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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About TheRev

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    IT Guru
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  1. Ha! Thanks! Happy holidays!
  2. I had both and didn't notice anything really that strange or odd. I had a bit more discomfort when lying down on my back, but I think that was mainly heartburn/reflux.
  3. Bumped into a casual friend this past weekend that I hadn't seen since May (I had my surgery in September and I'm down 80lbs) in the parking lot of a local store. I waved. He stared at me blankly. I walked over to him and his eyes were masks of confusion with not even the slightest bit of recognition. "Matt... it's Rob, you f-ckin' drunk!" "HOLY SHIT! MATE, WHAT THE F-CK HAPPENED TO YOU?" Best reaction I've had. I'll never tire of that kind of thing.
  4. TheRev

    40lbs down! (Pics)

    Kick ass, sea bass!
  5. TheRev

    August Sleever!

    Recovery si always tough - especially for such a drastic surgery as we've had. BUT... it gets easier! I'm 3 months out, down 80lbs (EIGHTY!!!), and it's smooth sailing. I still eat one bite too much now and then, but you learn to listen to your body and slow down.
  6. Right there with ya, mate! 3 months and a handful of days and I'm down 80lbs. Amazing journey so far!
  7. Babbs with the bucket of ice water!
  8. When other people notice and mention how different you look, it's a powerful intoxicating feeling. Totally get it!
  9. Trader Joe's was mentioned above as a good source. Honestly, most good grocery chains will have a solid selection
  10. Kim Kim sauce is one of my addictions. It's a Korean hot sauce that's sweet and spicy (like Sriracha but not as spicy). Enjoy!
  11. I had no problems with it, but I didn't touch it for like a week after surgery and then only used it sparingly until I was 4 weeks out.
  12. TheRev

    I'm devastated

    It took me a year to fight through the insurance douchebaggery and actually go under the knife. I even had to switch surgeons because my original surgeon's office staff was so completely incompetent that they screwed up not just my paperwork but dozens of other sets as well. The office manager was even fired and when all of this was explained to my insurance company they said: "Oh... wow. Ok, look me just need 5 minutes on the phone with the surgeon to verify that." He refused. He. f**king. Refused. So, yeah, I ended up having my surgery 9 months later than I wanted, but I'm incredibly pleased with the surgeon I went with, his staff, and the facility where I had my surgery. Getting denied can be crushing, but stick with it. Stay on the diet, keep doing everything you're doing in preparation for the surgery. If nothing else, you'll just lose MORE weight and be closer to your goal! You got this, lady! Oh, and all said and done, the bill was like $45,000 or so. I paid $2500. Insurance! Wootwoot!
  13. TheRev

    Under 300...

    I'm within a healthy spitting distance of being under 300. With any luck I can be there before the end of the year. Which will mean I'll have dropped ~85lbs since August 26th.
  14. Cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, and skyr. Skyr is Icelandic yogurt and it's amazing. Tangier than Greek and so so rich. I freaking love the stuff!
  15. Look for boxed soups. I strolled into a Wegman's and found a bunch of soup and broth cartons that made me weep with joy. Potato leek, Thai Chicken Broth, Roasted Bone stock (I know that sounds awful, but oh my sweet baby Jesus, add a dash of hot sauce and it was MAGICAL), etc etc etc. Make sure it's smooth, not too loaded with sugar or carbs, and go to town!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
