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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Spectra13

  1. I am 4 weeks out (sleeved 9/19) and struggle mentally on this daily. It's not easy and I keep saying I regret even doing it. I don't want to eat 4oz meals forever. What's messed up is, people who go through this should be made to see a psychologist who specializes in food disorders for 6 months instead of one visit to say she is sane enough to have the surgery. Because if you get your mentality under control you may not even need the surgery. You may be able to do it yourself. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that until now. Yeah all the failed diets, "I can't do it by myself cos I've tried 10 times and failed" blah blah. It's bull. There is a mental reason we haven't been able to do it. (Unless you have medical reasons of course). We are addicted to food. And I think about food now WAY MORE then I did before the surgery. Because I have to and it's torture and I hate it. It's a hassle to go anywhere. I have no energy. I feel like I'm dying and I dream about pizza. Everyone here seems so positive and upbeat. "Think about why you wanted to do it in the first place...." it's not the answer for me. "Go talk to someone"....It's not the answer for me. I don't know what I can do, but I know it's done and I can't turn back the clock. I know I am forced to live like this now. All I can do is pray. But most of the time I just curse myself for doing this at all. Has no one here felt like that!!??? I feel so alone in these thoughts here. HW 276. SW 245. CW 230 Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  2. No I wouldn't do it again. Wish I never did it at all. I am 6.5 weeks out. Worse decision of my life. I read you want to lose 50 lbs. For 50 lbs? No way. Never. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. Someone here suggested cool whip and it worked! A teaspoon.. make a hole cover it and down it goes no taste Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. I feel the same way. I regret it so much. Every day I regret it. I started 245 when I got surgery. I have other posts talking about regret. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. I am 4 weeks out (sleeved 9/19) and struggle mentally on this daily. It's not easy and I keep saying I regret even doing it. I don't want to eat 4oz meals forever. What's messed up is, people who go through this should be made to see a psychologist who specializes in food disorders for 6 months instead of one visit to say she is sane enough to have the surgery. Because if you get your mentality under control you may not even need the surgery. You may be able to do it yourself. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that until now. Yeah all the failed diets, "I can't do it by myself cos I've tried 10 times and failed" blah blah. It's bull. There is a mental reason we haven't been able to do it. (Unless you have medical reasons of course). We are addicted to food. And I think about food now WAY MORE then I did before the surgery. Because I have to and it's torture and I hate it. It's a hassle to go anywhere. I have no energy. I feel like I'm dying and I dream about pizza. Everyone here seems so positive and upbeat. "Think about why you wanted to do it in the first place...." it's not the answer for me. "Go talk to someone"....It's not the answer for me. I don't know what I can do, but I know it's done and I can't turn back the clock. I know I am forced to live like this now. All I can do is pray. But most of the time I just curse myself for doing this at all. Has no one here felt like that!!??? I feel so alone in these thoughts here. HW 276. SW 245. CW 230 Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. I posted this in the wrong spot and added it to another board. How do I delete this Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. I couldn't tolerate the sugar free popsicles. I ate the outshine ones. No sugar added. Just eat the darker ones the lighter color had seeds in it Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. Spectra13

    Sorry tmi

    Do not wait 7 days for a bowel movement. It will be the worst pain of your life. Fleet enema and stool softner. My surgeon and hospital nurses OK'd both Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. Sleeved 9/19. Prior to the surgery I had energy. Meaning, I had no issues hiking through the woods, walking a whole zoo without sitting once, etc. Here I am going into week 4, eating soft foods, getting in my Protein 60-80g, staying around 800 calories. taking my multi Vitamins, B12, Calcium and drinking my Water ( maybe not enough). I have been walking the dogs short walks and afterwards I am ready for bed. Yesterday, I walked in the woods with my SO and got back to the car and felt like I was so weak and light headed. Sometimes I shower and I need a nap. Is this normal? I know I am still healing, but have others felt this way in this time period? First week after surgery I lost 11.5 I just weighed myself and seems I have only lost a couple more lbs since. How is that possible???? Thank you. HW 276. SW 245. CW 230. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. Thank you so much for your responses. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. I had a lot of issues with the band and I hated it. My surgeon that removed it, does not even do them anymore. When I saw my stomach after my sleeve (photos) he showed me all the scar tissue the band had caused. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. Do you remember how long it took before you started having more energy? When did you start the exercise classes? Thank you! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. Spectra13

    Surgery without telling anyone?

