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About onewayoranother

  • Rank
    Senior Member

About Me

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  1. onewayoranother


    MOM. AKA Milk of Magnesia.
  2. onewayoranother

    Exercise habits?

    I swim almost daily. Yoga three times a week. Weights twice a week. Walk 1-3 times a day to get away from my desk, get fresh air, maybe sunshine. I'm not human without my routines.
  3. onewayoranother

    Any short people fancy sharing there before and afters?

    I'm 5'3, lost 75#, CW 170# Weight on left:245ish
  4. onewayoranother

    Lifters- How do you work your macros?

    I've lifted for many years as well as pre post surgery. I love the Olympic lifts and whole body movements. I'm following this great thread.
  5. onewayoranother


    My surgeon allowed coffee. I even had it for breakfast in the hospital. At Starbucks I get a short coffee, black ice tea with sugar free vanilla, green iced tea, tango passion tea iced or hot with sugar free vanilla. Get the app and check out all they have. I sometimes take my coffee home and add vanilla protein.
  6. I'm at my niece's birthday party and I had this picture sent to me. I actually did a double take. #happysleever #sleevezilla
  7. I started my journey January 2016. I was dead set against Bariatric surgery. I lost 50 lbs. I was approved and got a surgery date. After much consideration and discussion with my team I decided to have VSG. It is another tool I use and I'm glad I didn't put it off.
  8. onewayoranother

    working out

    I started back with yoga and swimming on day 12. Loved being back and had no issues. I lift heavy free weights so we agreed to wait six weeks. Doctor said I could lift light now if I wanted.
  9. onewayoranother

    Protein shakes

    Ideal lean is my fav. High Protein low carb. Many flavors and delicious. https://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=ideal+lean+protein+for+women&tag=hydsma-20&index=aps&hvadid=88521581542&hvpos=1t2&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1573123968533306264&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9025851&hvtargid=kwd-195020640557&ref=pd_sl_91dph52owz_b&gclid=CMDNm5iIps8CFYkjgQod1igILA
  10. onewayoranother

    Working out

    I got to go to yoga and swim today! It was wonderful. So glad to be back.
  11. onewayoranother


    Check out this podcast. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/weight-loss-surgery-podcast/id662443588?mt=2&i=375162110
  12. Looking healthy! Way to go!
  13. onewayoranother


    I started the journey in January dead set against VSG. The closer I got to September I went back and forth. Then as time got closer I was at peace with it. I'm so glad I did it. You will be too.
  14. No comments here because I only told one person and she's having hers done as I type. Very happy for my decision about keeping it under wraps. #nonegativity
  15. onewayoranother


    Sugar free popsicles and SF Jello.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
