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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lynnt1215

  1. lynnt1215

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I have been trying to go back to liquids this weekend. It was the only way I could get myself back on track after vacation. I have had a few "foods", but nothing much, all sofy or mushy. THink I am back to where I should be mentally to keep on the right path. The true test will be when I weigh myself on Weds., my usualy weigh day. Getting back to my exerecise too. walking this morning and it was soooo hot and humid. But felt great to be out for the morning walk.
  2. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I was told 30 minutes before and after meals for drinking water. And find that tough to deal with. Bur always have a glass of ice water on my desk at work so drink whenever I can Try not to guzzle, it may cause some burping and the water may come back up. It has happened to me a few times :teeth_smile:
  3. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Good luck to all having surgery this week Things to have ready at home Gas-X Heating pad - this helps elleviate some of the discomfort from gas. pillow - to hold on stomach if you cough I slept sitting up for the first few days at home. getting up out of bed was painful. I was off work for 3 weeks. My doctor said minimum of 2 weeks. I stayed over night and most of the next day. I was unable to pee and they would not let me leave until I did. But the e ntire stay was covered by insurance So much reading since last night!!! Hopefully all of us are being helpful to others and answering questions, but remember every doctor has their own routine and requirements for post surgery plans, so listen to your DR and follow their guidelines.
  4. lynnt1215

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    WOW I read 8 pages when I get back from vacation and no entries for today, Saturday. Was there someting wrong with the site today? I ran around all day, so got my exercise in, which is good!! Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend
  5. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Just back from vacation. It wa wonderful to relax and just do whatever I wanted. I did make ome poor food choices, but will admit to them. Now time to get back on track. I go to my PCP on Monday and will see how my weight loss ha been since seeing her one month ago. Reading about the 5 day pouch test, makes me think it is a good thing for me. I head to the surgeon on 8/8 for a posible 3rd fill and also to dicu urgery for a hernia. this titme on my right side. I had a terribly large one repaired during lapband urgery, but thi one i new. not sure if it came from the urgery or was jsut something that ha popped up since. I know it was not there last year as I had a coplete abdominal CT scan done last June.... Always something to keep us back at a DR office. I have finally caught up on all the post. everyone has had o much to say and I know I cannot respond to all I had my gll bladder removed about 4 yeard ago. and was glad to have it done. I had one small "attack" and my DR ent me off to the surgeon. Even though I did not have a bad attack he was anxiou to remove it, after surgery he tod me it was a good thing I did not wait any longer. It was a me and he almost had to cut me open to remove it, even though he started out doing it laprocopically. so my input to getting it removed, is YES, do it now... The thought of another surgery so oon after banding i a concern. I will have that discusion with my urgeon when we talk about this hernia Glad to ee everyone is doing well and hello to all the new poteres. Welcome well off to do laundry and get things back in order here at home. Do I have to go back to work on Monday???
  6. lynnt1215

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Just got back from a week at the beach. it was so relaxing. now to get back in gear for work on Monday. I ate ome thing I probably houldn't have while at the beach. The wore was frozen cutard. It was jut o hot out and it was o refreshing. I am getting myself back on track. Go to my pcp on Monday, so will se if I did any real damage to my weight los.
  7. lynnt1215

    Any locals?

    I was able to get a fill while losing steadily, even though it was only 1 more cc in my 14cc band. I go back on 8/8 and hope for another one then, it seemd i have been able to eat almost anything lately.... Let us knoe how your appt goess this week
  8. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I stopped by an inrewnet cafe and had to go in and read up on the pposts. 6 pages since Saturday..gee everyone has been busy. I have read through everything Congrats to all the new surgeries, and the weight loss and hello to all the newbies I am enjoyong the beach. but it is a bit too hot for anything but resting on the beach and reading, the heat is unbearable to get in any kind of walking... but I am getting through my pile of books and I am enjoying the peace and quiet of being here by myself!!! I can see when I get home, Saturday, I will have lots more reading to catch up on.
  9. lynnt1215

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    just checking i while on vacation. have had LBT withdrawal Doing fairly well with intake, trouble getting in all the protein, and have lapsed on the exercise, It has been ungodly hot, and can't bring myself to go walking, I hope to get out tonight and go a bit. I am enjoying the peace and quiet of being here by myself..
  10. lynnt1215

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I do like the reference to Fenton as "charlie" Quite a compliment to him. :thumbup: So I think we could all have a new name for him.... What do you think Fenton... want to be Charlie for all of us March Bandster ladies????? :biggrin2:
  11. lynnt1215

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    remember girls, if i remember correctly, Fenton is off to Naples, FL. to do some site work for his new novel everyone enjoy and besafe this week.. may be n during the week, but not sure of internet connection on vacation.
  12. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    off for a week in Ocean City Maryland. so ,looking forward to it. just me, the sand, the quiet, and many many books to read. I plan on lots of walking on the each and reading and enjoying the sun. Not sure I'l have any internet connection, so I may not be back on the thread until next Saturday. So everyone have a great week and be safe
  13. lynnt1215

