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Everything posted by gregw

  1. Lisa, I got 2.5 cc's ,as well, and was worried that it wouldn't be enough. But it's made a BIG difference the last week. It's tight in the morning and I don't feel like eating until about 9 or 10. And when I eat lunch or dinner, the full feeling lasts for several hours. Before the band, I could eat anytime, even when I had just eaten. But with the band, the fullness actually gives you a feeling of not wanting to eat. So for me, 2.5 cc's was fine.
  2. Welcome to all the newbies! I don't know how far back you've been reading the posts on this thread, but there's a bunch of us who are all 6-7 weeks post-op. I just think it's cool that there's a whole new wave of bandsters joining the group and encourage you to visit here often. I'm sure you will find a lot of good info, as well as developing relationships with a built-in support group. It's great for everyone to be able to share their experiences, tips and support. (You will also find it is a good place to vent your frustrations to some sympathetic and empathetic ears when the need arises.) Wow - now I feel like an old fart who needs to retire and make way for the new kids on the block! :party:
  3. Good morning, I don't know about feeling restriction as far as trying to eat (if you call "full liquids" eating) but this is the first morning I can remember waking up and not wanting to eat anything (and I've now been up for almost 3 hours). And it's not just not being hungry - I can always eat even if I'm not hungry. But I feel like I am already full and have no desire to eat. Works for me! :smile2: But then mornings were never my problem. It's the evening grazing while sitting around the house watching TV that always kills me.
  4. Hi all, I agree with Special K that the process was relatively painless (well, almost!) My only problem was that the person that checked me in at the testing center forgot to tell them upstairs that I was there. Soooo, I sat from 1:00 until 2:40 before they came looking for me, since they figured I wouldn't have been a no-show. I was Missy's 9th (and last) fill of the day. She only gave me 2.5 cc. She started out at 4.5 cc but kept backing it down because the barium wasn't trickling through fast enough. I sure hope 2.5 is enough restriction. In any case, I called as soon as I got back to work and made my next appointment. The scheduler gave me the usual sob story about how busy Dr. C. is and that I couldn't get in for 9 weeks (instead of 6). Then, fortunately, she found an opening in 5 weeks and 2 days! ... It was nice to meet everyone while waiting and be able to put faces with names. I'm sure KTBugg was glad to be able to associate my face & name, instead of the last impression she got (of my butt cheeks!) :blushing: Now on to the next step in our journey.
  5. I sure hope my fill has that effect on me, and I think the other Shrinking Shamrocks would probably agree. Fortunately, I haven't gained any weight but the losing sure has tapered off. Bring on the saline!
  6. Yes, Mt. Carmel can be a bit confusing and it doesn't help when Mid-Ohio gives you bad directions! Once you get approved and Charlene assigns your pre-admission testing and surgery dates, you will get a packet in the mail telling you when & where to report for everything, as well as where to park. When I went for my pre-admission testing, I got there early so I decided to see where I would be going for surgery. The Central Elevators are way on the opposite side of the hospital from the testing center. And the packet gives parking directions (for surgery) that are totally out-of-date. So ignore those directions. The good thing is that the final part of your pre-admission testing (after your final pre-op nutrition class with Andrea & Melissa) includes a trek upstairs for your "physical". They take everybody in your class - as a group - up to the check-in area by the central elevators. This is the same place you will check-in for surgery. Hope that helps!
  7. Hi all, Sounds like there'll be a whole slew of us lining up for fills later this month. ... An update on my daughter and baby-on-the-way: she didn't have an amnio, as they thought it would be too invasive. Instead, she went to Mt. Carmel and had a special high-resolution ultrasound done. They took a whole bunch of pictures and measurements. Bottom line is they saw nothing abnormal. She also had some bloodwork done. The prognosis is: she is very low risk for Down Syndrome. Thanks to everybody for the many prayers. And thanks be to God!
  8. A quick question for those who have had a recent fill: how much time should I plan on spending there? I'm supposed to report to the testing room at 1:00 and then have the adjustment at 2:00. I'm just curious, based on those who have been through it, how long it might take? Keep in mind that this is my first, so it may take a little bit longer with the fluoroscope. Thanks!
