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Posts posted by kimini

  1. There is a recipe section on this site and has some puree suggestions. I didn't puree anything and stayed on full liquids that phase. Continue to supplementwith Protein shakes and it will help with hunger.

    Yeah I need to do better with my Protein as well. It's just I had to drink so many shakes before the surgery it's like I don't care to have another protein shake lol... Thanks for the info

    Sent from my LG-D850 using the BariatricPal App

    Some people have suggested hiding Protein powder in yogurt or pudding. I haven't tried this, but it might be worth a shot.

  2. OK, I thought I was immune to the crazy tummy noises... until yesterday. I was sitting in the dentists chair with my mouth wide open, and suddenly a noise gurgled up from the depths of my stomach... not once, but twice!!

    Also, the loud hiccough was mentioned. I definitely can relate to that! Happens all the time!

  3. We have DVR'd but not watched Designated Survivor. This is not necessarily a fall show, but we watched the Netflix series, Stranger Things recently, and it was SOOOO good! I can't wait for the 2nd season to come out in 2017.

  4. I seem to recall from another thread that you are about 3 days out?

    It is different for everybody, but you should turn a corner within the next couple of days. Then, it seems like it get a tiny bit better each day. You may hit a phase where you are exhausted, but for me that lasted less than a week.

    Hitting your Protein and Water goals will help you heal faster. Hang in there!

  5. Zofran is the best thing for nausea, although the taste of the melting lozenges they gave me made me sick. I learned to just lightly bite it and swallow quickly. Also, I read somewhere that putting a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol under your nose will help with nausea. I hope you are through this phase and having better days soon!

  6. I'm also at six weeks, and I still have a lot of restriction. Everyone is different, but I look at this as a good thing. I focus on my Protein and supplement with shakes as well. One question: What kind of Protein are you eating? If it's chicken, beef, pork or other dense protein, you naturally won't be able to eat much of it, because your pyloric valve (at the bottom of the stomach) closes to allow for pre-digestion in the stomach. If you eat things like cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, or even soft white fish, you will be able to eat more.

    I am down 25 lbs and just went into a stall this week - I can tell because weight loss has been slowing and finally this week, it has just stopped.

    I'm going to work on getting as much protein and Water in as I can, but like you, it's still difficult (even with liquids).

    Good luck and let us know when your stall breaks.

  7. I don't have this problem, but my surgeon warned that this might happen. He said to keep a Protein Drink by the bed and sip on it if/when I wake up in the middle of the night, because the low blood sugar in the morning can make some people sick. He also suggested a cassein Protein Shake at night to help. Cassein Protein takes longer to break down so it keeps your blood sugar steady longer. <-- I think that's right. If anyone knows more about it, please clarify or expound.

  8. I had mine on August 17, I have hit a stall as well... but I am still keeping to the plan. I work out 4-5 times a day.

    My meal plans go like this:

    Breakfast: Protein shake, or egg, or grits.. I trade off each day

    Lunch: some sort of Protein meat, egg salad with lettuce boat, yogurt, some combination of those

    Snack: some sort of nuts, or Kroger Carbsmart protein drink

    Dinner: protein meat or a salad...I noticed I don't each much of a lot of salad.< /p>

    I work hard to keep my Water at 64 oz. But I do fall short. How long are the stalls for? Cause I have lost about 25-30 lbs... buy it seems to be at a huge standstill.... what about you guys?

    Sent from my XT1080 using the BariatricPal App

    I have also lost 25 lbs, and now I am in a stall - my first one at 6 weeks. From what I've read on here, they can take anywhere from 3 weeks to a couple of months. Like you, I'm still struggling to hit my Water (and protein) goals. I'm going to focus on that, as well as increasing exercise, and hope I can break the stall that way.

    Also, I just noticed you said you are working out 4-5 times a day. That seems like a lot, so if you are not hitting (or exceeding) your water goals, that may be part of the problem. I'd focus on that. I hope it helps!

  9. Anything I cook I eat for a few days then never want to see it again.... But I have to have sauce like ranch or mayo for it to go down good I'm not sure why that is either.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    My cousin had the surgery 6 months before me, and she warned me that dry foods do not go down well. Everything has to be super moist or loaded with sauce so it goes down smooth.

