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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by armywife4life

  1. i have no issues. But i have a large band 14cc and no fill yet. But i can eat anything and honestly i don't even have to chew a bunch. But im also slightly concerned about this?
  2. armywife4life

    Daily News!

    apples, seee now your even more inspiring to me girl, 50 lbs off without the band, im so such a flop at that, no way i could of done it like that. Seriously way to go chicky.
  3. armywife4life

    Birth Control.

    i use ortho evra the patch..LOVE IT, only have to switch it out 1x a week so much better then trying to remember a pill a damn day. Plus it has made my periods light and quick, and sooo not cramping hardcore no more. Ive been on it for about a year, love it love it love it.
  4. armywife4life


    DH-- if your military can also mean deployed husband
  5. armywife4life

    Daily News!

    Long- I hear ya waiting 3 mths for first fill seriously sucks. But they don't want to do one as long as weight loss is still continuing. but i have stalled for like 2 weeks now so i just dont' know. Because its a 2 hr drive plus wait time in the office i have to take a full day off work and can't really do that right now so i really only have the option to wait until sept. 22nd. Im just trying to keep my head up and make better food choices until then. Snacking is gonna kill me. Old bored habbits are wanting to kick back in. So i got to beat them back down to the fiery depths. Cathy-Great job, keep up the good work, you are seriously rockin it girl. Apples--what can i say you inspire me to keep on the wagon your weight loss is awesome. All Junies--You all are doing great, i love this forum and all of you, everytime i read posts my head gets a lil higher and my heart a lil lighter. Thank You all.
  6. armywife4life

    new here, please give me some direction...

    Yup check with your insurance, thats definitely the first step to see what criteria they require to qualify then go to your PCM. Good Luck!!
  7. armywife4life

    Daily News!

    Hi everyone!!1 Sorry its been awhile since i posted i seem to be stalling at the weight loss thing but ohhh it is because of the food choices. I definitely think i eat wayyyyy to many carbs. Im 2 mths out from surgery and no fills my first one will be Sept. 22 almost (3mths yikes.) I soooo can eat way to much food, i try to keep everything in check and not over eat but somedays it is just hard. But no worries I will keep on keeping on. I will succeed at this and when i go for my fill im gonna get help hopefully. congrats to all you junies, you all freakin rock and are doing a most excellent job at the weight loss.
  8. armywife4life

    Where all have you been stationed?

    wow amanda 2years and move that has to of sucked. By the time we pcs from here we will of stayed almost 5 years.
  9. armywife4life

    Bandsters in/near Kaiserslautern Germany

    nik, who did you call to find a new fill doc? Im still going to dr. weiner on the 22nd of sept for my fill but its about 2 hr drive and i would love to find one a lil closer to schweinfurt. The drive time kills me. Katja hi, wish i was closer would love to get with you, and ill try the chat room see if i catch ya in their. take care
  10. armywife4life

    big fill, anyone?

    I have a large AP band, its 14 cc. I also have the card.
  11. armywife4life

    its so quiet!

    doing good, seem to be stalling on the weight loss, but i guess i have to actually start excercising now LOL.. im such a lazy bum but it will be worth it. Plus i need a freakin fill cause man i can eat to much i see my doc. sept. 22nd so i got to hold out then to have my first fill. sucks for sure. good luck, its a great decision.
  12. armywife4life

    Back to square one.....

    keep your head up gina, your doing great.
  13. congrats girl, i felt pretty good myself. enjoy it, and good luck with the weight loss.
  14. armywife4life

    What did you eat on 1st day of solids??

    gyros, is usually either lamb or turkey it is a huge cut of meat put on a spit and cooked, then lil thin pieces are shaved off it and served either with bread as in a sandwhich, or slightly thicker larger pieces are cut off and eaten just how they are. I had gyros that way no bread, it is nice and tender and flavorful and pretty healthy. I love to dip them in Zaziki which is a greek yogurt that really brings out the flavor of meat. YUMMY!!
  15. armywife4life

    What did you eat on 1st day of solids??

    i ate gyros, weird i know but i took small bites chewed well and all was good. except i was able to eat much LOL.. and they are ohhh sooo good.
  16. armywife4life


    few days ago i finally thought i was gonna hurl from constipation, i got some ex lax and the next day i felt better and now im seeming to be getting regular again.
  17. armywife4life

    Stuffed feeling

    hi i was banded in germany, maybe its a over seas thing because my doc also said for me to wait 3 mth for fill. so far i have no issues, just trying to wrap my head around not eating so much, cause my eyes are way bigger then the stomach. So far, i don't really think i need one(fill) i am still steadily losing weight and i figure ill wait till that stops so i can jump start it again by the fill, i don't want my body to just get used to fills and stop you know. hope this helps. I go back end of sept. for another check up. Take care
  18. Id like to know who has the same band as i do. i also want to know if you get stuck easy or not so easy? what you eat and how much, and how much fluid it took for you to get restriction. Thanks..
  19. armywife4life

    Is anyone NOT exercising???

    hmm i hate to say it but i am also not an exerciser. I am active but no serious exercise yet. i do some spontaneously, sometimes i ride my bike with my boy, or we just play outside, or i take him to the pool(he's 3) Im steadily losing weight, i kinda of want to wait until i start to plateu before i really start exercising, i think maybe if i do then my body won't be used to it and will break the plateu easier. i don't know my theroy could be totally wrong, right now im just staying active and enjoying my weightloss. Im gonna start my step arobics class once a week starting on tues. but other than that just playin with the boy after work seems to be doing good. Good luck to you all, i really have no insight for anything right now because im such a newbie, my theroy is just to stay open to ideas, listen and try different things and hopefully everyone will find what works for them. Take care and blessings on your lap band journey.
  20. armywife4life

    Not losing any weight

    billy and cathy your doing great. 2 lbs a week is healthy weight loss, you might feel your slow losers, but hey i bet you have alot less saggin skin. It has been proven slow and steady weight loss usually leads to less sagginess. Keep your heads up your doing great!!!
  21. armywife4life

    I give up whats the use

    dont' give up, find another way, you can do it!!
  22. armywife4life

    Bandsters in/near Kaiserslautern Germany

    ohhh wow, i have only met dr.weiner for my surgery, he seemed very kind and concerned. Now im worried though. I went for my one month check up and saw a different surgeon. they would not give me a fill because i had lost 21 lbs. Said to come back for my 3 mth check up. I hope i continue to lose weight and don't need a fill if you all are having problems with him. geesh this really bums me out. keep me posted and also let me know if you find a good fill doc you like.
  23. armywife4life

    1 Year and 105 pounds

    way to go chicky!! i love to hear stories like yours. Im hoping in 1 year i have a brag story to.
  24. armywife4life

    what the ?????!!!!!!!

    hi, i was banded on the the 27th of june My doc says no fills until 3 mth check up unless my weight stalls. I dont know im losing weight yes, but geesh i really think i eat to much and maybe ill end up stretching my pouch. gosh i wish all doctors could follow some of same stuff LOL
  25. armywife4life

    People with hernias... I have a question :o)

    i had a hinatel hernia, never knew about until the day before surgery. Im thinking he fixed it when he did the band, i forgot to ask LOL..

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
