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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by armywife4life

  1. armywife4life

    Daily News!

    thanks long, Im definitely uncomfortable yogurt hurts, so i know i need some taken out thankfully they were able to get me in tomorrow, just gotta call in sick at work which sucks but better to be on the safe side then have something go wrong with the band. I haven't been sleeping much the last few nights cause im just uncomfortable at night time. So keep your fingers crossed ill find the right way.
  2. armywife4life

    Daily News!

    Hey Junies, Okay its been 2 days since my fill.. I think im going back to have some taken out. Restriction is great, but wowsers, i think i have way to much. i have can get some solids down, but i have to be seriously careful otherwise their is pain. I don't think this is okay. So im goin to drive back (2 hrs.) and get an unfill as soon as possible. im hoping i can get one Friday. Im still able to get fluids down no problem and some mushy's but i don't like being uncomfortable with solids. 5 CC wasn't doing anything 10 is to tight so im gonna ask to drop down to 8cc. Anyone have this amount?? I know it differs from person to person but id like to hear form you Id rather get an unfill then damage my band.
  3. armywife4life

    Daily News!

    go Allie Go!!!
  4. armywife4life

    I'm Gurgling...

    sweet very glad i found this thread. i just got an aggressive fill 5 cc to 10cc in my 14cc band. and for the first time i am gurgling and was all worried. I can get down solid protein and fluids as long as i go slow so i dont' think i am to tight. Thanks again ladies, this post made my day!
  5. i get fills under fluro, and they watch what is going thru and what isn't. I wasn't expecting that much either. Today though im eating okay. I just now though have to actually follow the rules. small bites, chewing very well. so far so good, not acid reflux which is somethign i am lookin out for.
  6. armywife4life

    Help me out Junies

    hi apples, Thanks today it is alot better, liquids go down okie dokie, i took some childrens motrin which has been recommend by a few docs of peeps here. I think i was just seriously swollen, im gonna stay on mushy's today and try some solids tomorrow. I am really feeling weird cause i have restriction LOL. never had it before but i like it. And my appetite is non existent again. Im just keeping an eye out for any acid reflux, or waking up coughing, or reflux then. If i start experienceing that, I will head back and have some fill taken out. Im very careful about not getting to dehydrated. Take Care
  7. Okay i have 14cc band. I had 5 cc in it, and yesterday he filled it to 10 cc. I am super restricted, had trouble with my yogurt this morning and water is slightly a problem.. Oddly enough i ate mac and cheese last night LOL with no problemo. I figure i am just swollen. Im gonna give it a few days as long as i can still get water down, i will do soup for a few days and give it a chance. Since i never had restriction and now going to serious restriction i think im just bein a baby, but will keep an eye out and if i have any other complications i will got back and get some taken out. Im grateful for this post. Keep them coming.
  8. armywife4life

    Daily News!

    Hello everyone!! Today i went for my 9 mth check up, well checkup actually would be the 27th for me, but i was in bad need of a fill. I had 5cc in my 14 CC band. I had absolutely no restriction i went in today and they put in 5 more. I think i definitely have restriction now (10cc):thumbup: I feel a lil swollen inside so will be doin liquids and mushy's for a day or two. But im excited that i might now have enough restriciton to make it to one-derland. These last 9 mths have been tough with out any restriction so keep your fingers crossed i didn't over do it and i hit my sweet spot. Allie and Cathy--Happy belated birthday you ladies rockin it! Long-hope you were able to flush all that salt out.
  9. armywife4life

    Junies, 2008...how ya doin' 9 mo. Out?

    Diva, I also have 14cc band. I have 5.5cc in mine and sooo need more. I go on monday to ask for some more. Im shooting for 7 this time. I have only also lost 40 lbs. slow compared to others, but for me i have to work out tons, and i have to cut my carb intake down to around 30g a day. Little more then say the atkins induction phase, if i drop down to 20, my body dies and i end up sick. Just keep working it, you'll get their. I find when im the most discouraged, coming to the boards help me out. so keep checking in.
  10. armywife4life

    Daily News!

    Hi everyone, Lucy- congrats on hittting XL that is soo freakin cool Long- Congrats on the score of clothing sales and hitting wonderland, im close but still not their. Alli-Congrats on your daughter picking a school close, my boy is only 3 and half and i am already dreading the possiblity of him moving far from home LOL Addy- bet you look smokin hot with your new hair cut As for me, still one day at a time. Have appt with doc on monday im gonna ask for a fill. I have been working out pretty regular and joined a basketball team.. I thought i was working out anyway LOL then i joined the team and learned what a workout really is. for 2 hrs im getting cardio and strength training, those girls are kicking my butt LOL... But i am so very happy after each time. And i know that if i hadn't lost these lbs with the lapband no way would i even be able to think about playing basketball. Man i love that sport. Well better look like im earning a paycheck. Keep it up ladies you all inspire me to do the best i can.
  11. armywife4life

    Daily News!

    wohoooo I joined the womens basketball team here on Post. We are called the Schweinfurt Shooters. I thought i had been working out pretty good, but OMG 2hrs with them and i was ready to puke LOL... definitely should lose somemore weight. keep your fingers crossed
  12. armywife4life

    8 months out--Need Advice

    hi, same boat as you. I also have 14cc band. 5.5cc in it and can still eat to much at a time. i definitely need more fill.. Im exercising 5 days a week with cardio and light weight but the weight loss is very very slow. Also watch your carbs, those things kill me LOL>.
  13. armywife4life

    Daily News!

    Addy, Hey i also have 14cc band I have had 2 fills 5.5 now in their. Restriction sucks im gonna beg for some more fill, im exercising almost everyday, and slowly the weight is coming off but wow i can still eat wayyyy to much. Keep up the great work Ally and VZ, Smokin hot mama's is all i got to say LOL
  14. armywife4life

    Four months and not losing - am I alone?

