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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by armywife4life

  1. armywife4life

    help i threw up!!

    okay the search engine seems to not like me so im gonna have to post new question sorry if you've answered before. Tonight i threw up. was feeling crappy most of the day ended up throwing up. Not supper hard but still nice amount. After i could actually feel my band, before now, i have never really noticed it for a moment it kinda was like a burning sensation then it was fine again.:thumbup:. Im kinda worried, has people thrown up and had their band stay put and not slip? Im a lil over a month and worry maybe it hadnt' had enough time to set yet. Im interested in hearing what you all have to say. And yes ill see about emailing my doc to. Thanks.
  2. armywife4life

    How Much Have You Lost So Far?

    banded june 27th, no pre op diet, but down 25lbs since the band!!!
  3. armywife4life

    NSV (Non Scale Victory) Read me Read me!

    congrats girl!! good work
  4. armywife4life

    Share your blog!

    mine is also listed in my signature!!!
  5. armywife4life

    Can they Relocate a Port?

    yes ma'am they can and the surgery is way easier than the band surgery.
  6. armywife4life


    congradulations on your decision to get banded. And welcome to our forum!!
  7. armywife4life


    Okay i went to my 1 mth checkup and i have lsot 21 lbs. But because i lost 21 lbs my surgeon will not do a fill. He scheduled me back Sept 22nd for a 3 mth checkup. I kinda think i eat to much. I had my surgery done in frankfurt germany and he just kept saying to watch my portions. My question is will i know if im hurting my band? Like say stretching my pouch? or a slip? Has anyone had these things and noticed them? i figure i can eat about 2 cups of food, i think i should just eat 1 so im trying to limit myself because i don't want no problems. I have some restriction because i sure could eat alot more before band, but have not had an actual fill and like i said won't probably get one till end of sept. unless i really need one
  8. my doc firmly believes 7 days clear liquids 14 days full liquids. He wholeheartedly believes that if you work your stomach to soon you will hurt the stitch work
  9. armywife4life

    Tightness in the morning????

    ive stalked this site for a long time LOL, what you are feeling is very common. I am also curious why no fill til now? I also have no fill and seem to be losing weight so will not consider one for now. I like the fact i can eat pretty much anything, but just alot less without getting a fill quite yet.
  10. armywife4life

    Time for the first pics

    wayyyyy awesome, congrats!!
  11. armywife4life

    I'll go first

    congradulations to all the about to be lap banders, you all rock!! Way to keep going and getting it approved.
  12. armywife4life

    Date is scheduled!

    keep you head up girl, my husband returned from 15 mth tour in baghdad, you will be scared really scared for a lil while but soon you will get a routine going, that will make things easier for you.. Just trust that you soldier knows what he is doing and will take care of himself. And as for having the band, just think that you have this 10 mths to go and get healthy and when he comes home welll..... my favorite quote is " You think Iraq is hot, wait till you get home" LOL.. good luck and pm me if you need to chat, like i said ive been thru one deployment already and my husband is right now in the field training for 60 days to go back to Iraq again in a few months. Take care HOOAH!!
  13. well its been lil over a month since banding date and i can honestly say i feel great. I was very lucky i did not suffer much the first few days afterwards. no gas pains, weird sounds, etc. easy peasy and i am so grateful for that. I had the surgery done on a friday and went back to work the following tues. Probably could of went back on monday but i had already scheduled it off so i just took it. I have lost 21 lbs when i went to the doc office they said they would not put a fill in their for me until my weight stalls or gains. But thats okay cause i do feel some restriction and im not usually to hungry. Im paranoid about doing something bad to it though. I did not see my doc for my check up but one of the fellow intern surgeons he checked my port and gall bladder to make sure all was okay. Im kinda unhappy about not seeing my doc but he was still in surgery so i understand. I have his email address so im gonna email him some questions i have. Ive been told he responds promptly so here's hoping. People are commenting already on my weight loss. Wow it feels good. im just under 220lbs right now and im hoping to lose another 10 or 15 by the time my husband comes back from field training sept 4th.(my b-day) I want to see how he likes the slightly thinner me LOL.. oh yea and collect my present:biggrin: My next doc appt is in 2 mths which will be my 3 mth check up but if i think i need a fill before then i am soooooo going to call them. All and all so far so good, im very happy with my decision. Each day is brighter for me because i know each day i am getting healthier.:redface:
  14. armywife4life

