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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kimini

  1. Wow, amazing progress! Congratulations!
  2. kimini

    New Question- FUN

    For me, either Incubus - Warning or Pink Floyd - Time. Sounds sad, but both reminders that life is short, so do something with it!
  3. @@ovaw8ovathinka, I have a similar story. I am also menopausal and have an underactive thyroid. I went to a functional nutritionist for 2 1/2 years, only to lose 20 lbs, 17 of which were in the initial 3 week detox. I went through tests and labwork to determine that I was suffering from adrenal exhaustion and had intolerances to all grain and cow dairy. For 2 1/2 years I stayed on the plan (no grain, no dairy, mostly paleo) and lost another 3 lbs, for a total of 20 lbs. lost. One day, I stepped on the scale and I was 199. I was so happy! I never saw that number again. In fact, my weight steadily went up until I gained back every ounce of my weight plus 10 more pounds. I was extremely frustrated! My brother had undergone duodenal switch 6 years prior and my cousin (who was my age and had gone through most of the same as I had, including the nutritionist, intolerances and resulting diet) had recently decided to have WLS. I was seeing, and they were telling me, that it was the best decision they ever made. Based on the statistics and their success I finally made the choice to do the same. I was so afraid that I wouldn't see any weight loss, or that it would be so little that it would not be worth it. But I am here to tell you that I am losing weight, despite being menopausal, despite the thyroid condition, and despite my fears. I have seen posts from many people on here whose surgeons have told them they won't lose as much weight as they anticipate, based on the averages. Yet they have, and sometimes much more. Remember that what they are telling you is based on averages. The reason you can't rely on the averages is that for every person who follows the plan and loses a significant amount of weight, there is another person who continues to eat the wrong foods and doesn't lose at all. The best thing to do is to leave the surgery up to your surgeon, and YOU take responsibility for the results! We all start out so beaten down by our many failed efforts, and our confidence is very low, but you've got this! Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't. My apologies for such a long post!
  4. Honestly, I don't know how you can do it! At 1 month out, I still feel uncomfortable if a drink more than a couple of sips at a time. I'm still struggling to get my fluids in every day. On the upside, at least you don't have to worry about meeting your Fluid goals!
  5. kimini

    My story thus far

    Congrats to you! Your journey sounds a lot like my brother's, only he was 40 before he decided to make the change for his family. Now, 6 years later, he has been a big inspiration to to do the same. I am now a month out, and I am getting better everyday. I wish you and your family a happy, healthy, long life!
  6. kimini


    I agree with everyone else. Don't give your attention to ignorant and insensitive types like this. If he really cared, he would do the research and find out more about how you are changing your life, or at the very least wish you the best possible outcome. No, this person is a self-righteous douchebag who doesn't deserve your time or energy! Best of luck to you!
  7. kimini

    Is this normal?

    @@rolosmom7, have you tried Gas X strips? When I get this feeling, I put 2-3 on my tongue and it seems to help. I think everyone goes through the regret phase, but it will get better! At 1 month out, I am still having trouble with most meats and thick refried Beans. I have to eat reallllly slowly, and I am always uncomfortable after every meal. That said, I can tell it's getting better. Each week, I can eat a little more, and each little meal I eat gets a tiny bit less uncomfortable. Hang in there! @fallonmart, I agree with the other posters. It doesn't seem normal to be in so much pain 3 weeks out. I would call your surgeon's office and tell them about it. Good luck to you!
  8. @@Raynbolite give it a little time. FYI, My Dr recommended twice the dose, but I'm not a Dr, so if it doesn't work, maybe you can call them and find out if more is necessary. Good luck, and I hope you are feeling better soon!
  9. I use the Baritastic app. It is really great. You can track everything including protein, calories, carbs, water intake, etc. It also has vitamin/mineral supplement reminders, and you can track your weight loss and measurements. It pretty much has everything!
  10. I put miralax in my water daily. Before that, I used Benefiber, but it wasn't enough. Mine had gotten really bad also, so I used Milk of Magnesia. My Dr recommended to put it in a drink in the morning and drink that until it was gone. I did it, and let me tell you... just prepare to be near a bathroom all day!
  11. Oops, forgot one! My 21 year old stepson came over when I was about 2 weeks post op and asked me how much weight I've lost. Comments like this are not uncommon from him, but really??? Must I continue to explain what is okay and what is not now that you are a grown man?
  12. Mmmm, bologna! I think it's time for some protein!
  13. The only boneheaded comment I've gotten was this: At 2 weeks post-op, I was talking to a co-worker about my liquid diet and mentioned I had lost 8 lbs. She said, "Only 8 pounds?! I would hope that if I had been on a liquid only diet for 2 weeks I would lose more than that!" This coming from a woman who bounces between a size 2 and 6 and goes on a crash diet before every beach vacation so she can look good in her bikinis! I feel for everyone who has gotten insensitive comments from people, especially family. I have a long history of my mother being overly critical of me about many things. Luckily, my weight has not really been one of them (probably because others in my family are/have been obese as well). The only insensitive thing my mother said to me concerning weight was when I would mention something about my weight, and she (at 5'2" and 145 lbs) would chime in with how overweight she was and how much she needed to lose. When I would tell her it's not the same, she would say things like, "I'm shorter than you are." (hmm, really? 2 inches make that big a difference?) and "This is the biggest I've ever been!" (cry me a river!) Some people just wear me out!
  14. kimini

