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LAP-BAND Patients
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About stephyd

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  • Birthday 05/08/1984

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  1. Happy 29th Birthday stephyd!

  2. Happy 28th Birthday stephyd!

  3. stephyd


    Well I am agreeing with everyone is saying but I will say this, once the first week is over and most of the surgery pain is done, you start feeling like you are starving..believe me I know! When the band is first placed is is so loose around your stomach, it's is like there is nothing even there. It's funny how it works, because the doctors are like stay on a liquid/puree diet for whatever the amount of weeks are, and it's like if I could do that I wouldn't of had weight loss surgery in the first place! lol I made it 9 days without eating anything, but from there I ate solid foods. Just don't eat anything too heavy. I basically ate scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes. Don't eat any heavy meats at all just in case something happens cauz you dont want to have to go through the surgery again. I don't care what anyone says, no one makes it the whole time, just be extremely careful. Everyone likes to play inspirational speaker on here.. I will be honest, the band is rough and hard, but it is well worth it. You will not feel like anything is really different until you get your first adjustment, and that usually only lasts a week. After you get your second they will begin to last longer. The adjustments sometimes become a pain in the a$$, if you work full time because of time you need off. They say in all of the seminars you only lose a lb a week, but it is really determined on you. I was banded in Febuary, lost an intial 15 lbs after surgery, gained it right back..and then finally in May I had my second adjustment which lasted longer and since May until now (I just had my fourth adjustment) I am about to hit my 100 lbs loss mark.(technically it took 5 months) Good luck! and I hope I helped!
  4. First, it's not me giving up easily, I have seriously not been able to eat anything but salad for 3 months, I have not been able to eat a bite of meat. ANY meat, and believe I have tried them all. My doctor is was no help, so I switched to a different doctor, this doctor does the same thing...If my doctors would help I wouldn't be asking for advice, my nutritionist answer is diet and exercise, well I know that, but the lack of food makes me feel like I'm going to pass out when I'm on the treadmill. I am stuck completely.. I understand when everyone is saying if you can eat a lot not to. I don't I have lost 30 lbs in 30 days and it's not in a healthy way, I am more concerned of my health now then when I was 70 lbs heavier.
  5. I had the lapband surgery in feb. And i have lost some weight but it has been absolute hell. I have had three tightenings since, and when they do the adjustment they do a swallow study so i know my band is not slipped, but i am constantly sick. One day i can eat, and the other day i cant. I haven't been able to eat any meat in three months or longer. I can only eat salad, but whatever i can eat, i can eat a lot of it, so i dont think my band is too tight. Can someone help me, i am basically bulimic and it's like the EXORCIST. I am about to give up! Please someone help me!
  6. Hello, I never posted on a forum before so I hope I'm doing this right..lol. Smiling, I am having the same problem as you, I am 7 days in and I am starving, I literally feel weak and like I'm going to pass out from the hunger. I scrambled an egg and ate it which made me feel so much better. I went for my week post op appointment yesterday and told my Dr. what I have done, his main concern is if u eat something that can cauz vomitting that can be a serious problem because then the stomach from the bottom can come through the top which can lead to the OR is serious cases. It's very hard to talk to Dr.s anymore and get a straight answer because everyone is feared to be sued, which is completely understandable in todays world. My only suggestion is that if you choose to eat something make sure it is very soft and is protein base, not chips with carbs. Hope maybe I helped!

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