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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by falishaiscooler

  1. I've slowly started getting back into the swing of things. A little work, a little school. I'm not ready to take it all back on yet. My incision sites are very itchy, which is a good thing, but my back is really hurting. Is anyone else having back pain?

    I slept on my side for about 5 minutes last night before I had to roll back onto my back. :lol: I guess I'll just have to wait a little bit longer to get back on my side again.

    I have no appetite at all, I hate drinking all of this stuff. I can't wait to get solid foods though!

    hope all is well!


  2. Good Morning!

    I think most of us might be heading back to work today! Be careful not to overdo anything. We have to be careful for the next 5 weeks to avoid any slippage of our bands. Just keep it in mind.

    I feel pretty good today. I'm looking forward to only a week more of liquids only, the countdown is on! I am jealous of the people sleeping on their sides!! It has been impossible for me to get any good rest because I am a side sleeper. I am getting so little sleep I might as well have had a newborn baby in the house.

    Have a good day my fellow lucky losers!!

  3. Don't worry! My doctor has me on full liquids for the first 2 weeks as well. I myself have become a little worried that I am not drinking enough. I was never really into drinking a lot anyways so this is hard for me. I found if I mix the Mango nectar Isopure with Orange juice and Water it taste way better!

    I love looking around on this website! I have found some really helpful suggestions and some really funny post as well.

    Can anyone sleep on their side yet? I can lay on my side for less than a minute before I start to have a little bit of pain.

    This is my first surgery so I might just be a big baby. Has anyone's incisions completely quit hurting? I know we are only on day 6 post op but once my pain goes away I can get on the move again! Any suggestions? Does Walking more help?

  4. Hi! I had my surgery on March 16th too. I only found this website recently so I'm a little bit behind. I'm glad I found it though, it will be nice to track progress and see what might be in store for the future.

    My surgery went well, I really only have pain when i sit/stand/lay down. I am glad to report I had no real complications in surgery either, I might have scared my parents because I was sleeping so much after the surgery it took them forever to bring me back down to my room from recovery. I stayed awake the whole night before driving to get to the surgery I was probably just exhausted. I'm so glad the surgery is behind me.

    I can't wait to jump out of bed like I use to. I can't wait to lose my first 100 lbs. I can't wait to go shopping for my new wardrobe. I can't wait to be able to go outside and actually enjoy it again.

    Is anyone still in any pain? Has anyone found a good Protein Drink that doesnt taste so bad? I'm drinking the Isopure from GNC and I don't really like them. But they do have 40g of Protein per serving, so it's win-lose.

    Much continued success to all of us! Glad to be here!

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