  9. Hey KT, Good to hear from you. I'll try to keep my posterior covered this time. I don't want to give 'em too much of a thrill - especially right after lunch! I told Niki it will be nice to finally be able to associate a face with a name. In your case, unfortunately, you have something else to remember me by. :redface: Niki's supposed to report at 12:45 and I'm right after her at 1:00. My fill is supposed to be at 2:00. Hope to see you then! BTW, that's funny - you calling US kids. You're the youngster of the bunch! :tongue:
  10. Hi all, I'm still here! I'm just kind of staying out of everybody's way while you vent & rant and get your paychecks and work clearances straightened out. :wub: Sounds like all that is finally getting settled for everybody, after some stressful times. I had my follow-up with Dr. C. last Thursday and my GP today. Dr. Choban counted on the calendar 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 to schedule my first adjustment. She counted it two times and both times came up with Apr. 29th (which is only 6 weeks). But I wasn't going to question it, since she's the one getting the big bucks and I'm just a lowly computer geek. Anyhoo, looks like I'll be getting my fill the same day as Niki. From everything I've heard & read, I'll definitely be ready for it by then. ... NOW, nobody better narc me out with the Doc! I already got my paperwork from Mid-Ohio telling me when & where to report. On a more serious note, my daughter (who is in her first trimester of pregnancy with baby #2) just found out that she is at risk for Down Syndrome. They will be doing more tests to try to determine the prognosis. Please keep her in your prayers.
  11. If this class is anything like the others, all she'll do is read from the handout. Not exactly a good instructional method. Hopefully, the next dietitian they hire (whenever that may be) will have a little more personality and better teaching methods.
  12. I'm going to a class on Wednesday. I'll let you know if I learn anything that wasn't on the handout. btw, I think the handout said you can just mash a soft-cooked egg with a fork, so it doesn't need to be real runny. Try again tomorrow!
  13. Definitely a difference in foods we can have ... plus, according to the sheet, it must be "pureed". On my blender, one of the buttons is "puree" so that makes it easy. I have read, however, on some LapBandTalk.com posts that you don't necessarily have to use the blender/food processor, as long as you get the consistency right (by manually mashing or mixing with a fork). But I'm as new at this as you are. I only know what I read. BTW, I tried a recipe for "Pretend Lasagna" that was good. Use 1/4 cup (low-fat or fat-free) ricotta cheese + a little spaghetti sauce + a little mozzarella cheese. Mix it up, microwave for 30 seconds or so - it's nice & mushy and tastes like lasagna ... well, almost! :smile:
  14. Hi Lisa, We'll all be thinking about you and praying for you (and Dr. Choban and all your caregivers at Mt. Carmel). I'm sure everything will go fine. Keep us posted on how things go. I'm finally getting to mushies this week - woohoo! I found some recipes that sound decent - of course, after two weeks of full liquids, just about anything would sound good. I'll keep track of the real good ones and post them later or send them to you when you're ready. ~greg
  15. I really don't think it matters. I think the handout said "Full liquids - Day 2 through Week 2". So if Day 2 was Tuesday, that would mean that Week 3 starts on Monday ... sounds good to me. I don't think it matters one way or the other. As far as I'm concerned, it can start on Sunday. Bring on the mush! :teeth_smile:
  16. I'm at home for lunch right now. I'll scan it in when I get back to work.
  17. I happened to bump into Michelle while I was on one of my walks. So I followed her to her office to get a handout on pureed (weeks 3 & 4)and soft foods (week 5). I can probably scan it in and email to you if you'd like. Send me a PM with your email address if you want it.
