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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by armywife4life

  1. armywife4life


    welcome christina
  2. armywife4life

    Cool :)

    awesome, ill keep checkin in here
  3. armywife4life

    For the LADIES!

    powder room gone while Rocks!!!two thumbs up from me
  4. armywife4life

    Two week liquid dieters......

    wow you go jules you freakin Rock!! how much weight have u lost on the pre op?
  5. armywife4life

    On the pre op liquid diet

    kathy im with you. My doc doesnt' require any pre-op diet but im going to go to liquids the last 7 days before surgery just so my body doesn't go in to serious shock after surgery.
  6. Rockin post seattle sweetie, i willl sure be using it.!!
  7. Well i met my husband at 160lbs, At that time i felt slim and was very comfortable with me. I think im supposed to be like 130lbs but like i said 160 works just well with me.
  8. armywife4life

    Sharing that you're having surgery

    hopefulmom hang tough sista your gonna do great. And just think when you lose all the weight you want you can look at those people and say see told ya so!!:thumbup::tt2:
  9. armywife4life

    June line up

    one more day and its our month peoples...good luck to all the jazzy junes:thumbup:
  10. diz thanks chica, much appreciated, sorry your date got post poned, darn jury duty. Keep us posted on how it eventually goes for ya, your in my thoughts.:thumbup:
  11. armywife4life

    Bodybugg users report here!

    Hey everyone, You all have me seriously hyped for the bugg. My surgery is the 27th of june. im gonna ask the hubby for the bugg for my birthday Sep 4th. thanks for posting i love seeing that everyone is getting good use out of them.:thumbup:
  12. armywife4life

    Joining the Band June 27th

    :laugh:I will be Joining the Band June 27th!!! I am being banded by Dr. Weiner in Frankfurt Germany. I am sooo excited
  13. armywife4life

    My Consult APPT

    Okay i went on monday up to Frankfurt to see Dr. Weiner. I spent an hour in his waiting room. When it was my turn my appt. was like seriously 10 min. He just asked me which WLS i wanted. I told him the lapband, he said that he liked to do them on higher BMI then mine(what 40 isn't good enough:smile:) But i told him i was sure that this was the right choice for me and so no more was said. He just asked me when i wanted to do it. We settled on June 27th 2008. So it looks like ill be a jazzy june. He also had me lay down and looked at my gallbladder for stones, and checked my kidneys and liver and told me all was good. I check into the hospital on the 26th I will do the rest of the pre op tests like Upper GI,EKG etc. and then stay the night and have the surgery in the morning on the 27th. I will have to stay that night also(*sigh*) But he said as long as everything looked good i could go home Sat. morning. I really did not want to stay so long but its a long drive and the tests take most of the day so i understand, less stress to. My husband is going to drive me up and drop me off, he cannot stay as we have a lil boy and he has to work. But he will come pick me up Sat. morning :thumbup: Well im excited and nervous all at the same time. Its different doing it here in then in the states. They do not speak alot of english in the hospital but im hoping they will do their best to assign me the best english speaking nurses LOL.. Tri care can still deny me, but im thinking in the positive and feel they won't. Well everyone wish me luck, cause im on my way to a new me.:cursing:
  14. armywife4life

    My Consult APPT

    Okay i went on monday up to Frankfurt to see Dr. Weiner. I spent an hour in his waiting room. When it was my turn my appt. was like seriously 10 min. He just asked me which WLS i wanted. I told him the lapband, he said that he liked to do them on higher BMI then mine(what 40 isn't good enough:smile:) But i told him i was sure that this was the right choice for me and so no more was said. He just asked me when i wanted to do it. We settled on June 27th 2008. So it looks like ill be a jazzy june. He also had me lay down and looked at my gallbladder for stones, and checked my kidneys and liver and told me all was good. I check into the hospital on the 26th I will do the rest of the pre op tests like Upper GI,EKG etc. and then stay the night and have the surgery in the morning on the 27th. I will have to stay that night also(*sigh*) But he said as long as everything looked good i could go home Sat. morning. I really did not want to stay so long but its a long drive and the tests take most of the day so i understand, less stress to. My husband is going to drive me up and drop me off, he cannot stay as we have a lil boy and he has to work. But he will come pick me up Sat. morning :tt2: Well im excited and nervous all at the same time. Its different doing it here in then in the states. They do not speak alot of english in the hospital but im hoping they will do their best to assign me the best english speaking nurses LOL.. Tri care can still deny me, but im thinking in the positive and feel they won't. Well everyone wish me luck, cause im on my way to a new me.:thumbup:
  15. armywife4life