    In ONE WORD...

    I know that it is not what you are thinking of but among the 3 key people in our office we have been using focus as an acronym.F... Off Cuz Ur Stupid It is our way of blowing off without blowing up. I definitely need this in my workplace!
  15. Still struggling with solid foods. I have decided to eat a couple of bites and stop. Then, if I am still hungry after 5 or 10 minutes, I will eat another couple of bites. My only issue: When do I have time to drink?

    1. suzzzzz


      Use 30 minutes for your meal and then stop, wait 30 minutes and drink liquids.

  16. kimini

    Reassurance, thoughts?

    @LisaMergs no offense taken. I'm sure we all can learn something about how to best fuel our bodies. Premier Protein has been a good solution for me, as I am busy and don't always have the time to make a shake in the morning and have no access to a blender at work (haven't tried the shaker bottles and don't have one). Also, this was on my list of approved protein sources, with 30g of protein and only 1 g of sugar. As someone who has been at this a little longer, you seem to have done your research, and that is something those of us who are newer at this can learn from. I will admit that some of the posts I read on here sound a bit preachy, but when it is expressed as an opinion, or "what works for me", I feel like it's more well received. Thanks for the advice! Bulleted text? How did that happen?
  17. kimini

    In ONE WORD...

  18. kimini

    Weightloss goals

    I think a really great trip would in order... Maybe somewhere in Europe. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using the BariatricPal App
  19. kimini

    Reassurance, thoughts?

    I agree with @LisaMergs. My surgeon specifically said Ensure was NOT a good source of protein. If you are looking for something easy, there are some good ready to drink brands like Premier Protein and Muscle Milk (just stay way from the Muscle Milk smoothies - also very high in sugar).
  20. I am so sorry to hear about your friend!I think that is something that would cause anyone to pause and really think about it for a while. Here are a few things you might consider: 1. There are thousands of us on here who have had successful surgeries with minor or no complications. 2. Lightning generally doesn't strike twice in the same place. If you now someone who has had the worst outcome, what are the odds that it would happen to you as well? 3. You are in control of your decision, so you can and should do the research and find a surgeon you feel comfortable with. I had heard about a friend of a friend who also died after major complications from surgery, and it definitely made me stop and think about whether surgery was something I wanted to pursue. There is always a risk with any surgery and it's a big decision, so I hope you are able to make the decision that is right for you.
  21. kimini

    Reassurance, thoughts?

    I stalled at about the same time (actually at 20 days, and at 21 I gained a lb). I stayed off the scale for about 4 days and followed the plan. When I got back on the scale, I had lost 4 lbs. and I am now waiting longer between weigh-ins. Don't let it get you down. Just focus on what you need to do and stay away from the scale for a bit!
  22. kimini

    You lied again lol

    My surgeon did not require any pre-op or post-op meetings, and I'm not even sure if he has them. I have several members of my family who have gone through WLS, and they are my support group. But I feel like this is about something other than the meetings. Maybe you want her to go through the surgery so that you can have a friend on the journey with you, and she is just not ready. That's okay. She will choose it if and when she is ready. I think to some degree, we all need someone who can relate to us and what we are going through (that's why we are all on this site, right?). You obviously get that from the meetings you attend. Maybe you can find someone in your meetings to share your journey with?
  23. Congratulations! You look amazing! Glad to see your hard work is paying off!
  24. kimini

    The cure for sore butt

    Has anyone tried a balance ball chair? They look like they would be a nice option. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
