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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Mekkie_C

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  • Birthday November 7

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    Director, Host Ukraine
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  1. Mekkie_C

    Sharp pain

    Can you call your surgeon's office? There should be an on-call doctor available. If it is really bad, consider going to the ER.
  2. Mekkie_C


    I love Bariatric Advantage chewables. They are very similar to Starbursts!
  3. Starvation mode doesn't exactly work like that, otherwise when they found the survivors in the concentration camps, they wouldn't have been so thin nor would people who suffer from severe anorexia. Starvation mode just means you won't lose at a rate that would correlate to the higher calorie deficit you created. For example, let's say a normal person cuts enough calories to lose 2 lbs a week, and another person cuts enough calories to lose 4 lbs a week. The person who cut twice the amount of calories in theory should be losing 4lbs/wk, but because they are in starvation mode, they only lose 3 lbs per week. Did they lose weight? Yes. Did they still lose more than the other person because they cut more calories? Also yes. This is of course a very simple and generalized explanation. I read about an experiment that proved this, but of course I can't find it now. It was one done far more recently than the Minnesota Starvation Experiment. Anyway, here is an article with some more information: http://www.nowloss.com/starvation-mode-myth.htm
  4. There was a study done at the University of Cincinnati on how the sleeve affects your metabolism. It seems as if what they have found out is that with the lack of ghrelin in our systems, it actually disallows for certain things to link up and results in a speeding up of our gut metabolisms after having surgery. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/03/140326142209.htm
  5. They didn't help me, but many others have said they helped them.

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