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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by armywife4life

  1. armywife4life


    awesome im soooo happy for you
  2. armywife4life

    Countup to 100

    great job, you rock harder than the rolling stones!!!
  3. armywife4life

    I have questions...

    ohh my gosh the replacing the sex life with food quote is funny funny funny!!!
  4. armywife4life

    Going through alone

    For myself, I am being very selective on who i tell about me getting the band. Their is alot of judgement out there. I actually am good not having a large support group. This website has been fantastic, these ladies and gentlemen are all i need. I hope they do the trick for you to..
  5. armywife4life

    Took the first steps today

    Hi lydia, like you i am starting the lapband journey..I go on Fri to see my PCM and get a referral to see a surgeon. Are you going the insurance route, or self pay?? Good luck chicky
  6. armywife4life

    Tortillas and rice?

    Hey girl, im familiar with st. anothony's..I lived in OKC for 6 years. Congrats on the 30 lbs.
  7. armywife4life

    My Journey

    wow you have totally inspired me... Thank You
  8. armywife4life

    Question-adults Only-strong Sexual Content

    ohh man, fairy facade, that was way funny
  9. bandster 1007, nothing is more important than the life growing inside of you. You can always take back off the weight.
  10. armywife4life

    5 Month Progress Picture Collage

    you look awesome girl, keep it up
  11. armywife4life

    Bandsters in/near Kaiserslautern Germany

    hi, im in schweinfurt, which i believe is couple of from you...Im starting the banding process, did you get banded in europe, or stateside. And what was all the steps you had to go thru for tricare? thanks
  12. hi, i was wondering in the special interst lapband support groups you could do a military one? Id love to see it and participate in it. Thanks.

  13. armywife4life


    hi all military spouses, i am stationed overseas in germany right now but would love to know how things are going with your lapband journey, i to am starting the journey myself. So feel free to pm or come to insurance/financing and go to overseas military spouses, i started that thread, but you dont' have to be overseas to stop in, i was just looking for wives in my area. love to hear from you... good luck
  14. armywife4life

    Military Wives Oversease

    Yup, im willing to jump thru any hoops to get banded, im sure its what i want, and the more crap i have to go thru for it, will just reinforce the want. Nothing is going to stop me. ARMY STRONG!!
  15. armywife4life

    Military Wives Oversease

    Hi, are their any military spouses stationed overseas who want to get the lapband? I do, Im stationed in Schweinfurt Germany right now and am looking for others who also are starting the journey. My tricare Rep for the longest time has been telling me that Tri care does not cover lapband overseas, finally after reading another post, i held my ground with her and had her call her main office. Low and behold they do. I know that their are several ladies on this post who have been waiting, and now hopefully they will get the call that they can start their journey also. I was upset that the Tricare Rep did not willing look into this herself, that i had to seriously make an issue of it. I believe that it was approved in January of this year, which means people who have been waiting could of started their journey 3 mths ago.:thumbup: But enough of that..I have an appt. with my PCM on the 28th of March, and hopefully i can get him to get me a referrel. Dr. Weiner in Frankfurt is the doctor they would send me to. I have heard nothing but great things about him.:shades_smile: To all military spouses I say HOOAH!!!:teeth_smile:
  16. armywife4life

    Had first PB this weekend...in public too!

    missmonaaz ohh my gosh, i totally feel horrible for the puking on the kid, but ohhh my gosh i just sat here laughing so hard over it. LOL
  17. armywife4life

    Tricare Standard Steps

    Meekie, keep your head up missy, don't let them get you down. I have an appt. with my pcm April 28th, and im ready to go into battle. Im going to hold my ground and not give up. My rep, said i have to stop in before i see him and get a morbid obesity form. Then he fills it out and I take it back to tricare. Sooo here's hopin all goes well. Also have you ever done stuff online, like the calorie count website, etc...that might accept that as 6 mths of weightloss crapola. I sent you my IM and email address chicky so use it if you need it. Hooah!!!
  18. armywife4life

    unfill or?

    wow thats intense
  19. armywife4life

    Tricare Standard Steps

    meekie, hi, wow im so glad i ran into someone else here. I went to tri care rep and she said that tri care does not approve for overseas yet? I was like dang..But your rep said it does? I have heard of doctor weiner,thats who i want to see. I am in schweinfurt. Geesh okay i guess the ill have to call the lady again and ask, man im so mad...Okay also i need to got to my PCM and ask for a referrel first to right? oh wow i have so many darn questions LOL.
  20. hi were stationed in schweinfurt germany and im wondering if anyone knows of any doctors who do lapband that take tri-care? and experience with them etc. i dont' wnat to have to stay in hospital for a bunch of days and it seems with german hospitals you always stay forever. thanks.:blushing:
  21. thanks lisa, hey my husband is from oklahoma, i lived their 6 years.
  22. armywife4life

    Here Are The Requirements For Tricare

    hey mommakatx2, the tri care link doesnt seem to work for me got another one?
  23. armywife4life

    Tricare Standard Steps

    minpinmom, does this work if you have tricare overseas? to be able to do the online stuff? im stationed in germany
  24. hi, yes baumholder is close around id say an hour give or take maybe lil more. my husband just returned from 15 mth tour in iraq. Thanks you daughter inlaw and tell her to keep her chin up.:blushing:
  25. :thumbup:Hi Everyone, i am a very proud army wife stationed in Schweinfurt, Germany. I have been doing alot of research on lapband, and now TRICARE will cover the cost so i am ready to see my PCM and see if i can get approved for the surgery. my BMI is 41 so i qualify. Im excited and scared, but also hopeful. I love reading all the posts, this site i believe is going to be great for me.

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