    I was sleeved 9/19 I only told my fiancé, daughter and brother (because I had to). My father doesn't even know. I don't feel like you should tell anyone you don't want to. Personally, I didn't want to be judged like you mentioned. Also, I am afraid of failure and in turn, more judging. So keep it to yourself! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. Spectra13

    Taking pills

    Hi! I was sleeved 9/19. I was prescribed a capsule medication to take to prevent gallbladder issues. However, I have read everyone saying they open their capsules. Is there an actual problem with taking the capsule? I opened it and tried to mix with pudding its putrid. Plus I don't want to waste a meal on trying to put medicine in it and not being able to enjoy my food since we get so little. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. So many here have said your sleeve can't stretch. And many are months and years out and still get full by less than a sandwich. If this is true than how is it that several people are heavy after the sleeve and have to get it re-done. A friend of mine gained back all his weight and eats like he did prior to the sleeve. I'm confused how some people still can't even eat a full sandwich. Sorry if this seems like a silly question. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. Spectra13

    Taking pills

    I'll try that. Lol. I had it in s chocolate snack pack pudding. It masked it but the aftertaste was still there. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. Spectra13

    Confused about sleeve stretching

    Just watched it. Very informative. Thank you! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. Spectra13

    Taking pills

    I wasn't told to open my omeprazole. It's so interesting to me that everyone is told different things Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App On a side note I've opened my omeprazole prior to surgery. It works faster imo. But yeah I didn't want to open the omeprazole and asked if I could get a prescription for tab only and he oblidged. But then he prescribed the gall bladder med in a capsule and I was like well wth! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. I feel like I've been hit with a Mac truck. Surgery was Monday the 19th and it is now Friday. I am in pain in my stomach and back. Walking like a 100 year old hunchback. I am only on Clear liquids. So hard to get all my Water in. I am getting two bottles and supposed to be 4. No Protein but I had some powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury chicken Soup today and I felt better than I had, I think because I am actually having protein. I have had my stomach binder on but it was causing me so much back pain I took it off. Still get up and move super gingerly and I'm slow motion. Last night was the first time I slept in the bed, but had to get up every hour to pee and painfully switch sides,as well as sip water. Still have not pooped. I took a stool softener pill tonight and still nothing. In the past things like ducolax pills cause me extreme stomach pain, so I didn't want to take a pill but I am getting worried and want to poop before it starts hurting me. I don't feel like I have to but I am aware I haven't. Trying not to be negative, I know it will get better, but right now I'm not happy. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  20. Omg I feel for you. Trust me. I had the worst. I was constipated for 2 days. Hours on commode, in shower, about 4 fleet enemas, crying, pain. But I won! Took 2 days to heal my rear with Vaseline. Omg so horrible. I bought miralax. I have not used it yet. I also bought wal mart equate stool softeners. They are stimulant free. I can't use ducolax and all those they cause cramps in my stomach and bowel. No thanks. But I noticed since my episode I have been good. Hopefully I never experience that again in my life. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  21. Well I have been feeling much better than I was, so thank you to all who replied and. Glad to see so many of us on the same path. Makes you feel not so lonely. I see my dr tues and will be approved for stage 2 which will be adding Protein shakes. I can't wait. I have noticed that when I added the unjury chicken Soup with protein I instantly felt better. The week of no protein is for the birds. I am so glad I ordered an Unjury sample pack. I am using their unflavored protein with boullion cubes as well. I had a TERRIBLE bout of constipation. I had fleet enemas to help. Omg I hope I never get it again and will ask about miralax to my dr on tues. My one cut hurts SO BAD. My tummy is tender there. It is SO hard to get up and down and I am still hunched over. I was so scared to take pain pills but I have been taking half the pain pills each day and it has helped. I finally got sleep too without waking every hour. Sure am glad to have all your comments here. Xox Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. Thank you, about the pooping I am getting so worried. Are you feeling like you got hit by a Max truck too or is it just me? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Why are you vomiting though? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. I am 5 days post op and already have cried a few times and second guessed myself. My SO tells me it's going to get better and that's all I can cling to. I feel just as you do. I can't eat the Jello or popsicles either because they are so sweet. My SO did find me Outshine no sugar added ones and they are so much more tolerable. Also found warm chicken bouillon and warm tea is good for my belly. All we can do is pray. Xo Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. Spectra13

    95 pounds down and counting...

    Were you ever as thin as you are now before in your life? Did you exercise everyday? Did you ever cheat? You look flipping amazing. My surgery is the 19th. I am starting around 260. I am 5'9" so I feel like I can do this looking at your pics. Ahhhhh scared and excited xo Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  25. Can you tell me what HW and TW means? Is there a spot to look up all the acronyms? Thank you Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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