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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by armywife4life

  1. armywife4life

    Very Exciting News!!

    go girl go!!!
  2. armywife4life

    Major Pain??

    HI i was banded on the 27th, all has been pretty well except i have had some seriously bad pain in the left side. around where the largest inscision is, above and below it. Rest of the tummy is just fine no other problems, but this hurts to get up and move, i can of course but wow its a constant pain. Wondering if anyone else has experienced this and when i can hope for it to go away. I am not taking any pain meds, most everything makes me sick, but today i think im gonna try some tylenol.:thumbs_up:
  3. armywife4life

    Rachel Ray is an idiot

    whoops rachel ray fan here, love her 30 min meal show
  4. armywife4life


    my doctor requires 8 weeks prior and a commit to stay smoke free. i quit almost 2 years ago, best thing i have ever done
  5. okay i can seriously drink alot, im talking easy the 80-100 fl. oz with no problem, and i can eat like 4 sugar free popsicles, and i usually do 1 can of broth a day. Ummmm maybe thats way to much liquids, im not really sure. I have no problem with fluids, like ive read so many people do so im kinda worried. Anyone else out their that can drink alot of fluids no problemo?? im 5 days post op, no hunger yet, bowels working, just can pack away alot of fluid:confused:
  6. armywife4life

    Skin around main incison turning yellow

    ya ya no worries just bruising, i have the same thing 5 days out, actually started to notice around day 3 and 4
  7. armywife4life

    Daily News!

    Hi everyone, Great thread great to see how all is doing. I seem to have an allergic reaction either from the stitches or all the drugs they pump us full but nothing to major. rash is on my hands and feet and tolerable. Im feeling pretty darn good im 5 days post op and returned to work yesterday with no problems, well except that im so swollen that i can't put my pants on LOL..So just cozy elastic bottoms for me right now. Im doing great on the clear liquids, heck just 2 days to go so im pretty happy. My surgeon says 3 weeks liquids, but i plan to switch to full liquids after the 7th day so it wont' be such a bummer. Hope all continues to go well for everyone. take care
  8. armywife4life

    My Dad Went To Heaven Last Night

    ill be praying for you, keep your head up chic, you dad will be watching..
  9. i had my surgery on fri, and went back to work on tues...i could of gone back on monday but i definitely am glad i gave it one more day
  10. slinderella i eat the viactive's, made for women by women LOL ... Okay seriously they are chocolate flavor and the highlight of my liquid phase life,,
  11. Okay so i had my surgery the 27th of june, things seem to be going good, like alot of people i have the pain around the port side, but it is getting better day by day. I know when i went in on the 26th i weighed 235 and when i left the hospital on the 30th i weighed 231. But other than that i am not weighing myself until my 1 mth appt. I will be obsessive about it if i dont' stand firm LOL...OH criminy i just thought i have to have my PCM remove my stiches in 10 days so he'll weigh me their...darn it!! okay ill just tell them i don't want to know how much i weight that will work. :thumbs_up: To all of you banders, i say HOOAH!!! this is gonna be one heck of a journey!!
  12. Hi, sorry i didn't see your message. PM me with any question you got, and we'll add friends.

  13. armywife4life

    June 27th

    HooAH!! i was banded on the 27th, i hurt like heck LOL but am getting better day by day how are you doing?
  14. armywife4life

    For those of you on liquids...

    banded ont he 27th, clear liquids for a week for me then full liquids for 2 weeks sucks for me!!
  15. armywife4life

    Angry Rant, grrrrrr!

    HOOAH!!! sista
  16. armywife4life


    mine are not self disolve i have to go to my pcm in 10 days to have them removed
  17. armywife4life

    How Much Have You Lost So Far?

    well i went in at 235 on the 16th. and have lost 4 lbs. but i will not weight myself until my one month check up don't want to stress about it
  18. hey today is your day missy, just wanted to say good luck and keep me posted on how your doing. later gator!!

  19. armywife4life

    Big Day Tomorrow! Nervious?

    hi good luck and keep us posted!!
  20. okay so i went and did the consult with the surgeon on memorial day, and today i got the phone call saying that yes on june 27th they would approve me for surgery:thumbup: Now im kinda freakin out, we are military and stationed in Schweinfurt Germany. Ive been following close everyones experience at the hospital but i worry about the day for me because of the language barrier and different culture. Im kinda freakin out cause wholly cow what if something goes wrong you know. the hospital is 2 hours away in frankfurt germany and I just can't get their quick. On top of this i have to go on the the 26th and to have the tests done. upper gi, ekg, etc and stay the night because of the distance and have the surgery on the 27th then get released on the 28th and my husband cannot stay with me. German hospital policy, so he will drop me off on thursday and pick me up on saturday:crying: Whlly cow im seriously havintg a panic attack. We also have a lil boy and he needs to be able to stay home and take care of him. geesh okay sorry guys im done ranting now, i will take deep calming breaths and center my chi now:biggrin2:
  21. armywife4life

    June 30th!

    hey gab im on the 27th to, good luck!!
  22. armywife4life

    20 hours post op

    awesome glad everything went well. Im scared because im here in germany doing this and i worry about the language barrier. oh geesh here i go stressing again LOL
  23. here try this link its really informative and i have always had good success short turn on low carb high protein. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f84/how-shrink-your-liver-increase-st-weight-loss-low-carb-pre-op-diet-65020/ hope it helps
  24. hey is it okay to drink these when your in the liquid stage?? Or do i have to wait till im in like the mushy stage. im wondering how im gonna get protein in the first week or so after surgery if i can only have clear liquids. Im up for some ideas!
  25. armywife4life

    Tomorrow's My Day!

    go girl go!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