  10. My surgeon also cleared me a two weeks for solid food, and I learned something very quickly: just because I was cleared for food did not mean I should yet. Your body will let you know what it's ready for and when.

    You can get your Protein in (much more easily, I might add) though Protein shakes right now. You could also try mixing Protein with pudding. If you want the sensation of food, then have some mashed potatoes or whatever soft foods your stomach can handle right now. You should see a tiny bit of improvement every day. It's a slow process, but just hang in there! It will be okay!

  11. I had the flu shot only once when place I worked was pushing hard for everyone to get their flu shot, paid for by the company. I have never gotten the flu. Not once.

    Even with the shot, you are not 100% covered from all strains, as they only pick the 2 or 3 strains that seem to be "trending" that season.

    I think if you are susceptible to flu, it might be a good idea to get the shot as a precaution against the most common strains, but if not, why bother?

  12. @@Armygalbonnie, maybe you missed Babbs' second post...

    Now when I want something sweet, I drink a Protein shake, drink Crystal Light, go for a walk, play with my grandkids/dogs, read a magazine or book, or look at future clothes online. I also go to bed early.

    See? These are the 'hacks' I was talking about! Find whatever works for you. For instance, I find a little bit of low sugar fruit like berries go a long way when I get a hankerin' for something sweet. For a chocolate craving, I'll bring out the big guns and have a square or two of low sugar dark chocolate. Or a chocolate flavored Greek yogurt. Those things work for me.

  13. I was self-pay and did not have a pre-op plan, so all the changes I made were immediate once I had the surgery. While my appetite is gone and my tummy is tiny, I still have trouble mentally adjusting to the changes. I think it's great that you have the opportunity to make small changes early on so that you will be in that mindset when the time comes. Keep up the good work!

  14. I had the same problem right after surgery. my surgeon recommended a double dose Milk of Magnesia for accute Constipation, but he said to put it in a drink and drink early in the day and drink the whole thing. I did this and it worked like a charm. Check with your surgeon on the dosage, though, as I am no medical professional.

    For "maintenance" I switch off between Benefiber and Miralax, putting one or the other in my Water each day. Now at 6 weeks, I have begun to taper off, as I'm not sure if I should be on it long term.

    I'm sure with all the suggestions you will find relief.

  15. Congratulations!! You have done so well! And also congratulations on a good date!

    As for the goal/timeline, maybe you could pick a nice round number somewhere in between, so that if you don't make it to goal by your birthday, you won't be disappointed. You want to Celebrate that day and the accomplishments you have achieved. And then anything you've lost in addition to that is just more reason to celebrate!

    I wish you good luck and continued success!

  16. @@Jen.R, I have had much the same issue with my husband. No real advice here, just sympathy. I get that it's our problem, not theirs, but it's HARD!! Our changes in eating habits do affect the nature of our relationships in a much bigger way than I initially thought. Those patterns of behavior - going out to eat together, cooking for your family, etc. - have been altered, and it's hard on everyone in the family! Add to that the hormone dump and emotional highs and lows we go through post surgery, and it's a recipe for disaster. It's tricky navigating this new life, but we'll get throught it!

  17. For me, it is about education. I spent 2 1/2 years going to a functional nutritionist before deciding to have WLS. I learned so much about what junk foods do to our bodies that I didn't want to pollute my body in that way anymore. Do I still have cravings for them from time to time? Yes, but then I remember what I've learned and make the conscious decision to choose my health over the momentary satisfaction that comes with Cookies or chips. Have I given in on occasion? Sure, but then I pick myself up and get back on track.

    I am by no means judging anyone who is obese. The problem is with big food manufacturers. They have put so much money, research and effort into making foods addictive, so that they can make money off of us that they are like giant drug pushers.

    Here is a quick article I found about how they have engineered junk foods to keep us coming back for more.

    If you would like to learn more, just google "junk foods engineered". The more you learn, the angrier you'll get about how they have hijacked our foods to make us addicted, all so that they can make billions of dollars.

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