    Thanks everyone, im seeing him on march 2, i will hold my ground and ask for more fill. I dont' know if its because he's a german doc or what, but he didn't even really want to give me the last fill. Says something about how alot of people lose weight with the band just being placed blah blah blah. My doc is almost 2 hrs drive away, so it sucks to have to take time off work. But im going back and im gonna ask for more, i jsut worry that if i got to tight thats a 2 hr trip back . You all are doing great, without support form you all my band journey would suck. Thanks
  15. armywife4life

    100 Pounds!!

    okay ladies give us some advice, what are you eating, are you doing calories/exercise or low carb im open to any tips you have because you all are Rockin IT!!
  16. armywife4life

    Four months and not losing - am I alone?

    ohhh my gosh, i am soooo glad to see all the posts, i am having such a hard time losing weight. i am not gaining but dang the scale will not freakin move for like 4 mths now. i have to see my surgeon on march 2nd. i have never really had restriction i have 5.5cc in 14cc band. two fills. i can eat anything and i seriously have to not chew or take a large bite to feel even a slight uncomfortablness. I am so worried. My doc last time he saw me was not happy cause i hadn't lost any and now 2 mths later i will be going back with hardly any loss. im trying to work out almost 5 days a week. I do 2 miles on the tredmill(i can now jog a complete mile in 12 min 45 sec) then i do some weights. My clothes fit way better but the lbs just wont' come off. Im really very sad when i think about it. But im not gonna give up. Thank you all for your honesty and letting me know im not alone. I know we all will eventually meet our goal. xoxoxoxo
  17. Hi i heard something today, that Tricare was no longer covering lapbands. Im in Europe so i have tricare overseas. My firiend said the doctor today told her they weren't covering it as of January 1st. 2009??? I don't know if it will affect Tricare stateside. Does anyone know anything about this????
  18. armywife4life

    MIA but now im back

    Hello all my june bug friends. Im afraid i have completely neglected this site in like 3 mths. My husband was preparing to once more deploy to Iraq and i just didn't want to deal with anything else. Im sad to say I have not lost much of anything the last 3 mths(thankfully havent gained though) but I also know it is completely my fault. I have not exercised and we have eaten out alot, and I have only had one fill. My husband is now deployed, and I am ready to re-dedicate myself to the band. On monday i go up and get another fill. right now i have 3.5 cc but my band is 14 and it feels like nothing in their. I am also starting to back at the gym. Im so inspired by all of you, i have seen several of you in the 80+ mark, thats remarkable in 6 mths. You completely inspire me to get going, stop being sad, the hubby is gone, what done is done, and to kick it up to level 10 so when i see him on R&R i can wear a seriously sexy stellar outfit. I will start checkin in at least 2 x a week on the boards cause i know this support system is what will keep me kickin. Thanks to all of you for the support, and the inspiration this site rocks:thumbup:
  19. armywife4life

    Weight loss slow

    I to had some issues with weight loss. i was banded June 27th. I am now down 35lbs but for like 3 mths i absolutely stalled. It has been completely my fault. Bad eating choices, and lack of exercising. I am now going back to the bandster ways, and am exercising at the gym at least 3 x week and im doing liquids, then mushy then solid phase to get my pouch back in to shape.
  20. armywife4life

    Concern about Pouch Stretching

    Hi, i also have 14cc band. i have 5.5 cc and feel no restriction. Im curious about the pouch dialation myself. I have been having a few sodas a week, but now am committed to once again giving them up. I need to get back on the dang wagon. good luck with you i hope your pouch is good and congrats on the weight loss
  21. Hi, I also have a 14cc band. I have had 2 fills now im at 5.5 cc in it. Im unhappy to say i dont' really have any restricition. My weight loss has been slow, i eat less yes but still could use more restriction but my doctor here in Germany does not like to do fills. Keep your head up, things will be okay and if you don't restriction and are in a position to get another fill do it. Good luck
  22. Hi sure i don't mind helping you, first you have to go to tricare and get a morbid obesity form. Then make an appt. with the PCM. You will have to meet certain criteria, usually 2 co morbs and bmi of 40 and 5 year history of obesity.. The docs here aren't to thrilled about it stay away from dr. Cubacu, he will not even discuss it with u.

  23. armywife4life

    First fill today got questions! Help!

    hi i just had my second fill yesterday. I had same discomfort, and i actually feel the band. I also had alot of burping and farting LOL... today it feels better but i still feel the band but im not worried. ohh i have 5.5 cc in 14cc band
  24. armywife4life

    Too tight?

    Hi lisa, I also have the 14CC band. I just got my fill about 6 hrs ago. I drank fine but i came home and went to bed and slept for an hour and now im awake..Im not sure what woke me, maybe my drooling LOL>.. i always drool though so i don't know if im to tight. The band feels funny though right now and now because i woke up im paranoid and can't sleep. This was my second fill and I now have 5.5 CC in my band. My first fill was 3.5 I didn't feel nothing after that one, still could mow down to. So I don't know if im to tight. Or that i actually just have restriction. I was able to eat a string cheese tonight. But other than that im just drinking fluids. Good thing seems to be i can swallow my own spit. I don't know i also feel a lil nausea's. But nothing major, and i dont' believe i need to vomit. So im gonna tough it out for a few days, hopefully i can sleep then if it keeps up ill have a slight unfill. But im really hoping that its just swollen and a few days it will ease off. Keep your fingers crossed for me banders.
  25. armywife4life

    Where all have you been stationed?

    Thanks for the heads up Doxie, we are going to go to Ft. Lewis after this tour of iraq. I hear its a really nice post and family friendly. Ill do research now about the pollen. have a grrreeeatt day!!

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