    a lil over a month with the Band

    well its been lil over a month since banding date and i can honestly say i feel great. I was very lucky i did not suffer much the first few days afterwards. no gas pains, weird sounds, etc. easy peasy and i am so grateful for that. I had the surgery done on a friday and went back to work the following tues. Probably could of went back on monday but i had already scheduled it off so i just took it. I have lost 21 lbs when i went to the doc office they said they would not put a fill in their for me until my weight stalls or gains. But thats okay cause i do feel some restriction and im not usually to hungry. Im paranoid about doing something bad to it though. I did not see my doc for my check up but one of the fellow intern surgeons he checked my port and gall bladder to make sure all was okay. Im kinda unhappy about not seeing my doc but he was still in surgery so i understand. I have his email address so im gonna email him some questions i have. Ive been told he responds promptly so here's hoping. People are commenting already on my weight loss. Wow it feels good. im just under 220lbs right now and im hoping to lose another 10 or 15 by the time my husband comes back from field training sept 4th.(my b-day) I want to see how he likes the slightly thinner me LOL.. oh yea and collect my present:biggrin: My next doc appt is in 2 mths which will be my 3 mth check up but if i think i need a fill before then i am soooooo going to call them. All and all so far so good, im very happy with my decision. Each day is brighter for me because i know each day i am getting healthier.
  15. armywife4life

    TriCare Prime Remote

    hey congradualtions!!
  16. armywife4life

    TriCare Prime Remote

    i have tri care overseas, but it took 7 days for mine, so try to stay calm, and good luck!!
  17. armywife4life

    ticare approval

    meekie, expect to wait awhile after you appt. time LOL...Also because we are american he will ask if you are sure about lapband, because we have so many soft foods that can slip thru the band. Just be firm and tell him lapband is your only choice. He will respect that. He then had me lay down and looked at my gal bladder and liver and kidneys with ultrasound. I was in and out of his office with a surgery appt. within 12 min. Easy peasy...Good luck
  18. good luck you made a awesome decision and soon you will have great results.
  19. armywife4life

    help i so want a wiii fit

    Okay i sooo bad want a wii fit. They are about 90 bucks for the game and board thing. Here is my problem... I am military and stationed in Germany, everywhere i look they are sold out online. Soooo i need help. If anyone knows of a store that has them in stock let me know. I will gladly send the money to you, and then you can send me the game. I sooooo sooo want one. If anyone can help me out let me know.. Thanks i really really really appreciate it. -crystal:thumbup:
  20. armywife4life

    Tricare Prime has denied me

    keep trying, you should qualify
  21. armywife4life

    Am I a pig...

    It doesn't look to bad to me, keep making healthy food choices and i think your doing fine. Though im new and i think i also eat wayy to much. I guess an average is about 1 cup 3x day. but heck are you losing? keep on truckin girl.
  22. armywife4life

    ticare approval

    meekie, took about 2 hrs for tri care to approve the consult with dr. weiner. then it took 7 days to approve for actual surgery. he has you stay on a 3 week liquid diet. But be prepared cause i just went yesterday for my month check up and they said that because i lost 21 lbs they will not do an adjust ment and set my next appt at 3 mth check up on sept. 22 If i think i need a fill before then though im sooooo calling them back to beg. Also, i usually have to wait like and hour after myu appt. time to see him, its kinda crazy but still worth it.
  23. armywife4life

    I'll go first

    hey meekie, i had my lapband done with prof. weiner, and i had a c-section and he did mine no problem. He will tell you though that lap band and americans beacause of the soft food like muffins goes thru the band that it might not be the best choice. Just let himknow its the only one your doing and he has no problemo's with it. I loved his hospital and staff.
  24. armywife4life

    6 months out and pregnant

    hey, congradulations to, babies rock!!
  25. armywife4life

    6 months out and pregnant

    check the prego forum and see others experience, but if he wants to take the fluid out because he is worried about the baby let him. The baby comes first. You can always restart after you deliver a nice healthy child.

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