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I am heading for the beach for a week. Not sure if I'll have internet access, but if I don't I am going to go through LBT withdrawal. I like having this connection to others that are also in the same point in teir life. Making things better forn ourselves and our health. I "know" I will do well, I keep telling myself that. It is onlt me so no one to say lets go get this goodie. anything I eat is all my choice....but there are some beach food favorites of mine. in moderation!! If I do not get to post over the next week, I will be a be a busy beaver catching up for a weeks worth of posts. Enjoy everyone
  14. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    so many newly banded. be patient and let yourself heal, the most important thing to think about the first few weeks. Take care of you!!! I think my fil from last wek is adding some reriction. I am eating less, by choice, but when I eat more than I should, which is way less than before my fill, I candefinitely feel the restriction. I hade about 4 oz of shrimp for dinner and it was a few bites too much. So I am still learning my limitsince my fill. Just hope to keep up on a positive direction while at the beach next weekend. I am hoping for many walks on the beach and reading some good books. Since it is only me there, i will make sure I only buy the food Ican and should eat. At least most of the time. I do want to enjoy some of the beach specialties in moderation!!!
  15. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Janet - wow girl, I just had a root canal yesterday, and now you.... all is well for my tooth, but now my jaw is killing me, between the novacaine and the pushing on the tooth by my dentist. I had the ultrasound done after a mammo and then a needle biopsy, ALL TURNED OUT OK... So looking forwqard to getting away and heading to the beach on Saturday. YIPPEE!!!!! I hope I have internet access while I am there or I will have LBT withdrawal
  16. lynnt1215

    Any locals?

    protoccino - I have tried these and they are not bad, I need to have mine extremely cold to truly enjoy it, and then not the same as a hot cup of coffee. It's surprisinf that Dr. Wynn and Dr. Irugau are different in their feelings about drinking coffee!! being in the same office
  17. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Janet - will definitely keep you in my prayers. I also went through the same issues a few years ago, al ended up well, but still cringe every year when I have the mamo done. beisde being a procedure I am not looking forward to I know the benefits of it and always make sure I go. Good Luck.
  18. lynnt1215

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Welcome Nikki Fenton - feel better before you go out of town, I also leave this weekend for a week at the beach, hoping for good weather, but forecast looks a bit stormy. I am taking plenty of books please give e the title of your book, again, I want to buy it and take it along. from what everyone says it is one I will enjoy. Trying to get my calorie intake back in check. yesterday I did all liquid, again. had a root canal and my mouth still hurts...so maybe liquids and mushy today too..:confused:
  19. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    make sure to check with your DR about meds, my surgeon said no to NSAIDS and ibuprofen, only tylenol. so I cut out my 81mg aspirin, my BP meds aee already cut in half and I take lipitor. , your surgeon as well as the DR who prescribed them should be consulted I recently went to the DR for burcitus, and they wanted to give me an anti imflammatory, told him I could not take them, so I ended up on a course ofprednisone for a week. Always something to think about when putting meds or food into your body
  20. lynnt1215

    Any locals?

    I love my coffee. I still have my 2 cups of coffee every morning at work, with splenda and low fat creamer. Dr. Wynn said if you can tolerate go ahead and drink it.
  21. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    JoanneMArie do you mean the over 50 LTtalk, I love Indio, she ius such an inspiration
  22. lynnt1215

    Any locals?

    for food log try TheDAilyPlate, it is great for almost any food and restaurant selections, and you can log exercise too, and the basic sign up is free. I find it is a great boost to have it as a tool
  23. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    once experiencing a PB or slime, you wonder why you wanted to experience it!!!.. After one tim you knoe you neber want to go through that agin, but most of us will!!! UGH
  24. lynnt1215

    Any locals?

    meg- I agree with Lisa, be careful of your first meat choices, Tuna was my first choice, and I was able to get in 2 oz.tat was it.... scrambled eggs are good and make sure whatever you decide on that it is not dry.. that makes it tough to get down. Exercise is ongoing. off for a walk in a little bit... my fill last week seems to be doing well for me. i have noticed I am eating almost half of what I was this time last week, at least most of the time. and that is uaually because of what I am eating. those soft foods just go down so much easier!!!!! :biggrin2:
  25. lynnt1215

    Any locals?

    Hey Meg, glad to see things are going well. I had 2nd fill last week and noticing a difference. Trying to watch quantitiy, seems 1/4 cup green beans and about 3 oz chicken and 2 oz baked potatoe was lunch today. and was full Next visit with DR is 8/8/08, so maybe another fill then. WTG for the steps. I have not taken the elvator here at work since I came back from surgery, and do alot of walking here at work.

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