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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jordanemanuel

  1. jordanemanuel

    Central Florida Lapbandsters?

    I was lapbanded in Dec 07 and really just started seeing results now in Sept. of 08. I have lost a little over 30 pounds, however I am able to eat anything I want. I don't stress out about dieting, the only thing is that when I eat something I can only have a little piece or I get choked up, so that's all you really need is a taste and my portions now are tiny or small, and I guess that's really how it should be. 1 month I lost 8 pounds and some I only loose 2 or 3, last month I went on vacation and only lost 1, but hey I havent gained any and maybe in a year I will be down another 30. I am happy, my clothes fit well and I am starting to really see the change. Don't expect quick results. It's not till they start the fills that it really begins to work and even then it took a good 4 months to find the correct amount of fill, last month I had to go back so that they could take some out, because it was a little to tight.
  2. jordanemanuel

    Central Florida Lapbandsters?

    I was banded in December and have lost only about 20 pounds, the only good thing is I have not gained it back. So if I really tried hard I would probably be able to loose slowly and with the lapband it's hard to gain it back.
  3. jordanemanuel

    Have you had your second fill?

    PBing is when your eating and something gets stuck in your chest, it hurts a whole lot and you start to spit up slimy saliva and if you drink you just spit up more saliva, you usually have to wait for it to go down. I myself am hardly ever able to throw it up. It's gross, but happens when you don't chew well and or eat to fast
  4. jordanemanuel

    Central Florida Lapbandsters?

    My niece lives in Orlando and I was trying to find a way she could get banded, her ins. does not cover the surgery, tell me how was it going to mexico for the banding. Is it scary or is it in a big hospital and what about price. Any input will be helpful. Thanks Maria I was banded 12/05/07
  5. jordanemanuel

    I think my fill is to small

    Thanks for advice. I try to eat 3 times a day and have a Protein drink, maybe 2 fruits, but my problem is that I have a terrible habit of eating at night. I have twin boys and I can not sit down to eat until everything is done. I work 2 jobs so, that's pretty late and that is when I tend to binge. At first I wasn't able to, but now I can pretty much eat any amount, well it's a lot less than I use to eat but it's still enough to maintain my weight. I mean I don't eat alot of junk, I never have, like chips, soda, pizza or take out food. And I noticed that I took my kids to a party and tries to eat a slice of pizza and I had the worst choking attack, so I know I can't eat a whole pizza or bread, but I can sure put down a whole steak and large baked potato. Thanks for advice, hopefully my next fill my Dr. Will be more agressive.
  6. jordanemanuel

    I think my fill is to small

    I had my lapbanding surgery Dec 5 and since then I've only had 1 fill, I missed my last appt. to get my second fill, but my Dr. only put in .5 cc no wonder I can eat almost anything. I don't know the size of my band, but when I went in for my first fill I had lost 11 pounds and my Dr. Said I'm only going to put in half a cc. I mean I can't binge like I use to at midnight, but I can put down a full steak with rice etc... Any advice???

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