    My first Choice for Surgery

    wow my psyc eval was like 15 min. He just wanted to make sure that i wasn't depressed and felt that if i lost a bunch of weight, everything would be right in the world LOL...Sorry to hear that you got denied
  16. armywife4life

    Bump in the Road! Prayers needed!

    awesome im really glad for ya chicky.
  17. armywife4life

    June line up

    wohoooo i get to be on the list. I love it!! June 27th for me please
  18. HOOAH!! as im sure you can guess, im an ARMY WIFE. My husband and I have been married for almost 4 years and been together for almost 6. We have a soon to be 3 year old(june16th). We are stationed in Schweinfurt Germany since Nov. 2005. My husband was deployed to Iraq in 2006 for 15mths, i gained alot of weight. He is going to do some field exercises for 45 day starting in July, so i would like to be slimmer when he gets back. My band date is June 27th. My ultimate goal is to redo his deployment homecoming. The first deployment he came back to a way chunky wife, this next deployment I want him to come home to a slim sexy one. My trial run will be the 45 day field training LOL....but ultimately I want to lose the weight so i can enjoy my time with our son. My husbands Job puts him in harms way. He does what he does to serve our country. I have no good excuse for being fat. I want to make sure i do everything i can to make sure i dont shorten my life span. And being overweight is just taking years off my life. I love this forum, every one of you inspires me. thank you
  19. armywife4life

    Sharing that you're having surgery

    I have told my husband, and 1 friend here. I told my best friend back in the states and 1 sister. I told my work im doing some hernia repair. easy in easy out. After awhile i will tell more, but for now i just need to focus on me and the surgery, without others needing to know so much about my progress, sometimes i think that can add pressure, and i want to stay as low key as possible.
  20. Wholly cow, As long as Tri-care approves..I have my surgery scheduled for the 27th of June. I am soooo ohhhhh everyting right now LOL!!1:lol::tt2::huh2::w00t::confused2:
  21. I work in an office, and usually sit and get up regular thru out the day. Im hoping to schedule surgery for on a Fri, and come back to work on Tues. Is this way to early?? My pain tolerance is really good. Things i worry about is gas, i work in small room with another person LOL i would hate to run her out:tongue: Thanks
  22. armywife4life


    okay, how do you like the body bugg, im tryin to decide if i should get one.
  23. armywife4life

    My Process so far

    Well, i had been thinking about WLS for a long time. I started looking into different types about 8 mths ago. About 4 mths ago i stumbled onto this website and decided that yes the lapband was for me. I am overseas right now. My journey is a lil more complicated then most. I have tricare overseas, which my reps say is very hard to get approved for WLS. But i still needed to try. On March 28 2008 I went to my PCM to see about getting a referrel to see a WLS surgeon. My PCM was seriously not supportive but even though i was embarassed and nervous, i did not let him intimidate me and by the time the appt. was done he agreed to give me the referrel. I got my blood work done on the 7th of April. Much to my surprise my cholesterol is sky rocket high, along with a bunch of other things. I had a Psych eval done on the 22nd of April and much to my surprise, was deemed sane. I put my packet together and submitted it to tricare. I am 100lbs overweight and have several co-morbs like high cholesterol, chronic knee pain. Well the tricare lady said it could take about a week to see if they would approve me to see the surgeon, amazingly it took 2 hrs. And they said go ahead. Now they have not approved me for surgery. I go see my surgeon (Dr. Weiner) in Frankfurt, Ge on Memorial day. I know strange cause its a holiday but Germans do not celebrate all of the same ones we do, and this works out good because i do not have to take time off work. Frankfurt is about 2-2 1/2 hour drive from where we are stationed. Now i have only told a few people about my decision. My hubby is one, one friend here, and 2 friends back in the states and one family member.. I figure i should try to blog some, since i can openly put down everything here without fear of someone being negative to my choice. I am so glad i found this site. it is the best, the people i have met here are soo freakin inspiriational. So heres hopin i can get banded overseas.:thumbdown:
  24. armywife4life

    I used to think...

    I love it "my Oprah momment" Im gonna have to use that. Your gonna do great chicky keep it up

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