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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by armywife4life

  1. Hi, this is my husbands and mine first duty station and we are stationed in schweinfurt germany. We like it here so much we have extended till 2010. My husband is prior air force and i believe he was stationed in buloxie MS. Where have you all been stationed and how did you like each place? We will have to pick a new duty station after he comes back from one more tour of Iraq so id like to hear your thoughts. He wants Ft. Lewis in Washington we hear its the best post ever. but i would like ft. leanord wood in missouri because it is closer to both of our families. Let me hear from you all. and have a great day.:cry_smile:
  2. Hi, i swallowed a piece of hard candy i was sucking on. It was still pretty good circle size. It feels kind of stuck. I have no fill at the moment in my badn (thank god) But should i be worrying?? Will it eventually go thru? Or should i be contacting someone??
  3. Hi, I have been experiencing pain under the left side bottom rib, maybe lil more toward center. It comes and goes, no ryme or reason, but is sharp. Sometime it even stays around for awhile. I went to liquids yesterday to see if i can get it to help, still waiting. Anyone else experience this pain??
  4. armywife4life

    Daily News!

    Glad everyone is doing great Allie good job on getting thru such a tough day! I teach ur kid Congrats on onderland I am feeling better now, its weird not having anything in my band i forgot what it is like LOL.. Not that i really had alot of restriction(well until the fill that went bad LOL) But I can say my eating habbits are better, i still go small portions im hoping by next week i will feel good enough to start working out again. Bonus for me is my sister is coming Tomorrow. She will be here till next Sunday im so excited to show her some of Germany. I honestly don't think im gonna get another fill for a long time. Im gonna see how i do without one. I have to fly in June back stateside and i worry that if im filled i will get to tight. Then what the heck am i gonna do on a 10 hr. flight LOL Plus i still have to fly again another 3 hrs to get to OK, then I fly up to michigan and back also. So gals wish me luck im gonna try this with no fill and see how i do. You all are doing great and i love seeing all the support we give eachother. It never fails to make my day!
  5. keep posting friends, i will be flying from Germany stateside in June and would like to hear how all international flights went. I had a complete unfill and dont' think i will be filling again till after i get back in Aug.
  6. ask me anything you'd like illl answer your questions best i can

  7. armywife4life

    Daily News!

    Hi everyone, Well things have not been so great in my world. I had a fill from hell, then some taken out, then all of it taken out. Right now its just an empty band and i. It has been about 2 weeks since all of this started. And somethign is just not right with me. I dont' think its the band, but their for awhile i was having episodes like hypoglycemia?? It really freaked me out, i had all the fill removed and have just been resting and reseting myself. Thankfully after the fill was removed the episodes stopped. I have developed the awful reflux though from the fill that was to tight, but my doc put me on Prilosec and it seem to be better. Im hoping now with no fill it will stop completely plus with the help of the prilosec. It has been awful not feeling good, and im hoping that soon i will be back to my old self. I think i might have a thyroid issue, its been 2 weeks and im still waiting on the dang results(base clinic in Germany sucks) My hands and feet get freaking cold off and on through out the day, its freaking me out LOL. But im still diggin my band, just waiting till i can feel like my old self.
  8. Hi, i know we are not aloud to really use NSAIDS which Motrin is one. But sometimes Tylenol just does not cut the muscle ache pain i have. I am wondering if anyone occassionally uses Motrin and what dosage do you use? Any problems you have had?? Etc.
  9. armywife4life

    Fills, frustration, and failure

    Keep your head up girl!!
  10. armywife4life


    wow, i totally had this happen to me 2 weeks ago. I had to get a complete unfill, and eat more often. Ill start getting a fill again in a lil bit. That 8 days where i was experiencing this scared the bee jeeezeus out of me. But my body seems to be regulating again and the episodes are not happening. Good luck, keep us posted!
  11. armywife4life

    Hi, first time posting

    Good luck, you can do it!!! Take one day at a time
  12. armywife4life

    esophageal stacking?

    wow, first time i have heard about esophogeal stacking?? is their signs of symptoms???
  13. armywife4life

    pain in left side?

    i am 9 mths out, i am also experiencin the left side pain. mine though feels like its on the last rib at the bottom. When i touch the rib itself it feels worse?? no ryme or reason sometimes its their sometimes its not. Whollly cow about the lady who postedwith a perforated esophogus. Talk about scary!
  14. armywife4life

    I ruined my Lapband progress............

    hey, Army wife here my husband is in Iraq he left november we have a 3 and half year old boy and im stationed overseas here in Germany right now. You can do this, i know its tough when they leave but you can DO THIS. This is my second deployment. You cam PM me if you need to talk, i am always willing to lend an ear.
  15. armywife4life

