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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by kimini

  1. Some of the powders also come in little, individual packets which I prefer when crossing the border - Canada likes things in their original packaging. I took a handful of the nectar packets; a shaker bottle; a couple of Protein bars; and some shelf stable turkey meat sticks during my last trip to Vancouver. I often had a partial shake before going out to help me make good choices . Consider bringing a snack and Water bottle for the plane, too. And you can always search online for what's currently allowed.

    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

    I thought about ordering the nectar packets. They are recommended on my surgeon's plan, but I haven't tried them yet. Are they good? That sounds like a great idea.

  2. My sleeve was Aug 19 and I am doing well. I still have trouble meeting my Fluid and Protein goals most days, but it's getting better. My day looks a little like this:

    AM coffee - I drink 1/2 cup and put the other half in a (Premier) Protein shake that I sip on all morning

    Breakfast - Usually a scrambled egg with cheese or a Jimmy Dean Delights fritatta (it's the size of a small muffin and I can't quite eat a whole one)

    lunch - usually some form of leftover Protein from dinner, such as a chicken thigh or baked fish; or I'll have tuna with mayo - most of the time, I can't eat more than 1 oz of any protein at a time (usually comes out to about 5 grams, a little more for fish)

    Afternoon - sometimes I'll have a piece of cheese or a small handful of nuts (maybe 8)

    dinner - Again, some form of protein, as listed above

    PM - If I can, I try to squeeze in a Protein Shake, or at least half of one, to make up my protein goal for the day

  3. My husband and I have a trip to Cabo San Lucas in November that we have had planned for a while, and I'm a little nervous about leaving my Protein to chance.

    Right now I am still reliant on my Protein shakes for a lot of my daily protein, but I'm hoping that will change between now and then. Has anyone taken a trip at 3 months out? If so, were you concerned about getting your protein and what did you do about it?

    I don't fly very much, so I'm not familiar with restrictions on packing certain items. Would it be okay, for example, to pack a ziplock bag with Protein powder and a shaker bottle? Any other suggestions? Or am I concerned for nothing?

  4. I seem to be so tired here lately. Any recommendations on what I can do to help that? Sleeve 9/12/16

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    I'm in the same boat. Band to sleeve conversion 9/12 and I am dragging! Even taking a shower and raising my arms to wash my hair is exhausting. I'm going to start B12 injections to see if this helps any.

    “Whenever you do a thing, act as if all the world were watching.”

    Ugh! I remember that phase. I would get winded just washing my hair and had no energy left to fix it. Went to work some days looking like death! It passed pretty quickly for me, though. Just work on meeting your Water and Protein goals and soon you will be stronger!

  5. It's appalling that some people would ever act this way and very disappointing that you have to live next to one! She sounds like a wretched, miserable person, and you are amazing for not letting it get to you (too much)!

    Who's the better person?

    YOU ARE!! YOU ARE!! :D :D :D

  6. I have been having the same issue. Most days, I eat several very small meals. At first, I was only able to eat 4 or 5 bites, but as I progress (I am almost 6 wks out) the amount I can eat increases. Don't panic and just try to make up the difference with Protein shakes. If they get hard to drink, try mixing them with, pudding, yogurt, coffee (decaf if your plan does not condone it), etc. or get unflavored Protein and mix into warm broth or other Soups.

    I think this is pretty normal and part of the process. Good luck!

  7. Everyone is probably right, and it's probably dehydration or maybe low blood sugar, but I would also like to comment on the Sumatriptan. I used to get Migraines a lot and I took different versions of that (Imitrex, Ambien, Zomig, etc.) and they always affected me very strongly! On one occasion, my Migraine was so bad that I had my husband rush me to the doc and they gave me an Imitrex shot. After I got it, I walked out to pay my copay and passed out in the waiting room. Maybe they never affected you this way before, but it could be with a change in physiology since the surgery that your body is more sensitive to it? Just a thought.

  8. Oh, and another thing... at first, I would try to eat a certain amount of Protein (say 2 oz.) so that I could stay on track with my Protein goals, and this was a major part of the reason I would overeat and have pain.

    Some days you won't get to your protein goal, and there's really not much you can do about it. The sleeve only allows what it allows. Don't beat yourself up over it, and it's not worth the pain of trying and overeating!

  9. I also had the shoulder pain from gas, but I was prepared for that.

    What I wasn't prepared for was when I overate/ate too fast, I also experienced shoulder pain, but much more intense in my muscles. It seems that the gas or full feeling somehow gets displaced and settles into your muscle tissue causing extreme muscle pain. The first time I experienced this, I suffered for 2 weeks. I went for a massage, thinking that would help, but the pain came back just hours afterwards, probably because I wasn't able to get enough fluids in to wash away the toxins that were released from the massage.

    At 5.5 weeks out, I still occasionally have a little muscle pain, but probably happens when I am not getting enough Protein or fluids. I'm good, though, as long as I eat slowly and stop before I'm full.

  10. @@kalinicoled, I think it's a great idea to do something informational and inspirational for folks your age that are looking into or going through WLS. I am much older (50) and as so many have already said, my perspective is different than yours.

    I do think that most people your age get most of their information through social media (IG, Youtube, Snapchat, etc.), and that is probably what you should focus on, rather than a book, at least until you have a following.

    I disagree with one thing that was said about your age group, and that is that fewer people in their 20s are obese. Obesity, including childhood obesity is an epidemic in the US, and it is only getting worse. When I grew up, most of my classmates and friends were thin, and so was I. Now, it seems like more and more young people are struggling with obesity. My own niece, at 12 years old, was within 10 lbs of the same weight I was at my day of surgery. Twelve years old! If nothing changes, by the time she is in her 20s, she will be super morbidly obese. Not only that, young people are looking for role models, and someone like you can give them guidance and inspiration in a way that feels right to someone their age.

    All in all, I think it's a great idea! Good luck and keep us posted! :)

  11. I had my first hangry moment at about 2 weeks out. My husband and I were running errands after a workout, and I had not packed enough Protein for the outing. By the time I got home, I was so ravenous that I gorged on runny mashed potatoes (still on liquids), got the foamies and STILL hadn't gotten my protein! Finally, after that subsided and I was able to drink again, I had my protein and was better. It's a learning experience, for sure!

  12. Seriously, I've been astounded at a lot of the things people say. Since I had not heard them before, I found it hard to believe that people would be so insensitive. Until this past weekend. At a party, talking to a guy whose name I didn't even know, he kept questioning me about why I wasn't drinking (it was a wine tasting party, and he had seen me tasting at previous parties) so I finally told him, and he said:

    "So why don't you just put down the fork?"

    :o :angry:

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