  18. Hi ladies, I'm going to change the tone from the usual complaining & venting (mostly about Mid-Ohio) and try to take your minds off of the arduous process of getting approved or the boredom of the liquid diet. Instead I will offer something I found while searching the web. For those of you on mushies (or about to be, like some of us), I ran across some pureed food recipes. There may be another thread where these could be posted, but I figured I'd offer them to my Mt. Carmel bandster buddies. These were compiled by an oncology dietitian (not specifically for bariatric patients) so the portion sizes are probably bigger than we should have, but at least we can get an idea of some possibilities. There are four different links: (1) Entrees, vegetables and salads: Recipes for Pureed Foods - Entrees, Vegetables, and Salads; (2) Soups: Recipes for Pureed Meals - Soups; (3) Breakfast, fruit and yogurt blends: Recipes for Pureed Meals - Breakfast, Fruit and Yogurt Blends; (4) Beverages, shakes and desserts: Recipes for Pureed Foods - Beverages, Shakes and Desserts. Again, I can't vouch for their nutritional value or portion sizes, but at least it's something to consider to make weeks 3 & 4 a little more interesting than the first two! Happy pureeing! :huh2: (Is that a word?) P.S. For some reason :confused2:, when I click on these links from this post in LBT, my computer gives me a runtime error. Don't know why. Then I click on "No", I don't want to debug, and it takes me to the link okay.
  19. I think it took just about two weeks for me to get a response to my application. The packet you get in the mail will include a checklist of the various clearances that you will need. Make sure you call IMMEDIATELY to make an appointment with the surgeon, as it was about 4 weeks until they could get me in with Dr. Choban - and I know she is real backed up right now. You might have better luck getting in with one of the others, although I think Dr. C. is the greatest!
  20. I didn't have my initial consult with Dr. Choban until about a month after I was accepted into the program (by which time, I had nearly all of my clearances completed.) She asked me what I wanted to have done, I told her the band, and she said she felt I was a good candidate for it. So she didn't really discuss having a bypass or try to persuade me otherwise. I have heard some people say that their surgeon encouraged the bypass over the band, but ultimately relented once they saw that the patient had done the research and had good foundation for their choice. Personally, I didn't want my innards cut & re-routed, plus my BMI is on the low end of the qualifying range and I don't care if it takes a little longer to lose the weight.
  21. Thanks, Seebs, that's good to know. It helps to have a logical reason (based on facts) not to eat!
  22. Niki, Thanks for the pep talk ... it's just that my logical mind (I was a math major) keeps thinking, "There's no restriction yet - nothing will get stuck - what can it hurt?" But I keep forgetting that the "what can it hurt" attitude is what got me where I am today - eating too much. And I think the liquids and mushies are more for the digestive system to get back to normal after surgery, as well as getting us into better habits of smaller portions, etc. I need to stay focused on "why" I got this surgery, stick to the regimen - and keep my eye on the long term goal. Thanks again! :wub:
  23. Niki, You may be better off without a scale. I know they say you should only get weighed once a week, but I'm on mine every day. It was weird ... I was up 6 pounds from Monday to Tuesday (the day after surgery) - then I lost that and another 7 since then. But it's getting really tough staying on the "full liquids". I cheated a little and had some mashed potatoes & gravy today. It was nice to have normal food - almost like a meal!
  24. Well, you guys were right ... I was pushing it a little bit too much. Work wasn't too bad on Thursday, and Friday morning I stayed home, but I had to go to church and get things set-up for the noon service. By the time I got done with that (as well as playing for the service), I was whipped. I had planned on going to work in the afternoon but decided just to go home and chill for a while (until the evening service). Now I can rest up on Saturday for the three services on Sunday morning - then go home and crash in the afternoon. I guess I don't need to worry about eating a big Easter dinner! :cheers2:
  25. I can't take it TOO easy. I am a part-time church organist and I had one service tonight, two tomorrow and three on Sunday. My day job is sitting at a desk so it's not much different than sitting at home. Actually, I'm staying home tomorrow morning then going to church at about 11:00. I might go into work for a while in the afternoon. I don't want to waste my vacation days on sitting around the house. When Charlene gave me my surgery date, my initial reaction was to postpone it due to this being Holy Week and knowing how busy I'd be. But I talked to Dr. C's medical assistant and she thought I'd be up for it. Plus, between the doc's schedule and mine, I would have had to wait until May for surgery. And you know how hyper-anxious all of us bandsters are to get it done. Once the insurance approved me, I was ready to go! Yup, I was showing everyone some buttcrack during my walks. All those cute little PCA's and student nurses on that floor ... one of them offered me a second gown to cover my back. I guess they didn't like my show! :embaressed_smile:

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