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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Mothernature

  1. My driver's license pic is SOOOOOOOO bad, the lady at the DMV offered to retake my pic! Without me complaining about it! I just laughed and said, "No thanks, wouldn't make any difference." and left.......not feeling like laughing afterwords. Bummed out thinking about it now. I need to lose some weight. Ugh!

  2. Hi-

    I used to have to switch deodorant around the time for my period. I read somewhere that woman's scent abilities picked up due to the extra hormones during "that time". I used Secret and would notice the effectiveness would wane, so I would switch off to Degree. That seems to help. I think our body's bacteria get used to the deodorant we use.

    Also, as for the dry cleaned clothes, ask the person at the counter to spot-treat the under arm area, and then to process the whole garment. I used to work as a seamstress in a drycleaners, and they used to do that all the time! You are NOT alone in this! the drycleaners just treat the problem just as they would a spot that needed extra cleaning, because it did. It usually fixed the smell.

  3. I would not get the IUD on the grounds that it's painful, causes heavy bleeding problems, and you can still get pregnant. The egg does not implant, and it will abort itself. I don't mean to be preachy here, but I would not feel comfortable knowing that every month I might be aborting. I just wouldn't do it.

    I had a girlfriend who got pregnant with an IUD, when she delivered the baby the OB/GYN took out the IUD and told her that was what was keeping her from getting pregnant..... I guess it was suppose to be the doctor's way of making light of the situation. She was happy to have another baby, but not with the circumstances since she was trying not to get pregnant.

  4. Hi,

    How about a crock full of swedish meatballs? They're easy to mix together and heat overnight. Get a bag of premade meatballs and some cream of mushroom Soup (the large size--maybe two of them-can't remember how much it takes). The night before the grub fest, put the meatballs into the crock frozen, stir in the Soup, cover and heat thru overnight. Probably should have them on high til they start simmering.

    If you don't have time, bake the meatballs, put them into the crock pot (on low), stir in the soup, and viola! dish to pass.

  5. Hi,

    Not to be smart aleck or anything, but maybe invest in a full length mirror? Or one of those 360 degree mirrors. That will really show the progress you made!

    I think the best way to "see yourself" would be to look, really look at yourself. Like (some) of us did when we were just hitting puberty?

    Staring at ourselves gave our brain information about our bodies!

    Congratulations on your progress!

  6. Hmm. Why AM I fat? I am thinking this one over. I think a little bit is genetic. Both of my parents had a weight problem. Emotional eating is the basis of it. One parent was a binge alcoholic and the other was just an alcoholic towards the end of life.

    Though us kids were provided for financially. The uncertainty of what you were going be greeted with when we got off the bus was a worry for me. Some of my brothers and sister compensated for it by either being "big drinkers" once they left home, or (1) being an overachiver in his business life (I think to prove he is "good" as the other people-BTW-he isn't fat), or being fat (me).

    Both parents passed away, my daddy was killed in an accident (when he was drunk) by driving into a moving train when I was 12, and my mom died of cancer 4 years later. I went to live with my sister at 16, and she was into her own thing at that time-drinking and partying due to a divorce-and she wanted me to babysit every weekend. I rebelled! I wanted to party too because of dealing with all of the emotional crap of losing my parents so young. I was thinking, "Party on, because you're next in line!"

    So I moved out and was on my own at a very early age. I should have stayed there and babysat, as it turned out! At that time I was wearing size 12-13. I thought I was HUGE at a size 12. My sister was a size 8, so to compare myself to her, I was huge. Now I don't see it the same way. So I left her home, partied til I was emotionally bankrupted, and finally called an end to the party at the age of 21!

    I met my husband and we got married. It's been a tough marriage in some ways. He would stay out when we were first married until midnight-1 am, and he had a hard time getting up to go to work. He would leave me without a car, money, diapers, and cigarettes. So we worked thru all that crap (I left him for about a month when I was pregnant with our second child). I guess he really did like having us around. He straightened up about his own partying and getting to work. It is amazing he didn't get fired. BUT, he turned it into passive agressive behavior. HE would not leave the house for anything! It was a big, big happening when he went to family things. I have gone to many family functions without him thru the years. Until I left him again just a few years ago over his personality issues, I guess with age he mellowed..... He will attend some stuff now, but he usually just sits in a chair watching tv or sleeping! so thru the years, I have tried to be both father and mother to my kids, and I guess I got into the "after the kids go to bed because all this junk is not good for them type snacking". And I drink a lot of Coca Cola. NOT diet Coke. So here I am, 27 years later, overweight by 100 pounds. That's my story. YIKES, I need really do need theraphy!!!

    I am really not sure I want to post this, but I am going to "Post Quick Reply"....here goesss....click!

  7. Hi Everybody-

    I agree. I need to quit cigarettes. I quit in the fall for about a month. I started smoking again. It is very hard to do. I gained 20 pounds-and I don't need the weight. Doctor put me on some anti depressant that was suppose to help-it didn't. I reached a breaking point at a dinner, and STOLE a cigarette! I can't believe I did it. I felt so bad, I went back to the party with a whole pack of cigarettes for the person I took the cigarette from and apoligized. I am so embarrassed I did that, and I am confessing it! So I thought that it was so stupid. I was mentally hooked on it, but not physically. I really did have it beat! So, I am back to smoking a pack-which is half of what i was smoking. I am thinking I was SO hooked at such a high level that it will be easier to ease off of the addiction when I am smoking less. That's the theory anyway! Working on it.

