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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by buppie10

  1. It's now been a little over 6 months since I got my band, and I am so happy with it! My goal was to lose 50 pounds, and I am happy to report that I have already lost 38 of those pounds! I only have 12 pounds to go! I am confident that I will reach my goal before the end of the year!

    Starting size: 12/14 (USA)

    Current size: 6/8 (USA)

    Goal: 4 (USA)

  2. I suggest that you get the bodybugg. It's available on the internet or at 24 hr fitness, and it helps you by forcing you to log everything that you eat and it calculates the number of calories that you've taken in and burned for the day. I have one, and it's really be a great tool to help in addition to my lapband. Good luck and stay determined!

  3. I was able to get my lapband surgery on March 30, 2008 despite having a low bmw (around 29). I got my surgery in Houston, Texas. I considered Mexico, but really wanted to stay in the US. I was self-pay. I am so pleased with my lapband! At times it's difficult, and I've had to force myself to throw up when I ate something that I wasn't supposed to (like donuts), but I need that type of restriction. It forces me to have a good diet that pretty much excludes bread, potatos, rice, beef, fried foods, and other foods across the board. I primarily eat a diet that is full of fish and other seafood and fresh fruits and vegtables. I have already lost 25 of the 50 pounds that I want to lose. I now have a BMI of 26. At this rate, I should reach my goal weight within 7 months of having the surgery, and then it's on to my tummy tuck! I also know that I can keep these 50 pounds off forever, unlike with other diets.

  4. I was banded a little over a month ago--on March 30, 2008--and I've been amazed by my rapid weight loss. My BMI is now down to 27. For the last two weeks I've also begun to workout 5x each week, and it's really helping. I encourage anyone who hits a wall to try adding/increasing exercise!

    Banded on 3/30/08 by Dr. Spivak



    Height: 5ft 9 in

  5. Thanks for your encouragement. I started out with a BMI of 31. It's been 2 weeks since my surgery and I've already lost 12 pounds! I am so excited, but worried that I will slow down soon. My first fill is still 2 weeks away, but I'm definitely eating less than 1000 calories a day. Sometimes I eat only 500 calories because I'm still on mushies.

  6. That alot of you with a lower BMI, Like Myself (32) went to Mexico, is this because it was difficult or impossible to get an American Dr. to band you? I know my husband would have a heart attack if I went to Mexico, because about seven years ago I had some heart issues, now I am all clear but he worries... I don't mind paying Double because of that, but I am worried I won't be able to find a dr. to band me, and that even if I go to Mexico is my BMI to low to get fills in America?

    Thanks For all Your help- You guys are wonderful!:biggrin:

    I had a BMI of 31 with no health problems and I had my surgery done in Houston. I was self-pay and it cost $12,500, but well worth it! My goal is to get to a BMI of 20 and I'm well on my way!

  7. I have a low bmi of 28.8 (195 lbs, 5ft 9in). I am self-pay and would like to get the lapband. I do not have any health concerns. I had a baby 6 months ago (my 4th!), and I really want to lose the 50 lbs that I have gained over the last 3 years having babies! How should I go about finding a reputable doctor in the US who will do the surgery for me? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

  8. I have a BMI of 28.8 (195 lbs, 5ft 9in) and I had a baby 6 months ago. I do not have a long history of being overweight. I have gained and kept on weight in the last 3 yrs from having 4 children. Is there any doctor in the Houston area that would perform the lapband for me? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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