    Reflux redux?

    hi green, glad your feeling better im also on prilosec. my problem is im freaking neauseas on and off thru out the day. did you also experience this?? I have had a complete unfil as of last monday. But feel like crap
  16. armywife4life

    Help please - total unfill but still feel restriction

    wow, i am also no feeling so great. i have reflux now, my GP won't scope me wants to do 8 week treatment of Prilosec first. My band doc did i guess a barrium swallow(nasty bitter thin liquid then watch on screen??) He says my band is in perfect position and doesnt see a slip. But my major concerns are for the last 2 weeks i am nauseas on and off during the day. Last night i had body tremors for like 10 min. I also today seem to have pain in my left back shoulder and neck area. Im really miserable. I don't know if it has anything to do with the band but grrrrr right now it sucks. I am completely unfilled and am able to eat no problem LOL.. i hope you can get to feeling better. Heck i hope i feeel better here soon to. I just totally feel like crud. OHHH yea and my hands will get really cold for no apparent reason to. geesh im fallin apart.
  17. Hi, Okay so everything has been going pretty good for me since being banded. But now everymorning im waking up shaking and sick to my stomach, i think im having low blood sugar problems. Im wondering has anyone else had problems with their sugar since banding?? I am not really eating to much, i had some lab work done to check. Im trying to keep Snacks around but ohhhhh myyyy gosh the mornings are horrible. Let me know if you've been thru this, and what you did to correct it. Thanks.
  18. armywife4life

    Help..Please answer if you can

    lonedaisy-- my husband is deployed right now in Iraq. I am sooooo very not pregnant LOL.. Harold-i go back and see the doc on the 19th im not sure if i can get my results before then she said it takes about a week. Im eating pb toast before bed last night and at pb toast first thing this morning and didn't feel as rough. I am eatin more carbs now to, still hoping all will work out. i have a 3 1/2 yr old son, and it worries me grreatly to have this happen to me. thanks for posting everyone
  19. armywife4life

    Help me out Junies

    Okay so i went and got a fill yesterday, went from 5cc to 10 cc, I have a large 14cc band. Im having trouble slightly with liquids today, got down some yogurt but very slowly. Last night i was able to get some mac and cheese down no problemo, but i dont' know today is very tight. water wants to slightly come back up, but nothing major. Im wondering if im just swollen more today then last night. How long does the swelling last?? I have heard that the band is tighter in the morning and loosens up at night?? When should i really be worried i might be to tight. I have never had restriction, but i can say i do now, and i don't want to be to paranoid. Should i give it a few days?? So far no problem sleeping, no acid reflux, but i think ill wait a few days before i try any solids.. Please feel free to chime in, im hoping im just swollen cause like i said last night i ate mac and cheese fine.
  20. armywife4life

    Help..Please answer if you can

    no just got the blood draw taken yesterday. But i hadn't fasted i hope that won't cause i problem. i told the doc i was chuggin as much orange juice as possible. when she sent me to the lab. It scared me how bad i felt. I hear PB crackers are a great pick me up with OJ so tomorrow im gonna buy some. Im also gonna try a snack before bed, which i try to avoid because i worry about reflux, but im gonna try it tonight. Thanks
  21. armywife4life

    VERY Restricted!!!!

    i was also filled to tight. went from 5 cc to 10 cc in my 14 cc band. went back dropped down to 9cc and ohh what a difference. restriction without being seriously uncomfortable.
  22. armywife4life

    Daily News!

    geesh okay, here me whine!! I ate lunch today a turkey schnitzel, cut it up small, it all went down just fine. Not alot, but id say at least a 1/4 cup to half. What the heck!!! maybe i don't need an unfill
  23. cute pics, love the xmas tree, i hate taking it down to

  24. armywife4life

    too tight or what?

    I know, its weird over here, my doctor does not do the fills, i have had 3 different people for 3 different fills. This guy though was great got it first time. They are done over fluro each time and the guy thought everythign looked fine, i just think its to much gonna take a lil out, i don't think i should be uncomfortable?? i mean i feel slightly owie with everything i eat or drink, and i really really feel the band, which i think is a good thing just not quite so much.
  25. armywife4life

    too tight or what?

    Hi, I got a fill from 5cc to 10cc on Monday. (14cc band) I am going back tomorrow to have some taken out. I am gettin stuck on yogurt. Water goes down but take awhile and the back of my throat kinda burns. Id rather have some taken out now and slowly refilled later then risk hurting myself or the band.

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