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About amberb1979

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  1. amberb1979

    Bye bye 300!

    Congratulations. I've been under 300 for a couple weeks now and I feel as though I'm approaching being a 'normal' person - whatever that is l.. My point is.. it is a great feeling. Our stats are quite similar so I feel connected to your accomplishment! Sent from my SM-G870W using the BariatricPal App
  2. amberb1979

    scared...smoker and craving

    So I went through the exact same thing. My surgery was 10/12/16I didn't actually quit till 10/5/16 and felt horrible for it. I started reading on the possible side effects from smoking too close to surgery and I thought to myself that I'm doing this so I can be healthier and live longer and have a good life.. so why wouldn't I do this one last thing for myself too and not risk all these scary complications during and after surgery. I have not had a smoke since 10/5/16. I'm not saying I don't crave them.. especially since my husband smokes.. but I didn't pat all this money and go through all this work and sacrifice to be unhealthy - hope this helps HW 368 SW 324 CW 288 Sent from my SM-G870W using the BariatricPal App Congrats on quitting, I know how hard it is, as I've done it many times. I agree, since,we chose to take this drastic step to be healthy, then why not go all out. Sent from my SM-N920V using the BariatricPal App So I went through the exact same thing. My surgery was 10/12/16I didn't actually quit till 10/5/16 and felt horrible for it. I started reading on the possible side effects from smoking too close to surgery and I thought to myself that I'm doing this so I can be healthier and live longer and have a good life.. so why wouldn't I do this one last thing for myself too and not risk all these scary complications during and after surgery. I have not had a smoke since 10/5/16. I'm not saying I don't crave them.. especially since my husband smokes.. but I didn't pat all this money and go through all this work and sacrifice to be unhealthy - hope this helps HW 368 SW 324 CW 288 Sent from my SM-G870W using the BariatricPal App BTW, you're doing awesome on your loss, keep up the great work Sent from my SM-N920V using the BariatricPal App Thanks. Some days I'm happy some days I'm not.. it's always going to be work but worth it Sent from my SM-G870W using the BariatricPal App
  3. amberb1979

    scared...smoker and craving

    So I went through the exact same thing. My surgery was 10/12/16I didn't actually quit till 10/5/16 and felt horrible for it. I started reading on the possible side effects from smoking too close to surgery and I thought to myself that I'm doing this so I can be healthier and live longer and have a good life.. so why wouldn't I do this one last thing for myself too and not risk all these scary complications during and after surgery. I have not had a smoke since 10/5/16. I'm not saying I don't crave them.. especially since my husband smokes.. but I didn't pat all this money and go through all this work and sacrifice to be unhealthy - hope this helps HW 368 SW 324 CW 288 Sent from my SM-G870W using the BariatricPal App
  4. amberb1979

    Aftwr puree food?

    Thank you Sent from my SM-G870W using the BariatricPal App
  5. What were some of the first foods you started after puree /soft food? I've had scrambled eggs, ricotta bake, chicken salad.. I'm looking for more of the solid food for my next stage Sent from my SM-G870W using the BariatricPal App
  6. Dear Amber, We kindly remind you that we have retained copies of every email sent between yourself and Jennifer Read, where you were clearly told that the deposit was non refundable. We respectfully disagree with your statements, and neither WLF Medical nor Esa Health has engaged in misleading statements and we will vigorously defend ourselves from any libelous or slanderous statements. Libel and slander, known broadly as defamation, are untrue statements made by someone that are harmful to someone else’s reputation. The statements can be about a person, business, organization, group, nation, or product that tends to hurt the person’s reputation. Libel refers to written statements and slander refers to oral statements. Under the law, both are grounds for a civil lawsuit. In Canada, the courts have shown they are quite willing to hold responsible anyone who uses the Internet to defame others. Should you require more information about legally binding agreements or defamation laws and the Internet, we suggest you contact a lawyer. Sent from my SM-G870W using the BariatricPal App
  7. amberb1979

    Loved ones not supportive.

    My dad came with me while the husband watched the kids too. .. that's too bad.. will he watch YouTube videos or anything maybe to get more informed? Sent from my SM-G870W using the BariatricPal App
  8. amberb1979

    Loved ones not supportive.

    I'm in Bc and went to Mexico. Tell.him to come with you and enjoy a mini vacation ? Sent from my SM-G870W using the BariatricPal App
  9. amberb1979

    Swelling and Fatigue

    Mine was on 10/12/16 and wondering the same thing. Sent from my SM-G870W using the BariatricPal App
  10. amberb1979

    Feeling awesome!

    I was sleeved on the 12th and feel the same way.. things are going great.. so excited for the future! Sent from my SM-G870W using the BariatricPal App
  11. amberb1979

    Is tis true...

    I had my drain taken out this morning (2 days post op) it hurt coming out and felt wierd but I was glad to get it out cause I hated having it hanging from me.. not a good feeling but it's over quickly Sent from my SM-G870W using the BariatricPal App
  12. I went with LIMARP. Dr. Maria Pompa. She and her entire staff are absolutely amazing. I am 2 days post op and doing great today. If anyone has any questions about Limarp or Dr. Pompa please feel free to ask. They are better than you can ever expect. Look at the videos.. they are perfectly accurate! Sent from my SM-G870W using the BariatricPal App
  13. Two days post op and feeling pretty good today; some parts are better than what I thought and other parts a little worse. It is very difficult to get liquids in and take the medications; more than 3 spoon fulls of liquid hurts my stomach.. but I know it will get better each day and I'm looking forward to my new life! Sent from my SM-G870W using the BariatricPal App
  14. amberb1979

    Just want to take a bite of solid food

    No no.. I was just kidding.. I would never do that.. thankyou though Sent from my SM-G870W using the BariatricPal App
  15. I just arrived in Tijuana and I can't belive I'm going into the hospital in the morning.. I'll update on the other side! Sent from my SM-G870W using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
