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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kimini

  1. kimini

    Today, I hate being a woman.

    I had some awful experiences with PMS. I can't remember how many times I nearly quit jobs I loved and broke up with perfectly good (at the time) boyfriends, only to realize a few days later (when my period started) that there was nothing wrong with said job or boyfriend. It was like waking from a psychotic nightmare! Then I would get the cramps -- during my period. My first hot flashes started in my mid 30's and I've had them off and on since then. My last period was about 2 1/2 years ago, at 48 years old. I have some mild mood swings, but nothing compared to the crazy episodes I had with PMS! The only difference is I never know when to expect them.
  2. kimini

    Today, I hate being a woman.

    I never wore the one with the safety pins, but my mom did! Funny story: When I was about 7 or 8, she was in the bathroom and asked me to get her a safety pin. I asked her what it was for, and I literally thought she was going to pin it to herself through her skin! I thought, I never want to grow up!!
  3. kimini

    Beating yourself up nutritionally speaking

    Soma bras are all I wear (except for a strapless I got at Torrid, which doesn't fit quite right). If it makes you feel any better, I was really craving ground beef and queso last night, so my hubby and I went out for Tex-Mex. I did the same thing you did... unwrapped a burrito and ate the Protein -- except I poured queso all over it!! It went down so easily, I ate way more of it than I expected to be able to. Afterwards, I felt like I was going to throw up, plus I felt super guilty! It will be a long time before I do that again! I think your option in a time of need is perfectly fine. Don't beat yourself up.
  4. I am from DFW and our surgeries are just 2 days apart. I can totally relate to what you are saying. I have been in the same boat, and I'm starting to "get it". I really have to focus on chewing and eating super slowly with the denser proteins, otherwise I end up hating life for about an hour. But I'm also noticing that each day it gets a tiny bit better. Small victories!

    1. ProudGrammy


      sounds like you are getting the pic/prepared - ready to go!!! i like the word focus!!

      follow that word dealing with all the rules of protein, water, many more - good

      luck with WLS - kathy

    2. kimini


      Thanks! I'm still trying to figure out the mechanics of this site. I thought I was posting a comment on someone else's status! In any case, thanks for the words of encouragement!

  5. kimini

    Black and White Thinking.

    I love that... "Just good enough"! When my GP told me I needed to start getting more exercise, she told me that some days she would do the "better than nothing" workout. It's not the full workout she knows she should be getting, but it's better than nothing. Hearing so many people say that you must keep your heart rate up for at least X amount of time was always so discouraging to me that I wouldn't even try! Now, to hear a Dr say that something is better than nothing at least gives me the motivation to try. @Ebony Rose just remember, whatever effort you put in, it is better than nothing!
  6. kimini

    DFW Area?

    I live and work in Richardson.
  7. kimini

    2 questions

    My Dr says chewing SF gum is fine, just don't swallow it.
  8. In my booklet, it not only says you can have coffee and tea, but that they count toward my daily water goals. They strongly encourage drinking tea, but limit coffee to 2 cups, I think because it's acidic.
  9. kimini

    Lost and confused

    I was sleeved on 8/19 and my Dr. let me transition directly from liquids to solid foods. It is totally different! Suddenly I went from not feeling like I could get enough to struggling through a few bites before feeling horribly full! It just depends on the density of the Protein. You are naturally going to be able to eat more soft, pureed foods. Also, just from reading these forums, I have learned that everyone's experience is different. Comparing yourself to others will only make you crazy! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using the BariatricPal App
  10. kimini

    Bloating After Eating

    I am in my 4th week and I feel the same way. I have family members who have had WLS, and they tell me it gets better as time goes by. You'll be able to eat more and expand the types of foods you can eat with less discomfort. Even though I know this, it is very frustrating! We just have to be patient and pay attention to our bodies. Eating S L O W L Y is the key for me. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using the BariatricPal App
  11. kimini


    Congratulations! I'm looking forward to that day! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using the BariatricPal App
  12. @@KristenLe you said what I was thinking! I was on blood thinners as well. I just assumed that was a normal thing they do.
  13. In my limited experience with surgeons, I feel like they are not the same as other doctors. They don't necessarily have the patient skills or "bedside manner" we are accustomed to with other doctors, but that doesn't mean they are not good at what they do. It's just that what they do best usually involves a "sleeping" patient that they don't have to talk to. My surgeon's office gave me a booklet, and it basically says to read the whole thing, and if you call the office to ask a question that is in the book, they will just refer you to the page in the book. I rely on my booklet for everything! As for the day of surgery, the nurses and anesthetists should be able to answer all your questions and allay any fears you might have. If you are confident in your surgeon's ability to perform the surgery, I would focus on that and reach out to your regular doctor for answers about your abnormal bloodwork. Good luck!
  14. kimini

    Feeling no energy

    I am also having low energy in my 3rd week post op. It seemed to coincide with starting on solid foods. (Dr said i could switch to solids at my 2 wk f/u visit) I don't think I'm getting enough Protein or liquids, as I am not able to eat enough and have to wait so long for the full feeling to subside before drinking again. I'm so exhausted I get winded from doing everyday things like making coffee in the morning. I know everybody is different, but it sounds like 6 weeks is the magic time. Looking forward to it! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
