body takes it all as sugar period... It just seems ur doing urself a disservice by drinking si called chemical filled drinks, sodas etc but if nothing else is good enough or works.. idk...it is ur body
  25. Butterflywarrior



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