    And I also agree with you guys. No diet pill will be the solution. Always there is something bad they find out LATER about whatever diet pill gets pushed thru the testing the government requires.

    Stocky MD, I think it was a pill that works with the cortisol (sic?) in the body. Do you know what the name of this diet pill is that is in testing still? Please post if you have heard of it, so I can look at some of the research and go armed with information to my doctor's office. I remember he did say it was to be released to the public this summer.

    Regardless, with my insurance (BCBS-MI) I have to be on a medically (doctor) supervised diet to lose weight for 12 months BEFORE they will approve installation of the Lapband. So I am going to be popping into the doctor's office so they can weigh me and start with the documentation.

    Thanks for the advice!

  8. Hi,

    I am researching the Lap Band, and my doctor says he would rather that I didn't get the Band at this time. He said I am too healthy for it and it is dangerous. I reminded him about my high cholesterol, and my request for Motrin for my aches and pains in my back, knees and now-heels and feet. He wants me to wait for some new pill that is suppose to be available this summer, something that doesn't have any bad side effects and having great results in testing. I don't remember what the name of it was.

    So, anyway I am not real happy about our discussion about the Band. I am still researching.

    What I want to know is this: do any of you smoke cigarettes? I smoke about a pack a day, which is WAY down from what I had been smoking. I know, it's a bad and unhealthy habit. I am asking because so many doctor's say they will not install the Band to a smoker. Just wondering if there are any smokers with the Band? Please don't yell at me. I know I need to quit--and have in the past. Just wondering about smoking with the Band... :smoke And I am not talking about those funny looking cigarettes!

    Thanks a bunch!

  9. I saw the whole interview, and she did not come right out and say she had WLS. She said if she was off camera, she would not have a problem talking about how she lost the weight. And from the interview, Star really had other medical problems that prompted her to lose weight. But she would not say on camera. She said she practices "portion control" and eats half of whatever is on her plate. She must have had WLS, she lost her excess weight way to fast. She looks wonderful! She said she used to eat a double cheeseburger, and when she wants to cheat the will get one once in a while! But just a regular cheeseburger. I wish she would have just stated, "Yes, I had the Lap Band installed." Or, "Yes, I had RNY." She probably doesn't want to get sued if someone hears her say she had WL surgery. The patient could blame any complications (and possibly even if the patient died) on Star talking about her WLS and how successful it was for her. I don't blame her there, people are lawsuit crazy.

  10. Hi,

    I was always wondering how much weight our Aussie and other posters were referring to in their post when they spoke of stones and kg's. I found this chart online, and well, it doesn't to the math, but it will give you an idea of how many pounds they are referring to anyway! :nervous

    metric ->imperial1 kilogram [kg]1,000 g2.2046 lb

    imperial ->metric1 ounce [oz]437.5 grain28.35 g1 pound [lb]16 oz0.4536 kg1 stone14 lb6.3503 kg1 hundredweight [cwt]112 lb50.802 kg

    Some of the areas in the chart are blank, because it listed weights too small or too large to be used in weigh loss!

  11. I just went thru the exact same situation a few months ago! Same breed (mine was deaf and trained to hand commands), same circumstances of former home, same loving feeling for my dear pet Dal and same need to "put her to rest". My heart goes out to you. It it hard at first, really hard. I was there with her when...well you know. I am crying right now about it, but it does get better. I still miss her soooo much! Much love to you, it's difficult.

  12. Hi All~

    I have been discrimated against in the work force. I worked as a waitress part time in a small family owned pizzeria. It was a favorite place for the local policemen to "collect" their thoughts and finish reports. They would order food and coffee (free to him, might I add) and work on whatever paperwork they needed to have done that night. One night the regular guys came in and did not have much to do, and one said to his partner - referring to me - "My God, she is huge." I was embarrassed and did not act as if I heard him. I served them their free food and was pleasant to them. The guy that said that QUIT coming into the restaurant on the nights I worked. I was fired within a couple of weeks of his comment. And I again weigh that same weight now. It hurts to think of this moment...

  13. Hi Sunsett,

    I would go back to your doctor and tell her you are still not up to par. Inform her that you don't want to be treated with predisone, unless you absolutely need it for the asthma. I had something similar happen to me last September, and I was on antibotics for a while with predisone, breathing treatments, cough syrup...the works! I finally got better but I found the breathing treatments were the best treatment. I gained 20 pounds with the predisone, and I don't really it helped the cough at all! I still have the extra 20-probably going to have a couple more added to that once the holidays are over.

    I don't know if you have insurance or what, but I would go back to the doctor.

  14. Hi All-

    I was the person to post the phrase "eating around the band". It was one of the reasons my family doctor was using to explain his reasons for not wanting me have the lap band. He said that to "eat around the band" all you have to do is to eat more often, therefore, meaning the band really isn't the deterent for overeating people think it is. Thanks!

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